I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!

So you belive in the "anti" Christ?

Haha, lol.

The only thing I have in common with the "beast" or the Antichrist, is the fact that in 2008, under the name "We Tarded", I denied Jesus and became an unbeliever at post number 666.

Dont believe Me? Go look up what "We Tarded" said at post # 666; that was Me. I saw the movie Zeitgeist for the first time and stopped being a Christian that believed in Jesus.

That all that I can think of that I have in common with the Antichrist, but Im sure there is more. Maybe you guys can tell Me My paralells with the Antichrist, lol.


No I don't believe in a mystical supernatural antichrist, or any of that church stuff. according to the new testament, there's SO much more in common with your names and the text. You could also find people's names in common with harry potter or anything. Becoming an unbeliever at 666 lol... you must be him then. If you really couldn't find anything else in common then I hope that pm gives you things to look into at least for entertainment.
Whatever, Im not as anal about semantics ass you, apparently.

I agree that I should state "I believe" for whatever I believe but Im not going to. Its about keeping it simple, not typing everything out that is IMPLIED anyways.

Im going to continue saying, "I saw an alien" and "Im Christ", regardless of what you say. Let the readers discern that Im stating a SUBJECTIVE BELIEF. Im NOT going to type out "I believe", when I am certain to the best of My ability.

Im NOT lying, Im just keeping it candid, lucid, simple, and not as verbose. Im telling My Truth.

But, for the record, its only My BELIEF that Im Christ and its only My BELIEF that I saw an alien. I apparently cant prove ANYTHING to the skeptics, even things I believe are facts.

How would you prove you saw an alien anyways, even if you really did? Whats the alien supposed to give you a certificate?

Again, how would you prove youre Christ, even if you really are? Do you need documentation from the Vatican?

Im just about done debating about subjective semantics with you, Tyler.


It's not about semantics, it's about honesty. We both knew you'd choose to be dishonest about these things, no surprise. Don't worry, I'll be around to remind unsuspecting members to watch out for your inaccuracies and attempted deception whenever I can. Someone has to help keep you honest...
No I don't believe in a mystical supernatural antichrist, or any of that church stuff.

I havent read the book of Revelations for a long time, so I dont recall all the "mystical supernatural" acts the Antichrist is supposed to perform. I do recall that the Antichrist is allegedly going to go to the temple of God (in Jerusalem) and claim himself to be God. Hes also supposed to stop the animal sacrifices because "he is the messiah".

Maybe you can remind Me of the mystical supernatural acts the Antichrist is supposed to perform.

according to the new testament, there's SO much more in common with your names and the text.

Ohh yeah, like what?

I have found a few parallels between My Name and the New Testament, but Im interested in what you have found to be "SO much more in common with your name and the text".

All of the paralells I found are in My signature.

You could also find people's names in common with harry potter or anything. Becoming an unbeliever at 666 lol... you must be him then.

I might have been the Antichrist during the time I was posting under the name "We Tarded", but it says in the Bible that Christ destroys the Antichrist, which is what kind of happened, lol. Seriously, under the name "We Tarded", I was the biggest conspiracy theorist, trying to overthrow the government and expose the elites and the mainstream media for covering up the Truth... a real rebel. Then in August of 2008, I found out My Name and started to believe Im Christ, and Ive been believing in Myself since August of 2008.

If you really couldn't find anything else in common then I hope that pm gives you things to look into at least for entertainment.

Those are all excellent, wonderful and genuine questions that I would like to answer publically, in a new thread, because those questions are worthy to be viewed by others as well. I believe you had one question in the PM about Revelations, I would like to answer all of your questions PUBLICALLY. So, please take all of your questions and copy and paste them to a NEW THREAD; title the new thread as follows:

"Questions For Christ?"

And I will answer all your questions there. Just copy that whole PM with all the questions, and also, copy the one question from the other PM and paste it in a new thread.

Thanks, Im looking forward to it.

It's not about semantics, it's about honesty. We both knew you'd choose to be dishonest about these things, no surprise. Don't worry, I'll be around to remind unsuspecting members to watch out for your inaccuracies and attempted deception whenever I can. Someone has to help keep you honest...

So its an Atheist thats going to keep Christ honest? Lmao, what a contradiction!

Our beliefs are going to clash all the time; you dont believe any gods, Im claiming to be Christ.

Of course you are going to try and refute most of what I say, because you have an Atheists perspective and I, Im claiming to be Christ- the Messiah. What a contradiction.

So its an Atheist thats going to keep Christ honest? Lmao, what a contradiction!

Why is it a contradiction? You think atheists are less honest than believers? There are many studies that would disagree with you...
Our beliefs are going to clash all the time; you dont believe any gods, Im claiming to be Christ.

You are avoiding the issue and creating a strawman, which is a logical fallacy. The issue wasn't about what you believe, it is about how you present those beliefs to others. If you're concerned with honesty, then you would state them as belief. If you're being dishonest, then you would present your beliefs as facts. We know which you choose to do, which is dishonest...

Of course you are going to try and refute most of what I say, because you have an Atheists perspective and I, Im claiming to be Christ- the Messiah. What a contradiction.

I can't contradict what you say you believe, because I can't get into your mind to know what you believe. I can only contest the facts that you present, because facts are the realm of objective reality, something I have direct access to. When you state your beliefs, no one can argue, when you state things as fact without knowing if they are facts, you're going to be called out on it...
It's not about semantics, it's about honesty. We both knew you'd choose to be dishonest about these things, no surprise.

You cant prove I have lied even once, under the name Nevaeh. Why dont you read everything I have ever said and quote Me where I have lied even once. What am I being dishonest about? besides semantics?

Don't worry, I'll be around to remind unsuspecting members to watch out for your inaccuracies and attempted deception whenever I can. Someone has to help keep you honest...

Gee thanks, lol.

An Atheist thats going to keep Christ honest, lol.

You cant prove I have lied even once, under the name Nevaeh. Why dont you read everything I have ever said and quote Me where I have lied even once. What am I being dishonest about? besides semantics?

Easy. Post #38 of this very thread. You don't know what semantics means, it has nothing to do with semantics. Semantics is the study of the meaning of words. None of the meanings of the words you used are in dispute, you simply put them together in a a way to convey something that wasn't true, and you knew it wasn't true. If you knew it wasn't true, that makes it a lie. That's why you admitted to mudminer that he caught you and called you out on it...

Gee thanks, lol.

An Atheist thats going to keep Christ honest, lol.

Not christ, George. I don't know if I can, but I'm going to try...
Im looking at UFOs right NOW.

My sky is full of UFOs, there has to be dozens of them, and all the ones I see MOVE.

BUT the brightest ones dont move as much, but they still move too.

I have at least 7 other witnesses that have said the UFOs move, while I was with them, so its not just Me.

Whats inside the UFOs is a question I cant answer, but I can speculate.

But seeing UFOs is a common thing for Me now.

Im looking at UFOs right NOW.

My sky is full of UFOs, there has to be dozens of them, and all the ones I see MOVE.

BUT the brightest ones dont move as much, but they still move too.

I have at least 7 other witnesses that have said the UFOs move, while I was with them, so its not just Me.

Whats inside the UFOs is a question I cant answer, but I can speculate.

But seeing UFOs is a common thing for Me now.


Im looking at UFOs right NOW.

My sky is full of UFOs, there has to be dozens of them, and all the ones I see MOVE.

BUT the brightest ones dont move as much, but they still move too.

I have at least 7 other witnesses that have said the UFOs move, while I was with them, so its not just Me.

Whats inside the UFOs is a question I cant answer, but I can speculate.

But seeing UFOs is a common thing for Me now.


George, did you know that there are literally thousands of astronomers around the world with advanced equipment that scan the skies 24/7? What are the chances that you, with only your naked eyes, can see what they cannot? They would all absolutely LOVE to report a discovery like the one you're claiming to see, and perhaps get it named after them. You must have the best eyes ever. Or it could be that you're wrong. Which possibility should we believe? Duh...

P.S. Were the other witnesses from the mental hospital?
Mudminer, you caught Me and called Me out on it.

I said "spiritual alien" because we are in the Spirituality section of RIU, and I wanted to be pertinant to the (spiritual) subject. Plus, I didnt want this thread to be in any other section of RIU because I frequent here the most.

I dont know if the alien I saw was spiritual or not, but it was a spiritual encounter for Me.

If YOU saw a translucent alien, would it be spiritual to you?

But, you caught Me and called Me out on it.


George, if I was going to identify something as "an alien" I would have weighty evidence to support that identification. If I had that evidence there would be nothing "spiritual" about the encounter. It would at that point be a very "physical" event for me.
George, did you know that there are literally thousands of astronomers around the world with advanced equipment that scan the skies 24/7? What are the chances that you, with only your naked eyes, can see what they cannot? They would all absolutely LOVE to report a discovery like the one you're claiming to see, and perhaps get it named after them. You must have the best eyes ever. Or it could be that you're wrong. Which possibility should we believe? Duh...

P.S. Were the other witnesses from the mental hospital?

You can not think that everyone had their 3rd eye open? I know I know I am going to the hospital for believing in such...

PS: You can call them hallucinations, because if aliens, ghosts or whoever goblin would appear to anyone it would be as a "hallucination", a vision, not seen by anybody else than who, he can percieve reality, and not the world that is told you it is.
Where do you think these came from? I can pretty much imagine that somebody just made them up, but because thoughts have power, they already exist from then on. Just not before your 2 humanoid eyes.
You can not think that everyone had their 3rd eye open? I know I know I am going to the hospital for believing in such...

PS: You can call them hallucinations, because if aliens, ghosts or whoever goblin would appear to anyone it would be as a "hallucination", a vision, not seen by anybody else than who, he can percieve reality, and not the world that is told you it is.
Where do you think these came from? I can pretty much imagine that somebody just made them up, but because thoughts have power, they already exist from then on. Just not before your 2 humanoid eyes.

you should really try and get your multiple personalities in check ...

you have more accounts than braincells
I don't see aliens and I am my god because I don't worship anybody else's imaginary friend. It means worshipping your perfect, true self, you fucking idiot.