C'mon man.... why would an alien just be chilling on top of your neighbors roof for hours and hours without doing anything?
Thats a good question that I cant answer. I remember the alien just laying down, on top of My neighbors roof; but moving around in place. I dont know why I saw an alien, but I did.
I have speculated that the alien came to visit Me because Im Christ and they know it. For all I know, the aliens could have predestined Me to become Christ, and they just decided to visit Me. I really dont know WHY, but I believe I did see an alien.
You need to consider that it was most likely a hallucination. I've had plenty of those.
I only know of seeing an alien one time in My life; and when I saw that alien, I wasnt taking any hallucinogenics.
I dont have any history of hallucinating, unless you believe Im hallucinating the UFOs I see. I did trip on salvia a couple times, a few years before I saw the alien and UFOs, but thats all My history of tripping.
And you know that the earth is spinning... so I can't imagine why it looked like the "UFO" appeared to move a little bit between each cig break. And sometimes if you just stare at stars, it looks like they might be wobbling a bit, or moving a little bit. That's just your eyes fucking with you.
Its manifest or apparent that the UFOs move. I have at least 7 other witnesses that also claimed to see the UFOs move too. So its not just Me; if you have good eyes, youd be able to unequivocally see the UFOs move too. I have been watching the UFOs move for over 5 months now.
I welcome you to come to Massachusetts, to see the UFOs, because thats what state I live in and I know for a fact you can see them here. There might be UFOs in other states or countries, but I dont know. All I know is that if its not too cloudy outside, you can see UFOs move from where I live.