ted cruz slams oboma on stance on legalized marijuana in two states.

You just made me think of another bias from the left. Sequestration was blamed for everything by Obama, yet he takes credit for reducing the deficit. Hmmm, doesn't seem right does it?

except when your savior was in office, the deficit went up. same with your other savior HW and your other savior reagan.

whereas with democrats the deficit only goes down.

you're welcome for that, moron.
Correct. But if he compromised, he didn't keep the promise.

So in my view, he's about even. I mean you can't say he kept his promise if he compromised on it.

Again, my view.

no, that is not just your view. your republican cohorts spent quite a lot of time making compromise a dirty word.

then they cried and pouted and moped and yelled when obama refused to compromise so they shut down the government.

as i recall, that was a real hit with the american people!

i love you republicans.
I don't think compromise is a dirty word at all. I practice it every day.

I'm not a republican and I also think Obama may be the best at keeping his promises.

You are not very good at figuring out my thoughts. Anything else about me I can dispel?
Lol cool.

I got labeled by Buck! Time to party!!!

so you weren't for this guy?


is that the CONSERVATIVE political action conference?



what's he doing with all those REPUBLICANS?



what's that big R next to his name?



at a REPUBLICAN presidential debate?

remind me which party supports the balanced budget amendment, which would be the END of america during any war, recession, or depression.

Johnson supports amending the U.S. Constitution to require an annual balanced budget

remind me which party supports a REGRESSIVE "fair" tax?

Johnson supports ending the federal personal and corporate income tax system and replacing it with the FairTax

remind me which party supports coal fired plants?

Johnson favors building new coal-fired and nuclear power plants.

remind me which party thinks that TORT reform will magically fix health care?

He favors tort reform and control of frivolous lawsuits as means cutting costs of health care.[SUP][19][/SUP]

remind me which party is against unions?

He views public-sector unions that contribute to political campaigns as "dangerous".

remind me which party wants to privatize social security?

He wants Congress to investigate privatizing part or all of Social Security

remind me which party wants to send medicare back to the states?

Instead, he would block grant the remaining funds to the states to control all aspects of their own Medicaid and Medicare programs

remind me which party is all about "states rights"?

He believes "that the proper balance needs to be restored between the different branches of government," which "includes the rights of states."[SUP][35][/SUP]

remind me which party thinks roe v wade should be overturned?

Johnson believes Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be overturned

remind me which party is all about vouchers and getting rid of public schools?

On the state level, Johnson believes in "school choice." As governor of New Mexico, he sought to implement a school voucher system

remind me which party opposes any gun control measure, no matter how common sense?

Johnson opposes gun control initiatives.

remind me which party is against stem cell research?

Johnson opposes public funding of stem cell research

Lol cool.

I got labeled by Buck! Time to party!!!

sorry i had to serve as the mouthpiece of reality.

don't shoot the messenger, even though as a right wing republican, you may very well be tempted to do so.

the fact alone that you called shotgun420 a "suspected bigot" after months of his white supremacy babble convinced me well enough that you are republican.
What baffles me is
Guys like Beenthere on the one hand say
Obama should let states decide the law on Marijuana
and on the other say
Obama needs to follow his constitutional duties to enforce the law
and not use executive orders to stay the department of justice

I Just dont get it.
Cheesus, my point is he can help CHANGE the law. Just ignoring it is a dereliction of duty. He took an oath, then broke it. I was really hoping you were right when you predicted Obama would legalize pot. Ignoring laws here and there is not the same. If He threw the weight of the bully pulpit, with the support of the american people, I believe he could get er done if he chose to.
so you weren't for this guy?


is that the CONSERVATIVE political action conference?



what's he doing with all those REPUBLICANS?



what's that big R next to his name?



at a REPUBLICAN presidential debate?


Yup. I liked him over Obama and Romney.

I also want Kinky Freidman(d) as my states governor and want Ann Richards(d) back if I could.

Registered independents are not republicans. I like people and their ideas, not the letter after their name.

Its all good though. You must be really high.
Cheesus, my point is he can help CHANGE the law. Just ignoring it is a dereliction of duty. He took an oath, then broke it. I was really hoping you were right when you predicted Obama would legalize pot. Ignoring laws here and there is not the same. If He threw the weight of the bully pulpit, with the support of the american people, I believe he could get er done if he chose to.

chesus never predicted legalization, you lying piece of trash.


Obama will use an executive order to stop all those who comply with state law to grow and smoke weed. He is still going to go after profiteers though

you lie so often you believe yourself.

you also said obama PROMISED to repeal the online poker ban, and i can't find shit about that.

you lie so fucking often, it gets tiring having to point out your lies.
chesus never predicted legalization, you lying piece of trash.


Obama will use an executive order to stop all those who comply with state law to grow and smoke weed. He is still going to go after profiteers though

you lie so often you believe yourself.

you also said obama PROMISED to repeal the online poker ban, and i can't find shit about that.

you lie so fucking often, it gets tiring having to point out your lies.
Crap I forgot about that.
So there is one prediction that came true
it's OK, failwilly lies so often that it gets hard to keep track of his litany of lies.

The president of the United States speaks to the American people and says "If you like your health insurance you can keep it. PERIOD." And that is cool with you but some anonymous guy on the internet says something and you go all out after him...

You are an amusing idiot.
The president of the United States speaks to the American people and says "If you like your health insurance you can keep it. PERIOD." And that is cool with you but some anonymous guy on the internet says something and you go all out after him...

You are an amusing idiot.

150 million or so americans with insurance, about 3-5 million lose their shitty policies and get cheaper ones with actual protections...wow. horrible.

his claim was only about 97-98% true.

someone light a forest fire to cool down the global temps with all this hot air up in here!
150 million or so americans with insurance, about 3-5 million lose their shitty policies and get cheaper ones with actual protections...wow. horrible.

his claim was only about 97-98% true.

someone light a forest fire to cool down the global temps with all this hot air up in here!

So you admit he lied but you are still cool with it.

Hypocrite much? Never mind, everyone here already knows the answer.