I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!

Undeniable Evidence Aliens Do Not Come From Other Galaxies


And you guys thought I was crazy? The truth might be crazier then even I could imagine!

(I havent watched this video yet, but it looks good.)

2014 Aliens, Ufo's, Annunaki. The Ultimate Question?


After that video I can never look at the moon the same way again and when I watched that video I was gonna do like a 1/8 of shrooms but that video freaked me the fuck out yo
Craaaazy stuff man, I wanna see a alien :(

Its totally insane to see an alien. (I want to know) what are the chances of REALLY seeing an alien? Im guessing the chances are slim to none, or naught.

I wasnt freaking out when I saw that alien, I was very calm and mesmerized. It was surreal, and beautiful.

The thing is, when you REALLY see an alien, you will remember it forever; and you then cant say "there are no aliens that visit earth", because you would be lying to others and yourself. At least thats how it is for Me.

I just wish I had a video camera (when I saw the alien) so you guys could see EXACTLY what I saw that day. Now, I can only describe it; and I may never see an alien again, with or without a video camera.

C'mon man.... why would an alien just be chilling on top of your neighbors roof for hours and hours without doing anything?

Thats a good question that I cant answer. I remember the alien just laying down, on top of My neighbors roof; but moving around in place. I dont know why I saw an alien, but I did.

I have speculated that the alien came to visit Me because Im Christ and they know it. For all I know, the aliens could have predestined Me to become Christ, and they just decided to visit Me. I really dont know WHY, but I believe I did see an alien.

You need to consider that it was most likely a hallucination. I've had plenty of those.

I only know of seeing an alien one time in My life; and when I saw that alien, I wasnt taking any hallucinogenics.

I dont have any history of hallucinating, unless you believe Im hallucinating the UFOs I see. I did trip on salvia a couple times, a few years before I saw the alien and UFOs, but thats all My history of tripping.

And you know that the earth is spinning... so I can't imagine why it looked like the "UFO" appeared to move a little bit between each cig break. And sometimes if you just stare at stars, it looks like they might be wobbling a bit, or moving a little bit. That's just your eyes fucking with you.

Its manifest or apparent that the UFOs move. I have at least 7 other witnesses that also claimed to see the UFOs move too. So its not just Me; if you have good eyes, youd be able to unequivocally see the UFOs move too. I have been watching the UFOs move for over 5 months now.

I welcome you to come to Massachusetts, to see the UFOs, because thats what state I live in and I know for a fact you can see them here. There might be UFOs in other states or countries, but I dont know. All I know is that if its not too cloudy outside, you can see UFOs move from where I live.

Pic's or it didn't happen.

Thats bullshit, because I dont have pictures or videos for most of My Life,

And I believe youre a virgin because I have never seen you have sex; pics or it didnt happen, right?

Its a fact that Im blogging right now, but I dont have a picture; so with your logic, it didnt happen.

People dont take pictures of a fraction of their everyday life and its still a fact that the person did and said whatever.

Why dont you come to Massachusetts and take a video of the UFOs I see? So we both will have proof. I dont think the UFOs are going away, you have time to come.

george - by now i believe we are all familiar with the alien sitting on your neighbors garage roof..you see things everyday..why not take a pic?.. you know you are going to see one everyday except for cloudy days..

I dont recall seeing the "alien sitting", I recall seeing the alien LAYING down.

The alien wasnt on My "neighbors GARAGE ROOF", the alien was just on My neighbors roof of his house

I cant take a picture of any aliens because I cant time travel into the past, or the day I saw that alien. I could take many pictures of the UFOs with My smart phone, but the UFOs would just look like stars and plus I dont have a way to download My pictures to the internet right now.

You are just going to have to take My Word for now, I dont have a reason to lie.

Have a camera on you at all times! 1080p

The funny thing is that I could have taken a picture of the alien I saw, but I didnt even think about that at the time. I had a dumb phone with a camera at the time, (now I have a smartphone that Im blogging from, right NOW.)

I wish I took a picture of the alien with My old phone; that would be evidence for My claim, but I didnt even think about it at the time. Its too late, I may never see an alien again.

If I took a picture of the UFOs with My smartphone, they would look just like stars. I would need a video camera with a good zoom in order for you guys to see them move, and the video camera would need a stable platform so there would be no extra movement from the camera man.

I invite any of you guys to come to New Bedford, Massachusetts, and film the UFOs yourself.

What's the big deal about UFOs?

I dont see the big deal about UFOs. UFOs are just lights in the sky that move around.

BUT UFOs might be a big deal to someone who has never seen them before.

The big deal about UFOs is the technology that they use inside the UFO. And the biggest question is WHO is inside the UFOs? Is it aliens or not? If aliens are in the UFOs then there are many implications and if there is disclosure, history will be changed forever.

They're simply things that fly that George can't identify, not aliens.

Can YOU prove that they are not aliens?

I bet there's lots of things George can't identify correctly, like whether or not he is christ...

When have I ever said that Im not Christ?

Consider everything that I have said as evidence that I have said and claimed the things I have. Being Christ is obviously subjective; its even subjective if Jesus is Christ or not. Can you prove if Jesus is Christ? I dont think so. And Jesus has over a billion followers, or Christians.

Its My opinion that Im Christ. And its a FACT that Im claiming to be Christ. Whos to say whos Christ? At least you know, Tyler, that its a FACT that Im claiming to be Christ and also its a fact that I have written or said exactly what I have said and My claims.

You should find out what kind of grey you see.

All I know is that the alien was totally invisible at first, then, when it appeared, it appeared translucent, or transparent, or partially see through.

Whatever type of alien can do that is the one I saw. But maybe all aliens can be invisible and translucent? There also could be many races or types of aliens.

I honestly dont know much about aliens; what type of alien I saw, your guess is as good as Mine.

And I assume the alien came off of a UFO. I also assume there is a huge race of aliens, somewhere. All I know is that there are UFOs above My house too.

Have you ever seen a purple 3 breasted female alien?

I dont know the sex of the alien I saw, if it had a sex at all, I dont know.

I also dont know how many breasts that the alien I saw had; maybe the alien I saw didnt have any breasts, I dont know.

All I know is that it was totally invisible at first and then it became translucent. I saw it when it became translucent. Sometimes I refer to the alien I saw as a "he" fod somplicity.

The alien could have been purple under the invisible/translucent suit I assume it was wearing.

So, its possible I saw a "purple 3 breasted female alien", but I doubt it. I couldnt tell.

You had all that time to watch and see an alien and you couldn't take a single pic? Obviously you have a video camera and more than likely a camera on your phone. Everything about this story sounds unrealistic. Just doesn't make sense. Sorry.

Thats right, I watched the alien for maybe 2-4 hours and I forgot to take a single picture. I never used My camera on My phone much and it totally slipped My mind.

I dont obviously have a video camera, what would give you that assumption? I made thd video in the origional post (OP) with My laptop.

But theres no reason to be sorry for your doubt. I might not believe Me if I didnt actually witness these things for Myself. They sound too crazy to be true or real... aliens, UFOs, in Christs "back yard"? None of these things are supposed to exist. There arent supposed to be aliens, real UFOs, or any Christ.

It seems like a fairy tale, but I believe it. I believe everything I say.

It just goes to show that people dont really know about the things I talk about, but to Me they are Truth.

refer to my first post on here... if you sit there and stare at stars, barely blinking etc, then it will appear that some are moving sometimes. haven't you also noticed that some appear to be blinking different colors rapidly???? I've spent so much time out at night staring at stars... sober, and on every drug imaginable. You are only fooling yourself. Use google

No, the UFOs I see are not stars; thats why I call them UFOs- Unidentified Flying Objects. Sometimes they stay still, and sometimes they move. Ive seen them move in every direction, and I have at least 7 other witnesses that also claimed to see them move. Its not JUST Me. Ive been watching them for over 5 months now, Im not blind and the last time I checked, I have perfect vision.

Come to Massachusetts and see for yourself.

Well you might be fooling me if you are trolling. Idk.

I dont know how to troll, I only know how to tell the Truth.

Im not fooling anyone. Dont believe Me if you dont want to; it makes no differencs to Me what you believe. Im going to tell the Truth and be honest with Myself.

now I understand your problem...this is your Christ problem, the essence of live entered part way into your skin...but you have chosen the George [over the one !]your are not him..your are.... self !
first the alien is in the tree then it was on the roof the whole time.... your tripping man...

That was a "blooper" or "video typo", basically it was a mistake that I said the alien was in the tree.

It looked like the alien was in the tree because the tree is directly behind the roof.

I just whimsically made that video, I didnt have anything specific to say, just to talk about My alien encounter and the UFOs I saw back then. And I also talked about the 5 Signs in the clouds that I saw too.

I made another mistake in the video too; I actually saw the black cloud on the eve of Good Friday and NOT the eve of Black Friday... Opps, My mistake.

Sorry for the mistakes. Its mostly accurate and you get the point- the aliens are on earth now too.

Welcome to my world. Over a year with George, and I'm STILL not sure if he's trolling or just one of the dumbest people I've run across. I go back and forth, because if he's trolling, he's the very best I've ever encountered...

According to you, I must be "one of the dumbest people", because I dont know how to troll. I simply say what I mean and mean what I say. I might talk to you a lot, but Ive never lied to you.

I dont understand what trolling is. Why would a person want to be a troll to other people? Whos a good example of a troll in the S,S, &P section? Whats YOUR definition of a troll?

C'mon George! Now it's a "spiritual alien"? Seriously? WTF man? Tell the truth. You just added the word "spiritual" to try to justify spamming this same old tired shit once again. Since you've perpetrated this apparently perpetual nonsense on us AGAIN, why don't you explain what it is that now distinguishes this alien as "spiritual" instead of just an average, run of the mill sort of invisibility cloaked, roof sitting, peeping Tom alien.

Mudminer, you caught Me and called Me out on it.

I said "spiritual alien" because we are in the Spirituality section of RIU, and I wanted to be pertinant to the (spiritual) subject. Plus, I didnt want this thread to be in any other section of RIU because I frequent here the most.

I dont know if the alien I saw was spiritual or not, but it was a spiritual encounter for Me.

If YOU saw a translucent alien, would it be spiritual to you?

But, you caught Me and called Me out on it.

Mudminer, you caught Me and called Me out on it. I said "spiritual alien" because we are in the Spirituality section of RIU, and I wanted to be pertinant to the (spiritual) subject. Plus, I didnt want this thread to be in any other section of RIU because I frequent here the most. I dont know if the alien I saw was spiritual or not, but it was a spiritual encounter for Me. If YOU saw a translucent alien, would it be spiritual to you? But, you caught Me and called Me out on it. ~PEACE~
Hmmm... Willing to twist facts, embellish and deceive in order to serve a personal agenda. We'll have to keep that in mind as we read what you post. I mean, we always knew it but it's nice to see you admit it...
Hmmm... Willing to twist facts, embellish and deceive in order to serve a personal agenda. We'll have to keep that in mind as we read what you post. I mean, we always knew it but it's nice to see you admit it...

If thats the worst thing Ive done, then so be it.

As I said, I dont know if the alien was spiritual at all (the alien could have been an Atheist for all I know), BUT it was spiritual on My behalf. Its not like I have ever talked to any aliens; that would be TRIPPY!

Either way, My alien (encounter) was spiritual to Me. So in reality, I wasnt being "deceptive in order to serve a personal agenda".

But I admit, I do have a personal agenda, and that agenda is to reach as many people possible with My Truth and to set up a paradise Kingdom for all people.

Do you think it would be a spiritual experience for YOU, Tyler, to see an alien, or no? And why?
