I get what ur saying and agree with a lot of it.... I doubt being happy all the time would get boring... no room for boredom when ur happy id think..... I just don't have longer then brief moments of happieness.... like real brief... then its back to the bullshit... so if u guys are suggesting to like program myself to be happy no matter what like its just a state of mind I don't think I can do that
Well you wouldn't think you were particularly happy if it was constant, because it would become "normal" ... back down to adaptation: At first, you'd feel happy as a down-syndrome tard, then you'd settle into it, and be discontented with just being happy. It's this marketing bullshit telling everyone they're abnormal if they're not happy all day every day: you gotta dismiss that shit, because nobody is happy all the time, even down-syndrome tards have spastic fits if their pens aren't all the same colour or whatever.
The secret to reducing depression, is to embrace the "cycle", and possibly do things whilst you're having a happy moment that will extend that happy moment, while realizing as I said above, that happiness is liquid and cannot be held onto. Don't worry though, the "happy" peak in the cycle will be back soon enough. Yeah.
Oh and if you're kicking or starving you dog or otherwise abusing it, stop spong that, and let him/her sleep with you at night. I had a toy poodle when I was a kid I used to kick clean across the yard, like airbourne flying like a football. I still feel farken rotten about that, so I would advise against being nasty to innocents. There're plenty of arseholes amoungst the human populus to abuse, and the guilt of being nasty to an animal sticks with you for years.