It's All The Fault Of Fox News


Well-Known Member

Do you think the FOX network doesn't lie or push any right leaning political agenda at all? Do you think they're 100% fair and balanced in their reporting?
no I don't. I don't believe any news to be 100% accurate. I'm only defending it now cause it pisses off buck.

Also, check out the response he gave to me after I asked specifically what he wanted me to disprove and he spouts stupid nonsense and then tries to tell me to go look at what he posted when he was getting agitated that no1 was paying attention to him so he started posting in big bold letters. Like I'm gonna go and find his posts and then do research for him... Yea mother fucking right..

Why would I do that? So I can be labeled as a racist when I show him to be an idiot. I think not.


Well-Known Member
no I don't. I don't believe any news to be 100% accurate. I'm only defending it now cause it pisses off buck.
you think it upsets me to watch you defend the indefensible?

i'm better at this than you are. you are the guy who told me that you NEVER get angry on the internet.

several death threats later and i just laugh when i see you post.


Well-Known Member
It's too bad they are the only right leaning news channel.

The rest all lean to the left.
I think it's supreme bullshit any of our media outlets sway towards right or left. Why don't we as a society demand 100% honest journalism?

Come to think of it, that should be the 28th amendment..

You lie, no "oh sorry, we misreported", no fines, no suspensions. Total elimination. 1 lie, your ass is gone.

Why the fuck don't we demand that?

MSNBC is to the left what FOX is to the right

You are a racist.
*prejudice, and I agree, and so am I

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I think it's supreme bullshit any of our media outlets sway towards right or left. Why don't we as a society demand 100% honest journalism?

Come to think of it, that should be the 28th amendment..

You lie, no "oh sorry, we misreported", no fines, no suspensions. Total elimination. 1 lie, your ass is gone.

Why the fuck don't we demand that?

MSNBC is to the left what FOX is to the right

*prejudice, and I agree, and so am I
It is bullshit but the owners of these news agencies either own or pay for propaganda to play on their stations.
And let us not forget congressmen and senators to be putting a money in their pockets.

It's the way it worked for a long time and should be liable in court.
I'd love to see that day!


Well-Known Member
I think it's supreme bullshit any of our media outlets sway towards right or left. Why don't we as a society demand 100% honest journalism?

Come to think of it, that should be the 28th amendment..

You lie, no "oh sorry, we misreported", no fines, no suspensions. Total elimination. 1 lie, your ass is gone.

Why the fuck don't we demand that?

MSNBC is to the left what FOX is to the right

*prejudice, and I agree, and so am I
I think there is a required 3 warning rule? :grin:


Well-Known Member
Honestly I don't see why any of this matters anyway. No matter which news source you view, you should always do your own research before taking something said as concrete.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
how do ya figure, bible thumper?

  • that's a delusion many bible thumpers and right wingers share.

If I would say "That's a delusion many blacks and Jews share".
You shit your pants and go off the fucking hook calling me a racist.

Why is this any different?


Well-Known Member

  • that's a delusion many bible thumpers and right wingers share.

If I would say "That's a delusion many blacks and Jews share".
You shit your pants and go off the fucking hook calling me a racist.

Why is this any different?
He feels as though he is entitled.

I feel he is entitled to buck shot in the face. :lol:


Well-Known Member
It's the way it worked for a long time and should be liable in court.
I'd love to see that day!

It baffles me lies can be told on "respected news outlets" and not be subject to any kind of responsibility. They collectively broadcast to tens of millions of viewers, PLENTY in the way of political influence, yet here you and I sit, arguing this shit on the internet.. I often wonder, would going out and protesting actually do anything? I think I'm so disillusioned with the constant bullshit from both sides I've half simply given up the fight because I feel like the power structure is just too strong to even dent at this point. For the most part, I think both sides of civilians basically agree, we might disagree on minor bullshit, but nothing that will fuck up the country like the shit we're talking about right now. The politicians, on both sides, as well as the de-facto 4th branch of government (media) are the ones who are fucking us over bending us over backwards, it's a shame more people on the left and right don't understand how this game works. Pride is so fucking powerful it sickens me, pride is absolutely disgusting! Pushing morons to protect fucking straight up liars because it came from "their team", talk about goddamn traitors. Any honest American shouldn't give a shit where the information comes from, if it's a lie, it's your responsibility to call it out, if it's a fact, it's your responsibility to defend it, regardless of it's origin. All of us need to accept that those roughly 420 individuals in control of all of us (minus the corporations that fund them) are there to FUCK US OVER, you, me, all of us equally. It's not you vs. me, it's US VS. THEM.

Sorry for the rant..

I think there is a required 3 warning rule? :grin:
That's bullshit. When you see my name up for president in the next decade, vote for me, I will eliminate this bullshit. 1 chance. Watch the credibility of journalism rise.

Honestly I don't see why any of this matters anyway. No matter which news source you view, you should always do your own research before taking something said as concrete.
100% agree

The problem is Americans are generally idiots when it comes to fact checking and instead simply rely on force feeding. Oh we fucking love our food after all!


Well-Known Member

  • that's a delusion many bible thumpers and right wingers share.

If I would say "That's a delusion many blacks and Jews share".
You shit your pants and go off the fucking hook calling me a racist.

Why is this any different?
how are right wingers and bible thumpers a race?

besides, it's true. did you even watch the election last year? the rest of the news channels got it right. only fox went with the skewed polling delusion, bible thumpers and right wingers followed. didn't you notice muyloco and NLXSK and beenthere bleating that same skewed polls crap?

i'm trying to think of some delusions that blacks or jews share. blacks have started to give up the whole anti-gay thing and are starting to embrace gay marriage, but the delusion of inequality for gays was one that many blacks shared for a while. nothing racist about that, the stats proved it.

anyhoo, if you can tell me more about the "race" of bible thumpers and right wingers, that would be great.


Well-Known Member

That's bullshit. When you see my name up for president in the next decade, vote for me, I will eliminate this bullshit. 1 chance. Watch the credibility of journalism rise.

So I'm gonna look for congressman Padawanbater? :wink: Kay. :lol:

Can I SirGreenThumb be your running mate? :razz:

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member

It baffles me lies can be told on "respected news outlets" and not be subject to any kind of responsibility. They collectively broadcast to tens of millions of viewers, PLENTY in the way of political influence, yet here you and I sit, arguing this shit on the internet.. I often wonder, would going out and protesting actually do anything? I think I'm so disillusioned with the constant bullshit from both sides I've half simply given up the fight because I feel like the power structure is just too strong to even dent at this point. For the most part, I think both sides of civilians basically agree, we might disagree on minor bullshit, but nothing that will fuck up the country like the shit we're talking about right now. The politicians, on both sides, as well as the de-facto 4th branch of government (media) are the ones who are fucking us over bending us over backwards, it's a shame more people on the left and right don't understand how this game works. Pride is so fucking powerful it sickens me, pride is absolutely disgusting! Pushing morons to protect fucking straight up liars because it came from "their team", talk about goddamn traitors. Any honest American shouldn't give a shit where the information comes from, if it's a lie, it's your responsibility to call it out, if it's a fact, it's your responsibility to defend it, regardless of it's origin. All of us need to accept that those roughly 420 individuals in control of all of us (minus the corporations that fund them) are there to FUCK US OVER, you, me, all of us equally. It's not you vs. me, it's US VS. THEM.

Sorry for the rant..

I agree with your rant.
It's unfair and laws should be changed against "lobbying".

Back in the early days of cable tv, there was a station called c-span.
Most people thought it was a spanish station but it was congress live.

I watched that station at work for years.
Then they had my states House broadcast. Not as exciting as congress but both shows you could watch how the govt was spending money and voting on bills.

This is the only way to know what's going on in the govt and it's so friggin boring sometimes.

The other way to cut the shit is to run for a local office in your town and build yourself up.


Well-Known Member
Back in the early days of cable tv, there was a station called c-span.
Most people thought it was a spanish station but it was congress live.

I watched that station at work for years.
Then they had my states House broadcast. Not as exciting as congress but both shows you could watch how the govt was spending money and voting on bills.

This is the only way to know what's going on in the govt
or you could just read.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
how are right wingers and bible thumpers a race?

besides, it's true. did you even watch the election last year? the rest of the news channels got it right. only fox went with the skewed polling delusion, bible thumpers and right wingers followed. didn't you notice muyloco and NLXSK and beenthere bleating that same skewed polls crap?

i'm trying to think of some delusions that blacks or jews share. blacks have started to give up the whole anti-gay thing and are starting to embrace gay marriage, but the delusion of inequality for gays was one that many blacks shared for a while. nothing racist about that, the stats proved it.

anyhoo, if you can tell me more about the "race" of bible thumpers and right wingers, that would be great.
You hate certain people Buck.
It may not be about race but why don't you give them a chance?