Obama says Weed is no more harmful than Alchohol


Well-Known Member
I live in one of the Illegal 50. I align with racerboy on this issue: absence of Federal legal permission means cold breeze on my hind-cheeks. I am not arguing that the state's legal climate is without consequence, but i am saying it's not enough.

While a President could override a law or agitate for its repeal, I would think this to be MUCH more politically pricy than to simply realign an enforcement position on an extant law. It's absolute Swiss chocolate to a career politician 9elected or appointed) to be able to point and say "hey; I didn't write that law".
so what happens when rand paul gets in there and repeals whatever obama may do?

and do you really expect anyone to declare after TWO WEEKS that relegalization is a success and push for it federally, especially when there is no political capital to be gained at the time?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to Paulitics, racerboy.

Dun worry racerboyo-amigo-compadre-bro. Ignoring questions, talking shit, spreading rumors....it's all standard. Blowjobs, rimming, sucking cock....they're getting paid, while we're getting laid off.

Politics section is happyfuntimes#1....


Well-Known Member
No mater what the POTUS does in the eyes of some will be wrong, So now we have a sitting U.S. president softening the official government stance on cannabis and basically telling
us he or the justice department are not really interested in not going after LEGAL growers and that he is recognising the states rights to govern even though federal law trumps all, they could just
go and arrest every grower, shut down every shop and be well within their rights to do it. I could really see a republican be so moderate, Really?
If Romney had gotten in we would be talking about a much bigger issue and it wouldnt be good for any of us. I'm a moderate but I know at this point for our sakes we are much better off with a dem government than a
rep gov. or we could go back to family values and faith based politics because that will push our cause right along would'nt it? Some are willing to hire their own assassin and some are even willing to load the gun for him too... Dont get this right wing stuff, I really dont...


Ursus marijanus
so what happens when rand paul gets in there and repeals whatever obama may do?

and do you really expect anyone to declare after TWO WEEKS that relegalization is a success and push for it federally, especially when there is no political capital to be gained at the time?
Oh my. I am not suggesting that anyone else is gonna do a better job. There is too much money invested in keeping weapons-grade Cannabis violently illegal at the Federal level.
No matter who is at the helm, I fully expect the pendulum to swing back toward stricter prohibition. Those of us who value good weed will once again dive deep and skedaddle away from most recent datum.
mene mene tekel parsim


New Member
what technicalities? do you mean the words he actually said, rather than the words you falsely imagine he said in that inventive noggin of yours?
The technicalities you Obama ass suckers use like:
Well, they were not in compliance with the state MMJ law.
The state asked the feds to assist in the raid.

Anytime Obama insinuates he's not going after MMJ providers or dispensaries, you rejoice and celebrate in his lip service, when we hear of his justice department involved in state raids, you shift to defense mode.

Some of you will come up with any excuse you can find to protect Obama, and do it on a cannabis forum to boot!


Well-Known Member
No mater what the POTUS does in the eyes of some will be wrong, So now we have a sitting U.S. president softening the official government stance on cannabis and basically telling
us he or the justice department are not really interested in not going after LEGAL growers and that he is recognising the states rights to govern even though federal law trumps all, they could just
go and arrest every grower, shut down every shop and be well within their rights to do it. I could really see a republican be so moderate, Really?
If Romney had gotten in we would be talking about a much bigger issue and it wouldnt be good for any of us. I'm a moderate but I know at this point for our sakes we are much better off with a dem government than a
rep gov. or we could go back to family values and faith based politics because that will push our cause right along would'nt it? Some are willing to hire their own assassin and some are even willing to load the gun for him too... Dont get this right wing stuff, I really dont...
I don't know frog. From what I've seen, polling data means more to politicians than principle. A state voting to legalize is a pretty good poll. It would be political suicide to go against the will of the people (see 2010). Right now the pubs are floundering so hard trying to pander to minorities and women that it's almost painful to watch. Polling says they are weak in those areas so suddenly they care.

The republican platform of small central government and states rights would be our best bet... if they actually followed the platform. From here it looks like both parties are big daddy knows best parties. I don't see one party being worse than the other because the last 13 years has been one continual cycle.

What it's going to take is Obama's generation (mine) to seize control from the over 60 generation. It may be 20 years before we see any real change. When the people who think Reefer Madness is a documentary leave power, we win.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
I don't know frog. From what I've seen, polling data means more to politicians than principle. A state voting to legalize is a pretty good poll. It would be political suicide to go against the will of the people (see 2010). Right now the pubs are floundering so hard trying to pander to minorities and women that it's almost painful to watch. Polling says they are weak in those areas so suddenly they care.

The republican platform of small central government and states rights would be our best bet... if they actually followed the platform. From here it looks like both parties are big daddy knows best parties. I don't see one party being worse than the other because the last 13 years has been one continual cycle.

What it's going to take is Obama's generation (mine) to seize control from the over 60 generation. It may be 20 years before we see any real change. When the people who think Reefer Madness is a documentary leave power, we win.
That last line is classic


Well-Known Member
dont' get me wrong, i think it's great and all that colorado and washington have made state laws saying people in those states can smoke weed legally.. fucking right on, good deal, about fucking time, high five.
what i'm not cool with is people in the other 48 states, are still getting arrested for small amounts of cannabis, as it's still against federal law, and i fear that the next person who is in office will actually uphold the law, you know, what they're supposed to do, and those two states will go back to prohibition, along with the other 48..
Obama doesnt give a shit about you, he cares about votes for the democratic party.


Well-Known Member
The technicalities you Obama ass suckers use like:
Well, they were not in compliance with the state MMJ law.
did obama ever promise to leave alone those who were not in compliance with state law?


so that's less of a technicality, and more of a romney ass sucker having a hissy fit.

Anytime Obama insinuates he's not going after MMJ providers or dispensaries...
when did he ever say that?

he said he didn't want to give carte blanche to a cannabis industry, he said he wouldn't prosecute those in compliance with state laws, and he said he would direct his justice department to make cannabis low priority.

you are clearly hearing things he never said and then lynching him for it.

on an unrelated note, what was that quip you once made about "saggin" spelled backwards? it is relevant to another one of my threads, and i forgot what you said about it. not a trap, this is for purposes unrelated to this thread. thanks.


bud bootlegger
What it's going to take is Obama's generation (mine) to seize control from the over 60 generation. It may be 20 years before we see any real change. When the people who think Reefer Madness is a documentary leave power, we win.
my issue with this thinking is that the people who are in their 60's now were flower children in the 60's, they're not the same group of people who grew up watching and believing in the reefer madness scare surely, yet look where they got us, just doesn't seem like even the hippy children did much in the way of full on legalization imo.


Well-Known Member
my issue with this thinking is that the people who are in their 60's now were flower children in the 60's, they're not the same group of people who grew up watching and believing in the reefer madness scare surely, yet look where they got us, just doesn't seem like even the hippy children did much in the way of full on legalization imo.
you may be right, but how many of the flower children do you think went into politics? Do you see the Romney/Reid types as war protesting hippies? I think the hippies went into academia, the short hairs went into politics. I think the people in charge now are the people who had disdain for the hippies.


Well-Known Member
and again, what happens at the end of four years, and obama is no longer el presidente? nothing has changed, the laws are still on the books.. if the next person decides that he's going to go after marijuana users, again, what then?
Well the President has blathered and backslid on everything. I could not care less about his marijuana stance, it's pretty insignificant.

I'm more concerned about his administration's approach to personal rights and security.


Well-Known Member
Well the President has blathered and backslid on everything. I could not care less about his marijuana stance, it's pretty insignificant.

I'm more concerned about his administration's approach to personal rights and security.
PolitiFact has been keeping a list — a very long list — on the president's first term.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning political watchdog assesses the veracity of political claims, and this week, it released a report card on the promises Obama made during his first presidential campaign.
PolitiFact deputy editor Angie Holan tells weekends on All Things Considered host Jacki Lyden the results are mixed, but on the whole he did pretty well: Some 47 percent of promises were kept — good by politician standards — and only 23 percent were rated as broken.
"Another 26 percent he made partial progress on, we rate those promises as a compromise," Holan said.


Well-Known Member
Well the President has blathered and backslid on everything. I could not care less about his marijuana stance, it's pretty insignificant.

I'm more concerned about his administration's approach to personal rights and security.
Wouldn't you rather argue about someones right to say what they want in a public website, and regulate their language? -- to show how much you "care"?


Well-Known Member
Weed is less harmful than alcohol. Yet another politician running his yapper about something he knows nothing about.

Fuck da police.


Well-Known Member
What a stupid reply. It isn't the number of executive orders, its the nature of any order given. Show me where other presidents have issued orders to a law enforcement agency to totally disregard a particular law.

If you do I'll eat my words. And thats former Democrat presidents too. The last time a president was so disrespectful of the constitution was when FDR tried to pack the Supreme Court.

So far Obama has given orders to disregard federal drug laws, and he has given orders to change the application of cretin aspects of the ACA.

There are more, but the NFC championship game is on and I don't feel like looking it up.

There are perfectly valid places where an Executive Order can be issued, tampering with laws passed by congress isn't one of them.

He is the President, not the Emperor.


Well-Known Member
So far Obama has given orders to disregard federal drug laws, and he has given orders to change the application of cretin aspects of the ACA.
he has transitional authority with respect to implementing the PPACA, so you can go cry about that one.

he also ignored a law which was clearly unconstitutional, but who cares about the constitution, right? certainly not you.


Well-Known Member
Always reading a bunch of stuff written by people who clearly havent dealt with the law but claim to'know' these things.

DEA does indeed mess with legal mmj people. Easy as that. Do you think the squad leader before getting a warrant says 'hold on let me see how obama feels'... hell no, he calls his buddy buddy judge an gets it signed an goes to work. If he finds nothing then he moves to the next one because those judges and tuff guy agents are either scared of job cuts or that their beliefs are almighty an shouldnt be swayed. I have been raided last year by bunch of guys wearing dea jackets and not one single local pd cruiser or local officer. Guy punched me/slapped me and choked me because i wouldnt give them entrance to my building. FINALLY, after all that he mentions he has warrant and will go in anyways and he will burry me if any of his men get hurt. I ask to see a warrant and he says no and shuts the door.(they found 12 veg plants 2 feet tall and 1oz meds).... this is the real world. Just because many of you do not personally see it and are also tuff guys who like to pass judgment on the people who are involved innocently, does not mean they do not happen.

Now lets move onto a REAL scenario where you live in a medical state, RI for example since i know laws here from experience. The same DEA asshole who attacked me has gone to many other CARDHOLDERS in this state for raids. So lets look at what protects us, our state laws. 12 veg / 12 flower and a max amount of meds standing at 2.5 oz. We have no written law regarding wet/dry times. No curing process time. Hell our cards cannot even be checked if valid unless its during state office business hours... 1 damn plant dry and you are at your maximum limit. In fact anyone who has grown atleast one time will be OVER your limit if you cut one plant down. So now you have a cardholder who is abiding by laws in place and yet still spending the weekend for possession cause card cant be checked or a cardholder who is arrested with name slandered in paper as a drug dealer when he could be a patient who has a child and goes to work 8+ hours a day and lives an honest life.... the laws in place to protect cardholders are bullshit and vague so these assholes can make bogus busts and leave cardholders on edge that even if they label everything if the door is ever booted in they can be arrested.

My point of all of this, did obama call anyone after that press conference to say do not prosecute mmj cardholers or did he say it to the press to make us happy? Does it even matter if he did call someone because the state laws are bullshit and make it impossible to cut a single plant down without being a drug dealing asshole? ..... the whole program around the country sucks, plain and simple... you say well its just a step towards the future but i look at it as many many citizens following the laws in place with a legal mmj card having their lifes torn apart and ruined because from the beginning they were designed to put you at risk in one way or another.

How many steps need to be taken before one day its legal? How many people need to be arrested based off of technicalities of half-ass laws put in place to protect them? So far i dont see anything legal about cannabis.

When a new president comes in and enforces the federal law and goes after colorado/Washington think about all the lifes ruined that were honest business men that owned a dispensary and will be put in jail.


Well-Known Member
Always reading a bunch of stuff written by people who clearly havent dealt with the law but claim to'know' these things.

DEA does indeed mess with legal mmj people. Easy as that. Do you think the squad leader before getting a warrant says 'hold on let me see how obama feels'... hell no, he calls his buddy buddy judge an gets it signed an goes to work. If he finds nothing then he moves to the next one because those judges and tuff guy agents are either scared of job cuts or that their beliefs are almighty an shouldnt be swayed. I have been raided last year by bunch of guys wearing dea jackets and not one single local pd cruiser or local officer. Guy punched me/slapped me and choked me because i wouldnt give them entrance to my building. FINALLY, after all that he mentions he has warrant and will go in anyways and he will burry me if any of his men get hurt. I ask to see a warrant and he says no and shuts the door.(they found 12 veg plants 2 feet tall and 1oz meds).... this is the real world. Just because many of you do not personally see it and are also tuff guys who like to pass judgment on the people who are involved innocently, does not mean they do not happen.

Now lets move onto a REAL scenario where you live in a medical state, RI for example since i know laws here from experience. The same DEA asshole who attacked me has gone to many other CARDHOLDERS in this state for raids. So lets look at what protects us, our state laws. 12 veg / 12 flower and a max amount of meds standing at 2.5 oz. We have no written law regarding wet/dry times. No curing process time. Hell our cards cannot even be checked if valid unless its during state office business hours... 1 damn plant dry and you are at your maximum limit. In fact anyone who has grown atleast one time will be OVER your limit if you cut one plant down. So now you have a cardholder who is abiding by laws in place and yet still spending the weekend for possession cause card cant be checked or a cardholder who is arrested with name slandered in paper as a drug dealer when he could be a patient who has a child and goes to work 8+ hours a day and lives an honest life.... the laws in place to protect cardholders are bullshit and vague so these assholes can make bogus busts and leave cardholders on edge that even if they label everything if the door is ever booted in they can be arrested.

My point of all of this, did obama call anyone after that press conference to say do not prosecute mmj cardholers or did he say it to the press to make us happy? Does it even matter if he did call someone because the state laws are bullshit and make it impossible to cut a single plant down without being a drug dealing asshole? ..... the whole program around the country sucks, plain and simple... you say well its just a step towards the future but i look at it as many many citizens following the laws in place with a legal mmj card having their lifes torn apart and ruined because from the beginning they were designed to put you at risk in one way or another.

How many steps need to be taken before one day its legal? How many people need to be arrested based off of technicalities of half-ass laws put in place to protect them? So far i dont see anything legal about cannabis.

When a new president comes in and enforces the federal law and goes after colorado/Washington think about all the lifes ruined that were honest business men that owned a dispensary and will be put in jail.
TO sum it up

You are saying the DEA is going after people that are not in compliance with state laws?