Administration Fears Obamacare So Flawed, It Could Bankrupt Insurance Companies


New Member
yes, news agencies have been known to make mistakes..then they do something that the right does not do..they make correction or retractions..they also terminate employees for voicing opinion.

see ed show, martin bashir show.
I'll bet you cannot backup your comment with a citation, in fact I know you can't
Please cite that the left leaning news sources retract their misreporting more than the right, I'll be waiting for this one.
Prediction: Schulylarr will run off, post a stupid irrelevant video or resort to name calling.

FYI, Martin Bashir did NOT make a mistake, get your facts straight lady.


Well-Known Member
- On the February 20th, 2012 edition of the Fox News show Hannity, Fox News contributor Karl Rove (R-Fox News), repeated the falsehood that President Obama gave a ($2 billion) loan to Brazil’s national oil company – Petrobras. According to Rove, “The president even gave a loan to Brazil. Why do they need our money, they’ve got plenty of their own.”
He "loaned" the money in fact. Spouting another lie to distract from your other lies ain't going to work.


Well-Known Member
- On the April 19th, 2012 edition of Fox and Friends, Steve Doocy deliberately misquoted a statement made by President Obama during a speech he gave on the previous day. While interviewing Gov. Mitt Romney, Doocy claimed the president had said, “Unlike some people, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth,” which gave the distinct impression that he had been referring to Romney. Romney immediately pounced on the intentional misstatement as if the president had been talking about hi
So who was he talking about? ? ? So, maybe he was talking about him?


Well-Known Member
I really sympathize with your position, my dad was in the same boat. He was diabetic and self-employed. That means no insurance, unless you pay for it your self. His insurance cost between 1200 and 1500 dollars per month, and they didn't really cover much. He would have been better off with a health savings account.

Luckily he has been accident free and has enjoyed good health.

Now he is on Medicare, but damn, he sure could of used the aca years ago.

I must admit, I have flip flopped on Obamacare.

I was 100% opposed for a long time. I now think it's a fairly good thing, but I don't have much hope that it will work out like it is supposed to. From a personal standpoint, I've had three occasions to use it, and all three times they practitioner did not accept it. So who knows if it's worth a shit, but it's new, so I'm going to give it more time.

I still don't like how it was passed.

The concept is good, the reality isn't. It cannot possibly sustain itself, from what I see.


New Member
So who was he talking about? ? ? So, maybe he was talking about him?
They won't believe what comes out of Chuck Schumer's own mouth, but they know exactly what a Fox commentator is insinuating.
And they wonder why everyone on RIU takes what they say with a grain of salt and laughs at them.


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone here is going to believe for one second that you took multiple statistics courses, much less went to college. The answer to that question is no. There are discernible differences depending on the subject, but you can still get a surprisingly accurate sample with only 31 responses, which is the minimum the basic equations are based on to predict an accurate estimate.
Question: "I wonder how big their confidence interval is with a sample of that size?" Stupid answer: "The answer to that question is no."


Well-Known Member
Old news. How long exactly would you like these things to be flogged? Oh, and you forgot Bengazi. So, what news sources are may I use without your crying Bias? I'll ask yet again.
You demand an unbiased news source, knowing full well there are none. Your ploy is too transparent. Oh, yeah. Flog them until the offending parties are prosecuted or removed from office. Are you claiming the video of Schumer demanding the IRS become the attack dog of the Democrat party is just a fabrication by Fox news?


Well-Known Member
You demand an unbiased news source, knowing full well there are none. Your ploy is too transparent. Oh, yeah. Flog them until the offending parties are prosecuted or removed from office. Are you claiming the video of Schumer demanding the IRS become the attack dog of the Democrat party is just a fabrication by Fox news?
There is a difference from being bias and just getting it fucking wrong with lies and misinformation. Fox is not only bias but lies and spreads incorrect information.


Well-Known Member
That still doesn't make it "government run". And no, it is not a good thing. I would sooner have a government run one. But the rght always insists on havnig it both ways. It is either a goverment takeover or a "gift to the insurnace companies". So which is it.
Now you're claiming AbandonConflict is a right winger? You so funny.


Well-Known Member
I'll bet you cannot backup your comment with a citation, in fact I know you can't
Please cite that the left leaning news sources retract their misreporting more than the right, I'll be waiting for this one.
Prediction: Schulylarr will run off, post a stupid irrelevant video or resort to name calling.

FYI, Martin Bashir did NOT make a mistake, get your facts straight lady.
class act all the way:

[video=youtube;6pAfyBXBcXQ] zF2Cl3sTb[/video]

EDIT: MSNBC corrects itself all the time.


Well-Known Member
the "rules" are to insure we get proper coverage with 80% of our premiums going toward our health..that leaves 20% margin for profit for them and that is PLENTY..we VOTED on it. tell me beenthere, did you have issues growing up when it came to following the "rules"?
It's 15%. And you misrepresent that as being all profit, when in fact, all their operating costs come out of that 15%. So it's entirely possible there is no profit at all, possibly even a loss, which will end up in further tax money being given to the insurance companies as the ACA guarantees the government will make up any losses. And there was no popular vote, so, no, we didn't vote on it.


Well-Known Member
It's 15%. And you misrepresent that as being all profit, when in fact, all their operating costs come out of that 15%. So it's entirely possible there is no profit at all, possibly even a loss, which will end up in further tax money being given to the insurance companies as the ACA guarantees the government will make up any losses. And there was no popular vote, so, no, we didn't vote on it.
20% revenue from one policy is well more than they deserve which is why 80% of effective premium MUST go towards your healthcare..


Well-Known Member
who did you vote for in 2008?..i voted for obama which is a vote FOR ACA..
So "we" has now become "you"? ACA had not even been written in 2008. And, according to every poll I've heard of, 60% of the population was AGAINST ACA when it was passed. And it was a benifit to the children of servicemen before it was reworded, not an "Affordable Care Act". This was done so it could be passed as a budget reconciliation, not on its own merits. And of somewhat questionable legality.