^^ completley on it, ppl forget the business aspect of branded panel (whether chinese or quality, and no not you psu, you know..)
I had pointed out GH had adjusted their height measurements on their site for your AT600's coverage.. You can watch the video at 32" chart, and now the picture states 30" (I believe?) When in all reality- it probably better performs better higher instead of lower. (like you have stated), Only reason it rubbed me wrong was they had not adjusted the coverage #s.
Now, if this was a simple oops! moment, cool. but like you said, we are dealing with a distributor on a macro level and ties to the market... and being one you can not make those kind of errors. Shouldve left it if that were the case. I do completely agree with the HID Market, they are still releasing better ballasts, better hoods.. and until the Alternatives (EDFL, CMH, and LED) get mainlined and SEEN, represented, and proven, people are just not going to dig in
...sucks thats the case.. I had taken down my camera with some "clean shots" yesterday of the 3x3 with the AT200 to give the hydro store an idea what I can cover w/ 167w and they were blown away, my panel(S) are neck and neck with the
400 mh and 600 hps they had in there on my PPFD Meter, they sold the SS200- but I am pushing them to get some alternative light sources in there.
btw, if you happen to have a killawatt meter, will you test your 200 for me?
Has any one heard of the company AlphaLite? Plasma's? Look pretty sharp.. saw it in the new Max. Yield Mag, of course the AT600 is in
EDIT: some info, their SPD looks too good to be true, but they do give umol/m2/s in the one page advertising they have... o.0
.35m= 4-600
.5m= 2-350