It baffles me lies can be told on "respected news outlets" and not be subject to any kind of responsibility. They collectively broadcast to tens of millions of viewers, PLENTY in the way of political influence, yet here you and I sit, arguing this shit on the internet.. I often wonder, would going out and protesting actually do anything? I think I'm so disillusioned with the constant bullshit from both sides I've half simply given up the fight because I feel like the power structure is just too strong to even dent at this point. For the most part, I think both sides of civilians basically agree, we might disagree on minor bullshit, but nothing that will fuck up the country like the shit we're talking about right now. The politicians, on both sides, as well as the de-facto 4th branch of government (media) are the ones who are fucking us over bending us over backwards, it's a shame more people on the left and right don't understand how this game works. Pride is so fucking powerful it sickens me, pride is absolutely disgusting! Pushing morons to protect fucking straight up liars because it came from "their team", talk about goddamn traitors. Any honest American shouldn't give a shit where the information comes from, if it's a lie, it's your responsibility to call it out, if it's a fact, it's your responsibility to defend it, regardless of it's origin. All of us need to accept that those roughly 420 individuals in control of all of us (minus the corporations that fund them) are there to FUCK US OVER, you, me, all of us equally. It's not you vs. me, it's US VS. THEM.
Sorry for the rant..