LED Companies w/ LINKS

  • Wanted to post some new info about bonsai hero.com : Hans put out a new 85 watt panel, kinda bummed I bought 3 of his 65 watt panels about 3 to 4 months ago. Well needless to say I'm coming into some money here in the next few weeks (with the help of his 65 watt panels I might add) so I'm gonna order 2 of his 85 watt'ers and add them to my existing 3 65 watt hansled's and have more light than Zues himself!​


Got the email too puff:P.............looks like advanced is jumping on the xt-e bandwagon, all blue panels are just sooo wrong IMO for anything. mutant plants under that spectrum, can't ignore the "red" side ever.

I guess we should expect an all white xt-e panel soon then......lurking in here is my guess, the panel is eerily similar to the A51 products(diode spacing/mcpcb/casing/etc.).
I don't know, P. I'd like to think it would veg like a champ. No proof or theories to back it up though. Trying to remember what the spectrum was like with the 200w ds in veg mode. Maybe I'll have to get one if these blues to test out.

Yeah looks similar to a51 a bit. They are supposed to be coming out with an all white cree model of the upcomi.g arc series, as well as some osrams mixed in with Cree for their white/red blend. If I had more space I'd be testing all these.
I don't know, P. I'd like to think it would veg like a champ. No proof or theories to back it up though. Trying to remember what the spectrum was like with the 200w ds in veg mode. Maybe I'll have to get one if these blues to test out.

Yeah looks similar to a51 a bit. They are supposed to be coming out with an all white cree model of the upcomi.g arc series, as well as some osrams mixed in with Cree for their white/red blend. If I had more space I'd be testing all these.

I wouldn't doubt you puff, I've seen your awesome grows with that ds200:-P I'm just saying it's not OPTIMAL when omitting chlorophyll peaks in your spectrum. Plants in general will adapt to most light sources; ALL BLUE panels are unnecessary because they won't veg better than "flowering spectrum" fixtures.

be safe friend.
those look like bysen cases. not the led's though. I think it could veg good. stretching would be out of control... I've vegged monsters with 2 26 watt cool white cfl's (blue only) years ago. they stretched like crazy. so without any green and red. you would have some huge node spacing.

Their figures don't make sense. 100% 5w Royal Blue XT-E LEDs running at 4w each gives your garden the most intense vegetative light on the planet.
The 200 draws 165 watts. It should be over 200 watts with fans and drivers. (50 leds x 4 watts=200 watts)
The 300 draws 363 watts. This seems correct. (75 leds x 4 watts=300 watts)
yeah that doesn't make sense. The site says 185w. Might give them a call next week and see what's up with the blue panel and look for an update on the arc series.
No but they dont look like they are trying to bullshit, the designs seem logical, and umol readings AND honest explanations?? Though the border at the top of the brochure looks a little familiar

EDIT: cant get picture to come up.. in the brochure

(blue- their spectrum, green- Plant 'RQE')

I do like what theyve done with their readings to relate how many panels youd need to cover a specific area, but the numbers are little low..

I dono, pretty cool shit.. rep to you Sovereign thanks
nice to see you around Mr guod.......you should join the party cup competition! It would be good for your social skills;-)

Any word on the consumer radiant led panels release?......just drive over and ask......lol

Waiting on the radiant consumer ones as well. Gonna snatch another panel compare it to my illumitex just haven't decided what it will be.
I still really like My Lumi 650, but I just pulled the trigger on a couple Sun System LEC units to replace her with... And I am in the process of trying to get one of the new A-51 panels, although a website glitch has prevented me from doing so as of yet... But I am still using the SGS160 from last year and still love it... It'll be nice, no lie, to go to all "natural" looking lighting, as I spend a considerable amount of time with my ladies...And the new DR2.5 150W (sorry, stupid when it comes to linking) will be perfect for two LEC's (3x5 floor). Wish me luck. I have a few pics from current and past grows, if I ever get them onto my computer, I'll post... Wish me luck!
Would've loved to do the Cycloptics Greenbeams instead, but at some point money does become a factor. Hope I don't regret not getting them!