I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!

Im not in any rush; the UFOs show up daily, for over 5 months now (since I first NOTICED they move), I just cant see them when its too cloudy outside.

My sisters husband saw the UFOs with Me; he shoots videos of Christian rap music; he has a video camera but he doesnt have a lens with a zoom. He said that he might get that zoom lens for his camera, for around a thousand dollars, but I dont know when that will be.

I dont think the UFOs are going away any time soon, so Im not that worried about it, to be veridical.

There has to be a blogger on RIU with a good video camera, that lives near Massachusetts or can make the trip, to vindicate Me.

Its not that big of a deal, if it were a big deal, YOU would come to Massachusetts yourself.


No thanks. Stars and planets are not unidentified flying objects IMO. How do these things appear to move? I mean... what are the movements like? The miles of atmosphere can cause some of what you might think are movements... and the "twinkling" etc etc..

If it took you some time to realize that "they move", I'm just assuming it's because they aren't moving, and you're trippin. Until you provide evidence
No thanks. Stars and planets are not unidentified flying objects IMO. How do these things appear to move? I mean... what are the movements like? The miles of atmosphere can cause some of what you might think are movements... and the "twinkling" etc etc..

I saw one UFO fly across the sky the other day. It wasnt flying perfectly straight either, it was making short turns and then going straight again. It looked like the other UFOs, meaning just a star-like light without any flashing lights like airplanes have. But this is a very rare occasion; I have only seen this type of movement like a few times.

Usually the UFOs stay close to the same spot, but they can move in every direction. Some times they move up, down, left, right, or any direction in between. Usually they will move one way and eventually go back to the same spot. They can do spirals, loops, circles, or just a random dance. I guess you have to see it to believe it.

EDIT- There was the brightest UFO that doesnt show up in My sky any more, that one didnt move much. Usually the brightest UFOs move a lot less. Now why is this? And why would I be able to detect movement from some but not all the UFOs? Is My eyes only tripping on some UFOs, and not all of them?

If it took you some time to realize that "they move", I'm just assuming it's because they aren't moving, and you're trippin. Until you provide evidence

I have at least 7 other witnesses, so its not just Me. Dont believe Me, I could care less, it makes no difference to Me what you believe. I could be just "tripping" and the other witnesses could be lying to Me. I dont think the UFOs are that big of a deal, I see them all the time.

Ill have to call My sisters husband and see when hes going to get that video camera lens so I can prove it. Until then, you can believe Me or not.

P.S. Did you get the PM I sent you? And do you believe what I said in the PM? You havent said anything to Me about the PM I sent you back.

Just wait until they lower the 'Anal Probe' ....? lol

I dont believe in abductions. Im not saying its not possible, but I dont believe in abductions.

Usually the allegeded "abductees" go to bed, have an alien dream, and wake up in their bed again, in My honest opinion.

Or maybe some people know about the UFOs but the government is keeping them top secret to avoid inadvertant chaos, and freaking out the population. A cover up. The UFOs appear every night, that its not too cloudy out, so if it made the NEWS, people would look up in the sky and see the same thing, and potentially freak out.

Some of My witnesses are family, friends, neighbors, and some people claiming to see them move in the mental hospital, but I dont include the people from the mental hospital.


Or maybe some people know about the UFOs but the government is keeping them top secret to avoid inadvertant chaos, and freaking out the population. A cover up. The UFOs appear every night, that its not too cloudy out, so if it made the NEWS, people would look up in the sky and see the same thing, and potentially freak out.

Dude, you really don't understand much of anything. This is the age of the internet, whether or not the gov't wants to cover up something, anyone can just post to a blog, site, YT, and there's nothing they can do. The head of the CIA and the President of the US can't cover up getting their dicks sucked, but the gov't can stop many anonymous people from posting everywhere? It really surprises me that you can dress yourself...

Some of My witnesses are family, friends, neighbors, and some people claiming to see them move in the mental hospital, but I dont include the people from the mental hospital.

Optical illusions can effect anyone, and long star gazing sessions are notorious in this regard. Again, there are thousands of astronomers with advanced technology scanning the skies constantly. If anything were going on, they'd stumble over themselves to be the first to report it. There are thousands of dumb-asses that claim to see alien spacecraft, you're not unique in that regard. Not only does your stories have absolutely no evidence, but they make no logical sense...
I didnt lie, the thread title is simply a misnomer.

You did lie, and it's there for everyone to see. What should we believe, subsequent posts of yours denying it was a lie, or our own lying eyes?

I could say, "To Me, I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house." Or I could have said, "I saw a spiritual alien, to Me, and now the UFOs are above My house." But the asthetics arent as good, plus the title may have been too long. I could have been more specific, but I was vague and inadvertantly made a misnomer, I DID NOT LIE.

Even if this were true, once it's pointed out to you and you acknowledge your mistake, you still continue with the the misinformation knowing it to be false. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that these are now certainly lies...

Either way, to Me, I saw a "spiritual alien", and the alien might have been spiritual too, I dont know.

You're not man enough to acknowledge the error, correct it and move on. Instead you choose the four year old stance of sticking with it. Your credibility is completely shot at this point, time to start rebuilding it...
Simply a misnomer. Go look up what "misnomer" means and then tell Me that it was not a misnomer but a lie.

Looked it up. Once again, even if you misspoke initially, it's inaccuracy was pointed out to you and you still continue with it knowingly. So from then on, they are certainly lies...
Im not in any rush; the UFOs show up daily, for over 5 months now (since I first NOTICED they move), I just cant see them when its too cloudy outside.

My sisters husband saw the UFOs with Me; he shoots videos of Christian rap music; he has a video camera but he doesnt have a lens with a zoom. He said that he might get that zoom lens for his camera, for around a thousand dollars, but I dont know when that will be.

I dont think the UFOs are going away any time soon, so Im not that worried about it, to be veridical.

There has to be a blogger on RIU with a good video camera, that lives near Massachusetts or can make the trip, to vindicate Me.

Its not that big of a deal, if it were a big deal, YOU would come to Massachusetts yourself.


It's not a big deal, because no one believes you...
I think you see what you want to see, even if you don't know it. I am 100% sure, that if you go on with your life (and I don't mean work work no think) and get to know yourself better, it will change. You will see nothing anymore, but you must overcome a realization, that may have nothing to do with aliens. Maybe you are, too an alien for YOURSELF.
It is surely an illness of the "mind", but not something pill can cure. What you can not see doesn't mean it don't exist = if docs stop you from "hallucating" whatever by medical means, it basically means they block your senses and ability to solve the real problem.

Last line: I have experiences like you, but they are about a demonic girl who steps on my testicles... Sometimes it's so bad. :( not always :) - but that surely has an inner meaning too.
Pic's or it didn't happen.

I could take a picture with My smartphone, the UFOs would look just like stars. But even if I did take a picture, I dont have a way to download it to a computer because I dont have internet at My house besides My smartphone.

You would need to see a video in order to appreciate the UFOs movements. I dont have a video camera (I never have owned a video camera) and if I did own a video camera, I couldnt download it to the internet from My house, because I dont have a real computer thats connected to the internet.

With that being said, you either believe Me or you dont. Until I get footage of the UFOs, you either take My Word or you dont. You do have the option of driving, or flying to New Bedford, Massachusetts, and looking for yourself. While youre here, take a video of the UFOs for Me too.


I could take a picture with My smartphone, the UFOs would look just like stars. But even if I did take a picture, I dont have a way to download it to a computer because I dont have internet at My house besides My smartphone.

You would need to see a video in order to appreciate the UFOs movements. I dont have a video camera (I never have owned a video camera) and if I did own a video camera, I couldnt download it to the internet from My house, because I dont have a real computer thats connected to the internet.

With that being said, you either believe Me or you dont. Until I get footage of the UFOs, you either take My Word or you dont. You do have the option of driving, or flying to New Bedford, Massachusetts, and looking for yourself. While youre here, take a video of the UFOs for Me too.



backtracking faster than al qaeda meeting seal team 6
I didnt lie, the thread title is simply a misnomer.

I could say, "To Me, I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house." Or I could have said, "I saw a spiritual alien, to Me, and now the UFOs are above My house." But the asthetics arent as good, plus the title may have been too long. I could have been more specific, but I was vague and inadvertantly made a misnomer, I DID NOT LIE.

Either way, to Me, I saw a "spiritual alien", and the alien might have been spiritual too, I dont know.

Simply a misnomer. Go look up what "misnomer" means and then tell Me that it was not a misnomer but a lie.


Fer fuck sake George! Get off of it already. A misnomer is what it is. The difference is that a misnomer comitted knowingly and to deliberately mislead (as you distinctly admitted you did) for the sole purpose of trying to re-introduce this ludicrous tripe to the SS&P forumn for the "advocacy" of said tripe, IS A FUCKING LIE. In response to my post, you said you said you were "caught", not thanx for pointing out the "mistake". So the difference in lie and mistake is, one is intentional and one is not. Your attempt at being your own "advocate" is loosing ground fast. Your credibility level is taking a nose dive as well. Before this thread there were at least some who were actually thinking you might honestly just have mental issues. Admittedly, I was one of them. Now, I'm really thinking you're just a world class troll. Who, by the way, is seriously loosing his touch.