I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!

If thats the worst thing Ive done, then so be it.

As I said, I dont know if the alien was spiritual at all (the alien could have been an Atheist for all I know), BUT it was spiritual on My behalf. Its not like I have ever talked to any aliens; that would be TRIPPY!

Either way, My alien (encounter) was spiritual to Me. So in reality, I wasnt being "deceptive in order to serve a personal agenda".

What you tell is not truth, you twist the facts in order to support your delusion. The fact is you saw something translucent on your neighbors roof, that would be the truth. From there, you twist that fact into that it is an alien even though you yourself admitted it could have been some military technology. From there, the fact is further twisted into a spiritual alien instead of seeing a normal alien that was a spiritual experience for you. That entire process is dishonest and deceptive. It is the same dishonest process you go through determining all of your 'truths'; simple facts or coincidences twisted and embellished into the story you'd like to be true. You can't defend that, we've all seen your lies through all of your posts. A false, stupid, deceptive 'prophet'. Nobody wants or needs such a creature...

But I admit, I do have a personal agenda, and that agenda is to reach as many people possible with My Truth and to set up a paradise Kingdom for all people.

Exactly. You do not state the facts as you experience them, you twist and embellish them to fit your agenda. You cannot trust a person that has such an agenda, for they are not concerned with the truth, only reaching their goal...
Do you think it would be a spiritual experience for YOU, Tyler, to see an alien, or no? And why?

Well, since I'm concerned with the facts and don't have a agenda, I would have to make sure that it was an alien (something you failed to do). If I had enough proof that it was an intelligent, extra-terrestrial life form, it would be a very special experience. As far as we know, this experience has never happened to a human being...
What you tell is not truth, you twist the facts in order to support your delusion.

Give Me as many examples of this as you can, to prove your point.

The fact is you saw something translucent on your neighbors roof, that would be the truth. From there, you twist that fact into that it is an alien even though you yourself admitted it could have been some military technology.

This is true, but Im not twisting the facts. Im just not going to write out all the possibilities all the time when Im pretty certain it was an alien.

Im not going to say, "I saw some translucent being that was changing shapes and was totally invisible at first. It was about 4 feet tall, therefore I assume it wasnt a person but it could have been some top secret military personel, but he or she must have been very short though. Whatever it was, it was something I have never seen and therefor I truly believe it was extraterrestrial or at the very least, a more advanced being from somewhere." Lmao.

Im going to keep it candid and lucid and Im going to just say, "I saw an alien," to keep it short. Thats what I believe anyways. But there is a chance it was a VERY SHORT top secret military guy or girl, wearing invisibility/translucent technology.

From there, the fact is further twisted into a spiritual alien instead of seeing a normal alien that was a spiritual experience for you. That entire process is dishonest and deceptive.

I already went over this... it was a spiritual experience for Me, so saying I saw a spiritual alien is not a lie, regardless if the alien is spiritual or not.

It is the same dishonest process you go through determining all of your 'truths'; simple facts or coincidences twisted and embellished into the story you'd like to be true. You can't defend that, we've all seen your lies through all of your posts. A false, stupid, deceptive 'prophet'. Nobody wants or needs such a creature...

Can you quote examples of Me lying, with emperical evidence that I lied at the time of the post?

Exactly. You do not state the facts as you experience them, you twist and embellish them to fit your agenda. You cannot trust a person that has such an agenda, for they are not concerned with the truth, only reaching their goal...

Whats wrong with My agenda? Dont you want to live in a paradise where everyone can live life to the fullest?

Well, since I'm concerned with the facts and don't have a agenda, I would have to make sure that it was an alien (something you failed to do). If I had enough proof that it was an intelligent, extra-terrestrial life form, it would be a very special experience. As far as we know, this experience has never happened to a human being...

How could you "make sure it was an alien" if you just saw him from about 15 yards away? How do you ascertain if an alien is really an alien?

The technology that I saw was nothing I have ever seen before. How can something be totally invisible and then translucent? My best guess is that it was alien technology or top secret military technology; but how do you explain the being, being so short? And how do you explain the UFOs that I see? Is that the military also?

I wish I knew all the Truth, but I dont. I can only use My best judgement. I really wish I had a video of My alien encounter as well, for proof of My claim.

(Im going to try and watch this now.)

EDIT- This is a stupid video, dont watch it, its a waste of time. Its about this guy "Lord Ray-El" who is allegedly the messiah and this video is allegedly "proof". Im sorry, I thought I was going to play something worthy of watching.

WikiLeaks : LEAKS - U.N. Briefing On Alien God Arrival


Give Me as many examples of this as you can, to prove your point.

Anything to do with your being christ, or divine, or anointed, or special, or superior in any way. It's about 80% of what you post. BB made great (and hilarious!) posts drawing more accurate parallels to his life experiences to stories in the bible than you did, yet he is not claiming divinity. But by your logic and methodology, he is more like christ than you are. Do you see how stupid that is? I'll bet you don't...

This is true, but Im not twisting the facts. Im just not going to write out all the possibilities all the time when Im pretty certain it was an alien.

Im not going to say, "I saw some translucent being that was changing shapes and was totally invisible at first. It was about 4 feet tall, therefore I assume it wasnt a person but it could have been some top secret military personel, but he or she must have been very short though. Whatever it was, it was something I have never seen and therefor I truly believe it was extraterrestrial or at the very least, a more advanced being from somewhere." Lmao.

Im going to keep it candid and lucid and Im going to just say, "I saw an alien," to keep it short. Thats what I believe anyways. But there is a chance it was a VERY SHORT top secret military guy or girl, wearing invisibility/translucent technology.

This is precisely why your statements are inaccurate and deceptive. The fact is that all you know is you saw something translucent on your neighbor's roof, so if you were going to be honest, you would state that fact, "I saw something translucent on my neighbor's roof", instead of posting what you cannot possibly know (that it was an alien, or military, or that you had a brain fart and it wasn't anything) because you don't have enough data to say. Sounds a lot less interesting when we state the facts, no? Stating something as fact when you have no way of knowing is deceptive, plain and simple. The only way it wouldn't be deceptive is if you followed, "I saw something translucent on my neighbor's roof" with, "so without any evidence I think it was an alien..." But then you know that people wouldn't be interested in your guesses, and that doesn't further your agenda. Hence, the need for deception/manipulation...

I already went over this... it was a spiritual experience for Me, so saying I saw a spiritual alien is not a lie, regardless if the alien is spiritual or not.

You're retarded. Of course the order in which you put words matters, it completely changes the meaning. Stating, "I believe I saw an alien, and it was a spiritual experience for me", is much different than saying, "I did in fact see a spiritual alien!" (which denotes that the alien was spiritual) Even missing simple punctuation can completely change a sentences' meaning; "All of the boys ate, George" is light years away from, "All of the boys ate George". In the first sentence, George is being told that all of the boys ate something. In the second sentence, I'm stating the fact that all of the boys cannibalized George. Drastically different meanings, exact same words in the exact same order...

Can you quote examples of Me lying, with emperical evidence that I lied at the time of the post?

Yes. Every time you state something as fact, when you cannot know if they are facts (i.e. the christ thing, the alien thing, etc.), you are lying. You can honestly state that you believe these things, but you cannot honestly state they are facts...

Whats wrong with My agenda? Dont you want to live in a paradise where everyone can live life to the fullest?

Regardless if your agenda led to some utopia (again, you couldn't know if it would because you don't have the education or critical thinking skills to back up your asinine ideas to know), I'm more concerned with the facts of reality. Since your agenda (like most theological and political agendas) uses deception and manipulation to bypass these facts, I'd want no part in it...
How could you "make sure it was an alien" if you just saw him from about 15 yards away? How do you ascertain if an alien is really an alien?

Holy shit! Exactly, George. I couldn't know, and neither can you. Thanks for making my point for me...

The technology that I saw was nothing I have ever seen before. How can something be totally invisible and then translucent? My best guess is that it was alien technology or top secret military technology; but how do you explain the being, being so short? And how do you explain the UFOs that I see? Is that the military also?

Who cares about your guesses or mine? That's what they are, guesses, not facts. Stop pretending your guesses are facts. We don't know and that's okay, don't be afraid of not knowing something. Because you are quite good at it...

I wish I knew all the Truth, but I dont. I can only use My best judgement. I really wish I had a video of My alien encounter as well, for proof of My claim.

Yes, that would be helpful...
Whats wrong with My agenda? Dont you want to live in a paradise where everyone can live life to the fullest?

Since well under 1% of people I've ever talked to actually understand "holy" scripture, and what is going on right now, I don't think that you have any idea what christ represents. Not trying to be mean or offensive. It's killing me how dead asleep everyone is. The truth is right there....

That came off as if I'm supporting christianity.... But that couldn't be farther from the truth.
Anything to do with your being christ, or divine, or anointed, or special, or superior in any way. It's about 80% of what you post. BB made great (and hilarious!) posts drawing more accurate parallels to his life experiences to stories in the bible than you did, yet he is not claiming divinity. But by your logic and methodology, he is more like christ than you are. Do you see how stupid that is? I'll bet you don't...

This is precisely why your statements are inaccurate and deceptive. The fact is that all you know is you saw something translucent on your neighbor's roof, so if you were going to be honest, you would state that fact, "I saw something translucent on my neighbor's roof", instead of posting what you cannot possibly know (that it was an alien, or military, or that you had a brain fart and it wasn't anything) because you don't have enough data to say. Sounds a lot less interesting when we state the facts, no? Stating something as fact when you have no way of knowing is deceptive, plain and simple. The only way it wouldn't be deceptive is if you followed, "I saw something translucent on my neighbor's roof" with, "so without any evidence I think it was an alien..." But then you know that people wouldn't be interested in your guesses, and that doesn't further your agenda. Hence, the need for deception/manipulation...

You're retarded. Of course the order in which you put words matters, it completely changes the meaning. Stating, "I believe I saw an alien, and it was a spiritual experience for me", is much different than saying, "I did in fact see a spiritual alien!" (which denotes that the alien was spiritual) Even missing simple punctuation can completely change a sentences' meaning; "All of the boys ate, George" is light years away from, "All of the boys ate George". In the first sentence, George is being told that all of the boys ate something. In the second sentence, I'm stating the fact that all of the boys cannibalized George. Drastically different meanings, exact same words in the exact same order...

Yes. Every time you state something as fact, when you cannot know if they are facts (i.e. the christ thing, the alien thing, etc.), you are lying. You can honestly state that you believe these things, but you cannot honestly state they are facts...

Regardless if your agenda led to some utopia (again, you couldn't know if it would because you don't have the education or critical thinking skills to back up your asinine ideas to know), I'm more concerned with the facts of reality. Since your agenda (like most theological and political agendas) uses deception and manipulation to bypass these facts, I'd want no part in it...

Holy shit! Exactly, George. I couldn't know, and neither can you. Thanks for making my point for me...

Who cares about your guesses or mine? That's what they are, guesses, not facts. Stop pretending your guesses are facts. We don't know and that's okay, don't be afraid of not knowing something. Because you are quite good at it...

Yes, that would be helpful...

You can call Me a lying, deceptive manipulator all you want; Im still going to say that Im Christ and I saw an alien. I believe it, I could be right. Whos to emperically say if Im lying or telling the truth here? I honestly believe Im Christ, and I honestly believe I saw an alien.

Every time I post, Im not going to say "I believe Im Christ becuase xyz", that would take too long to type out ALL the reasons I believe Im Christ. Im going to save time and just be honest and say "Im Christ" because I do believe Im Christ and Im not telling a lie. For exapmle, does every Christian have to state the reasons WHY they believe in Jesus, everytime they post? Or cant they just say, "I believe in Jesus"? Are they intentionally lying if Jesus is truly a fictional character? No, they are telling the truth, just like when I state My beliefs, regardless whether Im right or wrong.

The same thing applies to Me believing I saw an alien.

But with that being said, I agree with some of the things you said but Im still just going to say what I believe without having to write a novel everytime I post something that I believe but I cant prove.

You can get mad at Me all you want, and think that Im a lying, manipulating deciever, but Im just going to be Myself. Im going to try and keep it honest but Im going to just say what I believe, and not what Tyler Durden believes.

EDIT- Ill put it this way: if I ever took a lie detector test and they asked Me, "are you Christ and did you see an alien?", I would say, "Yes, I believe Im Christ and I believe I saw an alien." I would pass the test and I would be proven to have been telling the truth. Im not claiming omnicience or infallibity, Im claiming to tell the Truth. So where is the lying, manipulating or decieving? An honest man that always tells his truth can be none of these things. But the honest man could be gravely wrong and mistaken and could APPEAR as lying, deceptive and to be manipulating.

Get the point?

Since well under 1% of people I've ever talked to actually understand "holy" scripture, and what is going on right now, I don't think that you have any idea what christ represents. Not trying to be mean or offensive. It's killing me how dead asleep everyone is. The truth is right there....

That came off as if I'm supporting christianity.... But that couldn't be farther from the truth.

What does Christ represent?

EDIT- Ill put it this way: if I ever took a lie detector test and they asked Me, "are you Christ and did you see an alien?", I would say, "Yes, I believe Im Christ and I believe I saw an alien." I would pass the test and I would be proven to have been telling the truth. Im not claiming omnicience or infallibity, Im claiming to tell the Truth. So where is the lying, manipulating or decieving? An honest man that always tells his truth can be none of these things. But the honest man could be gravely wrong and mistaken and could APPEAR as lying, deceptive and to be manipulating.

Get the point?


That would be dodging the question. Similar to how you don't answer whether or not you believe in a mystical god, but instead only say you're agnostic. You also lied with your first word of your response to the Q by saying "yes". Truth is truth. There isn't half-assed truth. Like courts say "do you swear to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, and NOTHING BUT the truth?" <--lying in a court of law is perfectly fine though if you feel you are facing unjust punishment.

So if someone asked me if I like chocolate ice cream, I would say, "I like ice cream." And I would not be lying. Then next thing you know, you're lying about all kinds of things.

And you are not being completely truthful to yourself, or anything about being christ. You're not being 100% truthful in the wording. I've been studying ancient practices/studies, and religions for 20 years. I've learned to look for truth. If you think that you are being completely truthful, or doing something good, then by all means, keep it up.
You can call Me a lying, deceptive manipulator all you want; Im still going to say that Im Christ and I saw an alien. I believe it, I could be right. Whos to emperically say if Im lying or telling the truth here? I honestly believe Im Christ, and I honestly believe I saw an alien.

That's exactly right, you believe these things. The problem is you state them as fact, when you have no way of knowing. The only honest thing you can say is that you believe you are christ, or believe you saw an alien. It's dishonest to say that you know, or state them as fact...

Every time I post, Im not going to say "I believe Im Christ becuase xyz", that would take too long to type out ALL the reasons I believe Im Christ. Im going to save time and just be honest and say "Im Christ" because I do believe Im Christ and Im not telling a lie. For exapmle, does every Christian have to state the reasons WHY they believe in Jesus, everytime they post? Or cant they just say, "I believe in Jesus"? Are they intentionally lying if Jesus is truly a fictional character?

If christians are being honest, they state what they believe, for which they need faith. Very few christians I've run across say they know for sure, or state that their beliefs are fact. If they knew their dogma was true, they wouldn't need faith. There are those christians that state these things as fact, but they are being dishonest...

No, they are telling the truth, just like when I state My beliefs, regardless whether Im right or wrong.

Re-read your last sentence; They are telling the truth, whether they're right or wrong? If they're wrong, it cannot be the truth...
The same thing applies to Me believing I saw an alien.

But with that being said, I agree with some of the things you said but Im still just going to say what I believe without having to write a novel everytime I post something that I believe but I cant prove.

You wouldn't have to write a novel, just put the words, 'I believe' before you state what you believe. If you don't, that's presenting your beliefs as fact. That is dishonest, whether you like it or not...

You can get mad at Me all you want, and think that Im a lying, manipulating deciever, but Im just going to be Myself. Im going to try and keep it honest but Im going to just say what I believe, and not what Tyler Durden believes.

I've never been angry with you, I don't even know you. If you really want to keep it honest, you'll state the fact that those are your beliefs, not that they're true...

EDIT- Ill put it this way: if I ever took a lie detector test and they asked Me, "are you Christ and did you see an alien?", I would say, "Yes, I believe Im Christ and I believe I saw an alien." I would pass the test and I would be proven to have been telling the truth.

Take note of your response above, it states you believe that you're christ and believe you saw an alien. You did not respond by saying you know these thing are true. That's my point exactly, continue by qualifying that these are beliefs and you will be honest. You would not pass the polygraph otherwise...

Im not claiming omnicience or infallibity, Im claiming to tell the Truth. So where is the lying, manipulating or decieving? An honest man that always tells his truth can be none of these things. But the honest man could be gravely wrong and mistaken and could APPEAR as lying, deceptive and to be manipulating.

We've been over this enough for you to know the difference. You will go forward by either being honest by stating your beliefs as beliefs, or you will be dishonest by presenting them as fact. It's up to you, but we both know which you'll choose... liar...

Get the point?
That's exactly right, you believe these things. The problem is you state them as fact, when you have no way of knowing. The only honest thing you can say is that you believe you are christ, or believe you saw an alien. It's dishonest to say that you know, or state them as fact...

If christians are being honest, they state what they believe, for which they need faith. Very few christians I've run across say they know for sure, or state that their beliefs are fact. If they knew their dogma was true, they wouldn't need faith. There are those christians that state these things as fact, but they are being dishonest...

Re-read your last sentence; They are telling the truth, whether they're right or wrong? If they're wrong, it cannot be the truth...

You wouldn't have to write a novel, just put the words, 'I believe' before you state what you believe. If you don't, that's presenting your beliefs as fact. That is dishonest, whether you like it or not...

I've never been angry with you, I don't even know you. If you really want to keep it honest, you'll state the fact that those are your beliefs, not that they're true...

Take note of your response above, it states you believe that you're christ and believe you saw an alien. You did not respond by saying you know these thing are true. That's my point exactly, continue by qualifying that these are beliefs and you will be honest. You would not pass the polygraph otherwise...

We've been over this enough for you to know the difference. You will go forward by either being honest by stating your beliefs as beliefs, or you will be dishonest by presenting them as fact. It's up to you, but we both know which you'll choose... liar...

Get the point?

Whatever, Im not as anal about semantics ass you, apparently.

I agree that I should state "I believe" for whatever I believe but Im not going to. Its about keeping it simple, not typing everything out that is IMPLIED anyways.

Im going to continue saying, "I saw an alien" and "Im Christ", regardless of what you say. Let the readers discern that Im stating a SUBJECTIVE BELIEF. Im NOT going to type out "I believe", when I am certain to the best of My ability.

Im NOT lying, Im just keeping it candid, lucid, simple, and not as verbose. Im telling My Truth.

But, for the record, its only My BELIEF that Im Christ and its only My BELIEF that I saw an alien. I apparently cant prove ANYTHING to the skeptics, even things I believe are facts.

How would you prove you saw an alien anyways, even if you really did? Whats the alien supposed to give you a certificate?

Again, how would you prove youre Christ, even if you really are? Do you need documentation from the Vatican?

Im just about done debating about subjective semantics with you, Tyler.

Basically the opposite of what the followers believe. Opposite... oppose = anti.

So you belive in the "anti" Christ?

Haha, lol.

Didn't want to sound as crazy as you, but I feel like you are representing the third beast.

The only thing I have in common with the "beast" or the Antichrist, is the fact that in 2008, under the name "We Tarded", I denied Jesus and became an unbeliever at post number 666.

Dont believe Me? Go look up what "We Tarded" said at post # 666; that was Me. I saw the movie Zeitgeist for the first time and stopped being a Christian that believed in Jesus.

That all that I can think of that I have in common with the Antichrist, but Im sure there is more. Maybe you guys can tell Me My paralells with the Antichrist, lol.

I've had strange encounters and seen some odd stuff, but I've never seen the "typical flying saucer" type thing or the typically Alien looking air craft.

I was driving through a forest area in the English countryside and saw some strange flashing lights of all colours coming from an area of the forest, but that could have been some kind of party(we didn't stop to take a look or anything).

I saw a very odd looking air craft flying over my house, it was a cross between a double-winged propeller air craft and the Blackbird air craft. It made a strange "woosh" sound rather than a typical propeller or jet engine noise. Probably some home made bi-plane or maybe it was the Royal Airforce testing some new technology. There is an RAF base near by(no less than 5 mile away) so it could quite easily be that.

I am a firm believer in life outside of Earth and there are some very strange video clips/pictures out there, especially of the Black Knight space satellite and other NASA video's like in this following video, which looks like something is being shot at from Earth.


Don't pay attention to what this massive bellend is talking about, just watch the black and white clip.
So you belive in the "anti" Christ?

Haha, lol.

The only thing I have in common with the "beast" or the Antichrist, is the fact that in 2008, under the name "We Tarded", I denied Jesus and became an unbeliever at post number 666.

Dont believe Me? Go look up what "We Tarded" said at post # 666; that was Me. I saw the movie Zeitgeist for the first time and stopped being a Christian that believed in Jesus.

That all that I can think of that I have in common with the Antichrist, but Im sure there is more. Maybe you guys can tell Me My paralells with the Antichrist, lol.


Heh... That movie is just a barrel of laughs.

I do like the section on Religion though. It just shows how each religion feeds off of its self. Especially the comparison with Moses and Mises(ancient Egypt).
Heh... That movie is just a barrel of laughs.

I do like the section on Religion though. It just shows how each religion feeds off of its self. Especially the comparison with Moses and Mises(ancient Egypt).

I thought Zeitgeist was very enlightening. I learned some reasons WHY I shouldnt believe in Jesus. I also realized that Christianity is based on fallacious myths.

I used to be a Christian that believed in Jesus before I watched Zeitgeist, in 2008

I've had strange encounters and seen some odd stuff, but I've never seen the "typical flying saucer" type thing or the typically Alien looking air craft.

I was driving through a forest area in the English countryside and saw some strange flashing lights of all colours coming from an area of the forest, but that could have been some kind of party(we didn't stop to take a look or anything).

I saw a very odd looking air craft flying over my house, it was a cross between a double-winged propeller air craft and the Blackbird air craft. It made a strange "woosh" sound rather than a typical propeller or jet engine noise. Probably some home made bi-plane or maybe it was the Royal Airforce testing some new technology. There is an RAF base near by(no less than 5 mile away) so it could quite easily be that.

I am a firm believer in life outside of Earth and there are some very strange video clips/pictures out there, especially of the Black Knight space satellite and other NASA video's like in this following video, which looks like something is being shot at from Earth.


Don't pay attention to what this massive bellend is talking about, just watch the black and white clip.

The UFOs that I see would APPEAR to be "stars" to the untrained eye, except when you stare at these "stars", THEY MOVE IN EVERY DIRECTION.

Look for "stars" that move, they are really UFOs. You have to look at them for a minute or so. But it could be possible that the UFOs are only above Massachusetts, I dont know. But check your "stars" in the night sky.

The UFOs that I see would APPEAR to be "stars" to the untrained eye, except when you stare at these "stars", THEY MOVE IN EVERY DIRECTION.

Look for "stars" that move, they are really UFOs. You have to look at them for a minute or so. But it could be possible that the UFOs are only above Massachusetts, I dont know. But check your "stars" in the night sky.


Well, I don't know about that, but there is one "star" that moves one way then zips off in the other direction as soon as a flash from earth is seen, then just as it's out of reach, what looks like a missile or something aimed in the position it was i flies up the screen.

The reason I highlighted "looks like" is because I don't want people thinking I 100% believe it is a missile, as I simply don't know how many different explanations there could possibly be for it.

I recently discovered that I actually know piss all about Space.
Well, I don't know about that, but there is one "star" that moves one way then zips off in the other direction as soon as a flash from earth is seen, then just as it's out of reach, what looks like a missile or something aimed in the position it was i flies up the screen.

The reason I highlighted "looks like" is because I don't want people thinking I 100% believe it is a missile, as I simply don't know how many different explanations there could possibly be for it.

I recently discovered that I actually know piss all about Space.

Yeah, I watched your video clip.

You should watch all the videos I posted in My thread besides the one I said not to watch.
