New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

aussie originals

Active Member
new zealand woman busted in bali with 159g of methamphet, thats a death sentence for sure. she's pulling a corby and saying it wasnt hers though. get ready for a media frenzy.


Well-Known Member
Whats up kiwis! And anyone else passing thru. Another Bay greenthumb just droppin in for a nosey. I always enjoy following local grows more so it was cool catching up on the thread.

Looks like a few nice plants around.

Crazykiwi its great to see another BOP grower, I've got a couple out by you in welcome bay maybe you can see them from space... lol.. jk... maybe nek year.

Cooper Im loving your ball removing committment, I'm sure you'll understand why people choose to just pull them instead of spending hours pulling sacs.

Aussie, always nice to have our token "mossie"... frosty little girls of yours are definitely helpin to keep us moist til harv...

The best of growing to us all... Ill be lurking and maybe ill even put up pics of what I've got so far, plants are all starting to flower with some a couple weeks in. ETA late march- early april.

Peace till then...
Hey mate good to see another west bop grower, been hot weather at night up here aye. A lot of vine hoppers around this year man.

It's all good to post some pics of your plant on here mate. What strains do you have going.

Cooper - I went back and checked them and there was half the vine hoppers on the Panama, I mixed some confidor and neem oil into a bottle and sprayed them well.
how are your plants?.

I'll upload some pics tonight.


Well-Known Member
Everything is going good, vine hoppers are ok and are slowly fading.

Malawi 6-7ft

Panamas have finally regained their health and have half the vine hoppers since last time.

Red pheno!
a hopeful green pheno.

All 3 Panama are females with 2 confirmed red phenos.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good crazykiwi. Hope next season I can grow some plants like them. Think you'll have any issues with mold since they look to be late finishers?


Yeah bro they look deadly lol leaves r sharp as. Met this old boi at work yesterday for the life of me id never talked to him then the 1st thing he said was how he smoked this fat doobie of panama red back in the day and him and his mate tried drive home from auckland took them half n hour before they realised they were in 2nd gear reving the fukout of it cranking pinkfloyd haha hardcase. Reminded me of ur panamas ck. Havent seen mine for awile hopefuli check this w.e


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, easily in Bop and Northland. hmm maybe with taskenti at the start of april, Panamas should be fine and the Malawis are pretty much water proof from what I've gathered.
It all depends on how april goes bro.

Hey does anyone know what spotter planes look like? I saw a grey and red one flyiing over today relatively close to the ground but not too much.

Shot guys, must be awesome genetics. Sounds funny Cooper, never knew panama red hit NZ - looks like we're gonna have to bring back the kickass genetics from back in the day. lol pinkfloyd is the shit to get blasted to, and i'm young too :mrgreen:
If Malawi finishes properly it will be some of the best shit to hit NZ since the 70s and 80s, no credit to me. Genetics take all credit for how good they look.


Active Member
Hey mate good to see another west bop grower, been hot weather at night up here aye. A lot of vine hoppers around this year man.

It's all good to post some pics of your plant on here mate. What strains do you have going.
I'm just doing a few bagseed plants from some seeds a friend gave me. I'm not sure of the genetics, anyone here good at strain id? It seems like i have a couple of different phenos. One seems like a later sativa dom and the other looks like an indica hybrid with bright pink hairs. No real aroma yet but kinda sweet smelling. It may be easier to explain with pics so maybe ill go out to the plot this w.e.

Grow on growers...

aussie originals

Active Member
i have something new in the works in my little smoko factory. sick of stirring buckets of ice and water to get my hash im creating a dry sift tumbler. dry sift is cleaner than any bubble hash and with the tumbler doing all the work its very much the easier way too.

this is a milo tin i have cut up to make the canister for the tumbler, it will be wrapped in 125micron stainless steel mesh. most people use little rotisserie motors but im cheating and using my cordless drill. all up this little tumbler is going to cost me around $30 to build



Haha yeah bro that was 2nd time ive ever herd the name. Na id love to no wat spotters look like to i always here them buzng around freaks me out. Lol yeah bro long drive cuple joints play a whole cd through takes u too anotha world mate haha


Well-Known Member
I'm just doing a few bagseed plants from some seeds a friend gave me. I'm not sure of the genetics, anyone here good at strain id? It seems like i have a couple of different phenos. One seems like a later sativa dom and the other looks like an indica hybrid with bright pink hairs. No real aroma yet but kinda sweet smelling. It may be easier to explain with pics so maybe ill go out to the plot this w.e.

Grow on growers...
Probably some inbred strain, how big are they?. sounds about right how the indica has pink hairs.


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah bro that was 2nd time ive ever herd the name. Na id love to no wat spotters look like to i always here them buzng around freaks me out. Lol yeah bro long drive cuple joints play a whole cd through takes u too anotha world mate haha
lol it looked a WW2 plane, there's always planes/choppers flying around making me paranoid too.


Active Member
My plants arent huge at all. All between say 2~5ft. Started a too early with some small clones that ended up stunted and seemin dormant. Then when i realised my. reserve seed stash didn't wanna germ i scrambled around tryin to find anything to grow... cuts, seeds, anything. Didnt manage to get them popped til mid Dec... meh... do it better nek year. Still hoping to pull some green and some seeds but ya just never know in this game.


Active Member
Somebody plz help plants started 2 flower about 10 days ago then a few days latter leafes at bottom looked like they had rust on them now
the leafs at the top of the plant are starting to turn the same and looks like its going to take over the plant any advice would be welcome thanks
first started on only 1 plant now my other plants is starting to have the same problem
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Well-Known Member
Somebody plz help plants started 2 flower about 10 days ago then a few days latter leafes at bottom looked like they had rust on them now
the leafs at the top of the plant are starting to turn the same and looks like its going to take over the plant any advice would be welcome thanks
first started on only 1 plant now my other plants is starting to have the same problem
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Probably need a nice transplant into the ground with some primo soil mix eg. Jamaiican bat guano, earth juice etc.

I've seen this before though, what are you feeding it now?. The plant gets sick when the roots are restricted, put it in the ground with some rain crystals and you should get an all good result.

msBOP - Yeah that happened to me last season when I put them out mid october, I put those Malawi clones out 9th december and had to chop them back and shade them from the sun because they weren't conditioned enough to handle our intense sun lol, it only really started growing just before christmas and now they're huge. 7ft before flower is massive. nothing wrong with a 5ft plant though bro, you can still get half lbs per plant. My only indica was put out 10th of jan and is only 2ft.

Get some real genetics next year from a seed bank. Get some pure sativas next season since you're in BOP as long as you're not in Taupo lol gets pretty cold in april there.


Well-Known Member
Somebody plz help plants started 2 flower about 10 days ago then a few days latter leafes at bottom looked like they had rust on them now
the leafs at the top of the plant are starting to turn the same and looks like its going to take over the plant any advice would be welcome thanks
first started on only 1 plant now my other plants is starting to have the same problem
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Standard nute burn, avoiding feeding at full volume and flush you do flush....? to my blog, also consider a pot up?


Active Member

Woohoo! Found my first plant bigger than me (Im 6ft) its the sativa dom strain I was talking about, its only just starting to flower. Should I worry about height of this if my safe height limit is around 10ft? And also the little pink indy lookin cute. These are all near a fairly busy area with people regularly within 20-30m on a well used walking track. Hopefully smells not too much of a problem later.


Well-Known Member
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Woohoo! Found my first plant bigger than me (Im 6ft) its the sativa dom strain I was talking about, its only just starting to flower. Should I worry about height of this if my safe height limit is around 10ft? And also the little pink indy lookin cute. These are all near a fairly busy area with people regularly within 20-30m on a well used walking track. Hopefully smells not too much of a problem later.

Heres a quick look at a few of my plants in this plot.

All good plants man and smell will be an issue for those pink indys.
That sativa might get taller than 10ft like the Malawis. Straight up bro I found nearly 300 plants next to a river and I can easily smell them 20 meters away now even, imagine in a months time.

I reckon end of march for those pink ones, maybe a bit into april for those sativa ones. You could do a staggered harvest with that big one and get way more yield.

lol I'm trying to figure out where you are in that vid, what're you feeding them bro?. looks like you know what you're up to. You been seeing planes and shit around your area?.


Active Member
Yeah theres always planes around cos of the tauranga airport. I try not to spend too much time at the plot. i threw a couple handfuls of chick shit around the base, i get a little for free so i it keeps costs low.

I had a heap of vine hoppers at my other spot but this one has been good so far.

Let the goodtimes roll...