Shittiest Job U Ever Had?.

Worked at a factory manufacturing beds for a few months. In an extremely small backwards town. Extremely crap pay.
My interview consisted of a few questions. Can you read? I was kinda taken back by that and the guy who ran the place informed me that almost every single person there was illiterate. Am I on probation for anything? Most of the people there were. Which there's nothing wrong with that. I personally wasn't. It was actually factored into the schedule because the county's probation office was only open on Tuesdays between the hours of 2pm and 4pm. So on Tuesdays I'd say 7 out of 10 people had to leave and go do their thing for an hour or 2. It turned out to be pretty funny because I was clean at that point in time so I ended up peeing in bottle for a majority of them before they left. I was a human urine dispensary.
But after the bossman figured out I could read he ended up handing me a clipboard and giving me one of the easiest jobs there. I figured out the ropes of it really quick and put together a system where I was done with my duties within 3-4 hours of an 8 hour shift. I then spent the rest of the time floating around and helping out other areas out of boredom.
The place was a good 100 degrees during the summer. When you're trapped in a huge building with 30 or so dudes in those temps it smells like strait ass>machines>dust.
I'm not a fan of country music by any means. There was a pretty decent stereo system everyone rigged up to jam out with. At 7am there was Hank Jr blasting. This was a morning routine. Then it usually shifted over to some classic rock or country. I ended up burning quite a few old metal mixes that went over really well. W.A.S.P. Iron Maiden etc. It made things a lot more tolerable. Anything else I enjoyed was far too niche and they didn't quite get it.
Back to the ass smell though. One of the guys there had a sister who would come in pretty often. I knew she was heading in because the wind currents in the place would carry the smell of her perfume over. Ended up hooking up with her a few weeks into that place and it kinda pissed him off lol.
Regardless though the pay there was absolute shit along with a shitty work schedule. Some weeks you'd have 5-6 days of 8-10 hours a day and others it'd get knocked down to 3 days @ 6 hours a day or something. So when it evened out it was enough to barely scrape by.
Eventually there was one hell of an accident and one of the employees was actually killed due to a freak accident. The company got sued to shit and Osha stepped started crawling through every nook and cranny of the place. The owner ended up closing shop and shutting it all down out of the blue.
A few months down the road I ended up getting a letter from an lawyers office about the place. Some big class action suit. The head foreman and his assistant were evidently slicing a little bit off everyone's brick of cheese there. I ended up contacting them and getting involved considering well that was my $ along with everyone else's there.
A few weeks later I got a pretty fat check in the mail and after everything was said and done the foreman and his assistant are doing about 18 years cause the IRS ended up stepping in and figuring out he was fucking them over as well. Which is something you do NOT do lol.
That's probably the shittiest job ever though
Detassled corn for one summer in 7th grade for like $4.50 an hour lol

Aw shit I did that too. We got paid by the row, I was like 13-15 years old. Detassled for DeKalb. Think I made 25 cents per row on a 40 acre field, so had to walk 1/4 mile down and back doing four rows at once so each round trip was $2.

Also hand cut (machete) volunteer corn out of soybean fields so they would be pretty. Bet few on here can relate to "corning" a bean field.
Aw shit I did that too. We got paid by the row, I was like 13-15 years old. Detassled for DeKalb. Think I made 25 cents per row on a 40 acre field, so had to walk 1/4 mile down and back doing four rows at once so each round trip was $2.

Also hand cut (machete) volunteer corn out of soybean fields so they would be pretty. Bet few on here can relate to "corning" a bean field.

should have used a roguing hook..........
Running crack was the worst job iv ever done
Aside thatI'm gonna go with maitance at a concrete plant having to climb the belts without. a harness on
one wrong move an u fall and die fuck that shit.
My current job. 14 hour days, salary, no benefits, no vac/sick time, and everybody i work with sucks
Talk about field work reminded me my parents took me and my brother with one Summer picking cucumbers for pickling, when they were small yet with the prickles all over. That really sucked.
Someone say CRACK?
Digging up swedes in January the ground was so hard with frost you could hardly get the swede hook into the ground and your hands so numb you couldn't feel them. You would have three row's each go up them pulling the swedes and go back down them putting them in nets, and I got 10 pence a net. We were dropped off in a van and our sarnie's and bags left at the top of the field, one sunday the farmer's dog ate all our food and we had to work all day with nothing to eat. When I got home freezing cold chronic backache and starving hungry I ate a roast dinner man's size haha half a loaf of bread drunk two mugs of tea with half a packet of biscuits and slept for six hour's, now that's what you call hard graft in the UK. ;-)
these are all shitty jobs, but not as shitty as what the dung beetle does.

these are all shitty jobs, but not as shitty as what the dung beetle does.
Well just as shitty...
Installing Oxy Generators at the Shit Farms in Laguna at least it was Rich shit...
The shit eating bacteria was found to eat twice as much shit if it was fed a high level of Oxygen ...
So Engineer designed equipment that would generate Oxy "O" being taken out of the water [H2O] leaving H2 behind and harmless bacteria eating a ton more rich shit...
I think my worst job was when I was 16 years old. I'd not long passed my bike test and had my own trail bike so I decided to work for Pizza Hut as a delivery driver. Most of the time I was stopping off at friends houses doing weed. The rest of the time; especially when it's raining or snowing everyone would order delivery. It was fun though, we used to take the Haagen Dazs and put our gloves through the oven in front of the customers. They now have locks on the freezers and health and safety regulations! :)

Peoe treat you loke you are a none person. They see you working in fast food and go "oh he obsly is a hs drop out loser". They talk and treat you like a dog...not a POS drug desler I was treated 1000000000x better than working an honest job at McDs. Its messed up the double standards society has "work an honest job dont be a bad guy" "woa your a criminal? Thats cool" "you work at mcds?....oh..."
summers when I was seventeen and eighteen I worked at one of the local universities as a fuckin janitor. On the job at 5AM till whenever my supervisor said I could leave. It was relatively easy work, but man it was just a lot of bullshit. I remember one weekend in particular really sucked, alumni weekend. A bunch of old rich people get shitfaced and completely destroy the university. I am all about getting a little rowdy at a party sometimes, but these people were out of hand. I was embarrassed for them because it was obvious that they were all just trying to relive days past, but I still hated their guts all weekend. I'm talking shit in the middle of the housing hallway, naked passed out chicks in the mens room...In those 2 weekends those two years I saw some wild stuff. It was cool though because sometimes the bartenders would slip us a beer or a mixed drink, and I was able to go to my car and smoke weed pretty much whenever I wanted to. All the intoxicants in the world, however, will not help you to forget you're a janitor and you still have to clean out the bathrooms.
Bus boy. Pancake house. I quit when the carnival came to town and three kids puked in one night. And when the carnival left, I left with them.
My first job when I was 16 worked at the BK Lounge and that place sucked told my boss to fire me when I got pissed of her and so she did I was pretty happy when they said that lol I was all heres my shit peace

Just like 2paranoid.....I worked a semester as the weekend dorm janitor. I had 4 2 story undergrad dorms. They had 2 trash shoots on each upper story...thats 8 fucking chutes that had to be cleaned of vomit, piss and feces 3 days a week with a brush,mop and bucket. Then the same in 16 rest rooms. I loathed those kids