ted cruz slams oboma on stance on legalized marijuana in two states.

Some minor compromises - sure, but major issues that he was running his mouths about during his campaigns like immigration, Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay etc.. The financial overhaul? He signed a few meaningless papers that had zero effect in helping anybody but big businesses. He even had the balls, or whatever passes for balls in his family, to say on veterans day how he is going to get the veterans the benefits they deserve after repeatedly slashing our educational and medical benefits throughout his presidency. Not saying Romney or any other of those jerk-offs would have been any better but stop acting like Obama is some fucking god sent. Just another worthless politician sold out through campaign contributions.

...oops, wrong quote, lol

What the hell is wrong with people? If anyone points out the FACTS, if anything at all is good about this guy then the poster must be in the can for the guy. Unless we all make shit up and hate him with every fiber of our souls, then we are drinking his koolaid right? "what ever passes for balls in his family?" really?
Now you're just making stuff up. Obamacare even has bailout option for insurance companies. Plus maybe you can explain to me how making health insurance mandatory for everybody is not a good thing for insurance companies..

It is easy enough to look up , I find the number at 86 million. They will STILL have made more money if they had been allowed to exclude pre existing conditions.
Name a president that has kept all of his campaign promises.

It doesn't matter if other presidents keep their promises or not, we're talking about the current president and his lies.
Using previous examples of dishonesty is illogical and dishonest itself.
"If anyone points out the FACTS, if anything at all is good about this guy then the poster must be in the can for the guy." ~ what is this sentence supposed to mean? Seriously, this makes no sense to me. Anyone?

And what is this about making shit up? Point out some 'fact' that I made up. Or go fuck yourself.
"If anyone points out the FACTS, if anything at all is good about this guy then the poster must be in the can for the guy." ~ what is this sentence supposed to mean? Seriously, this makes no sense to me. Anyone?

And what is this about making shit up? Point out some 'fact' that I made up. Or go fuck yourself.

Now you're just making stuff up. Obamacare even has bailout option for insurance companies. Plus maybe you can explain to me how making health insurance mandatory for everybody is not a good thing for insurance companies..

Whats the bailout option?
And as far as Obama's lack of balls I mentioned earlier, if he really wanted to make some changes to this idiotic health system we have in this country, he should have taken the health insurers out of the picture completely. But no - that would be socialism, right? It would be just ridiculous if the money for health care went towards health care without a cut for the HMO middle man..
And as far as Obama's lack of balls I mentioned earlier, if he really wanted to make some changes to this idiotic health system we have in this country, he should have taken the health insurers out of the picture completely. But no - that would be socialism, right? It would be just ridiculous if the money for health care went towards health care without a cut for the HMO middle man..

the PPACA does mandate that 80% of money for health care does have to go to health care, actually. recall the hundreds of millions in rebate checks that went out last year.
It doesn't matter if other presidents keep their promises or not, we're talking about the current president and his lies.
Using previous examples of dishonesty is illogical and dishonest itself.

Not illogical AT ALL.

Given that all presidents lie and this one follows suit, then there is no dishonesty and it is perfectly logical. All presidents lie, this is a president, he lied, so what is your beef?
And as far as Obama's lack of balls I mentioned earlier, if he really wanted to make some changes to this idiotic health system we have in this country, he should have taken the health insurers out of the picture completely. But no - that would be socialism, right? It would be just ridiculous if the money for health care went towards health care without a cut for the HMO middle man..

He tried, it would never have passed, he wanted something that passed. We agree, there is no place in America for Health insurance companies.
I don't need to provide anything, all you have to do is look at the promise Barack Obama made below during his campaign to become President.
He's a proven liar, no disputing it.

Nuff said.

“You know, it’s really not a good use of Justice Department resources.” — responding to whether the federal government should stop medical marijuana raids, August 13, 2007, town hall meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire.

Ok, so you are unable to provide me with evidence to your claim. Ok thanks.

Finthere done that.
How many dispensaries exist now?
How many before 1/2009?

How many wars is the united states in now?
How many before 1/2009?

LOL more than bush...

Incorrect answer.

"Secret Wars", covert operations and tactical strikes are not wars. By that definition, Bush has started dozens of wars, none of which were successful. You're just bleeding from your vagina because a black man got shit done. He killed your bin Laden and you're pissed about it.

So what if my penis is small? You're still sucking it making me pancakes in the morning.

Don't make me bring back the pedo card again. Don't make me do it.
He tried, it would never have passed, he wanted something that passed. We agree, there is no place in America for Health insurance companies.

This, in my opinion, is the biggest problem in this country. Things are done to accommodate commercial interests rather than what is best for the people. And this very commercial interests, be it HMOs or banks or any other big business, have done such a good job convincing people that them making money is actually in the interest of the people, that they have working class Americans fighting to keep things the way the are.
Create new financial regulations
Promise Kept
Obama signed a major overhaul of the finance industry into law in
2010, including a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau aimed at
helping average Americans.
Sign a “universal” healthcare bill
Promise Kept
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/01/19/3190442/politifact-and-president-obama.html#storylink=cpy

Tracking President Barack Obama’s 508 campaign promises
OVERALL 239 130 139

So he either kept or compromised on 369 promises - not bad.

In my view, if he compromised, he didn't keep. So 239 kept, 269 not kept by those standards.

Example using hypotheticals: if Obama said he would remove the laws against cannabis, then compromises with the republicans and we get cheesus' idea, that's not really keeping his promise as there will be laws against the sale of cannabis.

~50% isn't too bad in my eyes though. I wonder if they did past presidents as well. Keep score. For all we know, Barry could be the one with most promises kept.
"Secret Wars", covert operations and tactical strikes are not wars. By that definition, Bush has started dozens of wars, none of which were successful. You're just bleeding from your vagina because a black man got shit done. He killed your bin Laden and you're pissed about it.

By definition, kinetic operations are what we are engaged in today. Hot or cold, wars are wars and make up part of a strategic and tactical goals these operations deliver on. Political sensitivity is high on the radar and I couldn't give two shits if Obama was green, he'd still be a shit cock, who can't even be fucked attending his own security briefings.

Red Team from DEVGRU killed UBL, not O'dagz...
By definition, kinetic operations are what we are engaged in today. Hot or cold, wars are wars and make up part of a strategic and tactical goals these operations deliver on. Political sensitivity is high on the radar and I couldn't give two shits if Obama was green, he'd still be a shit cock, who can't even be fucked attending his own security briefings.

Red Team from DEVGRU killed UBL, not O'dagz...

armchair patton here said he was in on the plot to get bin laden. he's special.
If you're gonna give the credit for killing bin laden to the president, how about every time someone is killed as a result of a fuck-up we credit that to him too? The day I landed in Afghanistan, 8 American operators were killed by a miscalculated bomb dropped on their location - I did not see an article anywhere saying Bush kills 8 Americans today...