The I-502 Application Process and Operating plan

My question do I as a grower transport my marijuana to the processor??? The entire plant all 100?? Do they pay wet weight or dry...How much ...Who pays for testing

The zoned areas for processors.... are the same areas for retail stores....That's why most growers cant be processors too... zoning

It is my understanding, as Growers/Producers, that's all we do...Grow........Someone else dries, trims and packages...the processor....Do we transport to them or do they pick up?? How

From Processor to retailer its clear.... in a safe mounted in a vehicle with approval and transport ### but that's packaged final product

The grower should be allowed to process on site

Bans and Moratoriums
Several communities and jurisdictions across Washington have enacted local bans or moratoriums on recreational marijuana businesses. In a formal Attorney General Opinion issued January 16, 2014, the Attorney General’s Office concluded that “I-502 left in place the normal powers of local governments to regulate within their jurisdictions” and that “…nothing in I-502 limits that authority with respect to licensed marijuana businesses.”

While the law is silent on the issue of local bans, there is also nothing with the law which allows for the Board to deny licenses to qualified applicants. If an applicant meets the state’s criteria for licensure, the Board will issue a state license. Like any other type of business, a licensee must be in compliance with local laws and regulations.

So you think pierce county will allow retail.
What kinds of questions can I expect when they finally give me a phone interview.Will they ask about costs,the amount I think I can produce, the type of lighting- just how specific do they get on the operating plan. Been working on one and refining it for a year now!
Are people being screened out based on the phone interview alone?

Real basic questions. Refer to the first post on this tread

  • My question do I as a grower transport my marijuana to the processor??? The entire plant all 100?? Do they pay wet weight or dry...How much ...Who pays for testing

    The zoned areas for processors.... are the same areas for retail stores....That's why most growers cant be processors too... zoning

    It is my understanding, as Growers/Producers, that's all we do...Grow........Someone else dries, trims and packages...the processor....Do we transport to them or do they pick up?? How​

These are great questions. As a producer I will trim, cure, weigh, and place bulk product in containers. I will transport these to my processing facility where I will package for the retailer. There will be lots of options for transportation. You, the processor, a distributor, and possibly new transport businesses cropping up.
As small of an operation as you are describing, I think you will be okay. My question to you is; did you apply as a T1 with just 1000 ft of canopy, or did you go for the full 1999?

I'm curious as to who all the big time mega-corp investors were that were "not happy" when their plans were reduced? I had some interactions with Bricken, but never pulled the trigger on retaining. My facility was only going to be operating at 1/4 capacity while keeping under 99 plants on site. 4200 total square feet was my goal, right about center of T2. :)

I haven't officially applied yet, just paid money.That won't happen until I send in my floor and operating plan after the phone interview. Someone DID call and asked if I was planning on using the full 2000 sq ft. I said no. How can you apply for more space than you actually have? Tell them you have future expansion plans? Will that fly?
My question do I as a grower transport my marijuana to the processor??? The entire plant all 100?? Do they pay wet weight or dry...How much ...Who pays for testing

The zoned areas for processors.... are the same areas for retail stores....That's why most growers cant be processors too... zoning

It is my understanding, as Growers/Producers, that's all we do...Grow........Someone else dries, trims and packages...the processor....Do we transport to them or do they pick up?? How

From Processor to retailer its clear.... in a safe mounted in a vehicle with approval and transport ### but that's packaged final product

The grower should be allowed to process on site

So you think pierce county will allow retail.
I see no protocol in place for a Producer to sell to a Processor.To me it is obvious that as a producer you MUST harvest, dry the pot, weigh it, test it AND package it before you can sell it to ANYBODY
And you are right. You MAY run into zoning problems IF you hold both a producer and processor license.They need to change the Rules so that a producer can sell directly to a retail store without having to have a processor license too
So you think pierce county will allow retail.
There is a bill in the Legislature that wil come up for a vote VERY soon probably by the end of next week that bans the pot bans. It passed a biparitsan committee 9-0. IF itpasses you will be able to grow pot anywhere that agricultural uses are allowed-- as King and Spokane Counties have already done. Basically each and every marijuana ordinance becomes null and void
Here's my math on the amount of pot needed in WA: Say 8% are regular or occassional users consuming on average an ounce a month--some a lot less some a lot more. That equates to a need for about 560,000 ounces a month or 6.8 million ounces a year x 28.4 grams per ounce = 190,848,000 grams divided by 40 grams average production per sq ft = 4,771,200 sq ft of canopy
BUT since each sq ft of canopy is going to produce 40 grams 3 times a year minimum, you need only 1/3 the canopy or about 1,600,000 sq ft. So I'd say 2 million sq ft is in the ballpark Of course useage could explode now that it is legal and as medical uses go mainstream
Not really worried TOO much about a glut of pot since my production cost is $12 an ounce. I'm ready for a Price War if necessary. I'm willing to go as low as $50 an ounce if that is what it takes to get into the retail stores. Hopefuly it won't come to that -- I am hoping for $140--but Big Guys beware! I ain't going bust because you produce too much. You will only be hurting yourselves-less allowed yield, at a lesser price due to competition
Kind of scary to know they could grow all of WA pot needs on 3ea 80 acre farms in E.Wa, curing the product in silos over the winter on site- real easy security-- just ring the farm with razor wire-- but watch out for spider mites deliberately planted up wind as sabotage by overzealous Fundamentalists
Speaking of which,-- spider mites, not Fundamentalists-- I have my plants separated in 10 different sealed cubicles. I find spider mites on any plant, I will not treat it, I will most likely just destroy it. Had spider mites the first year I grew, transported on clones. Completly cleaned the room, used fresh paint on all surfaces, use only seeds or clones that I make and the problem went bye bye
The thing I read between the lines here is that they have already determined who is getting what licenses based on the fact that they say everyone is being reduced to 70%. Given that many haven't even seemed to have received a phone call yet....
Just called the LCB and they have not gotten around to my application yet. So I will be behind the first people to get a license by a month.
But according to the rules I can go into flower production after only one week in operation-- if I have plants ready to do so regardless of source--- for a one time start up inventory buildup. So why not do some starts 4 weeks in advance outside of the facility --or even inside and just move them out for the day of final inspection---and move them in immediately after I get my license and tag them. One week later and BAM I'm into the blooming cycle, 6 weeks ahead of where I would have been
I have purchased seeds from Vancouver seed bank and Amsterdam Seed bank with success. Amsterdam was particularrily effective, took a credit card and the delivery was swift
Tried Nirvana, but cost $47 for an electronic funds transfer just for starts
Tried a test order with Dutch seeds but a long time passed and my credit card was never charged. Contacted them but no reply
I am going strictly going with hybrids that are short since I am double decking my plants. Northern Lights is really a beaut for that, White Widow works well in a short space as well, as did Purple Kush and Train Wreck. I may go strictly seeds and just forget about cloning. $8 a seed is a bargain seeing as how you get 100 grams out of it. Clones take so damned long to root -3-4 weeks. A seed will be up in 2- 5 days. Feminized of course
Got 20 free mystery seeds with my Amsterdam white widow order. Not many were viable after 2 years, but the ones that were turned out to be Sativas, 3 out of 4 female,-not good for a short space at ALL. They literally grow like the weeds they are!Luckily I have one cubicle that is tall
It is my understanding that the LCB have added up all the square feet applied for and have come their current plan. To me that means that they have all the information they need to decide on who will get a license. I think they will be limiting all applications to 70% of what they applied for and not 70% of the tier they applied for. In my application I had to include the exact square footage planned and provide scale drawings of the operation. My phone interview was about 3 weeks after application was sent in on 12/18/13. My dead line for final application packet including finger prints was 1/20/14. I assumed that everyone was on the same dead line. I would be worried if I had not got my packet by now.
It is my understanding that the LCB have added up all the square feet applied for and have come their current plan. To me that means that they have all the information they need to decide on who will get a license. I think they will be limiting all applications to 70% of what they applied for and not 70% of the tier they applied for. In my application I had to include the exact square footage planned and provide scale drawings of the operation. My phone interview was about 3 weeks after application was sent in on 12/18/13. My dead line for final application packet including finger prints was 1/20/14. I assumed that everyone was on the same dead line. I would be worried if I had not got my packet by now.
What you say is just an assumption. I paid money, they WILL get back to me yes or no,and if no,why. I don'tt hink they are going to say because I was too late to apply and therefore lost out.That would be quite unfair since they said ALL applications would be considerd as long as they were sent in by Dec 20. A LOT of people signed up the last two days
Okay let's say they started processing applications on Jan 2 after the Holidays and they had 10 people processing 4 each a day-- It would take 14 working weeks to go though all 2800 applications or about the 10 the of April--so I have some time yet
Clones take so damned long to root -3-4 weeks.

If this is the case I think you are either doing something wrong, or just had some really bad luck with a really stubborn to clone strain. The cycle I would have been running would have called for weekly cuttings from mothers that would be placed in root-riot plugs and domed for a week under 24/0. When said week was up, those showing roots would be placed in slightly larger containers to continue building roots under a 18/6 cycle; and on down the 7 day station to station cycle they would go...

I would also think that using seeds would cost a fortune more to fulfill testing requirements. Each seed you sprout has it's own unique set of DNA, along with THC, CBD, ETC...

Clones wouldn't require this repetitive testing, right?
Okay let's say they started processing applications on Jan 2 after the Holidays and they had 10 people processing 4 each a day-- It would take 14 working weeks to go though all 2800 applications or about the 10 the of April--so I have some time yet

Be careful with hypothetical math, I get carried away with it all the time myself!
It is my understanding that the LCB have added up all the square feet applied for and have come their current plan. To me that means that they have all the information they need to decide on who will get a license. I think they will be limiting all applications to 70% of what they applied for and not 70% of the tier they applied for.

My thoughts exactly.
If this is the case I think you are either doing something wrong, or just had some really bad luck with a really stubborn to clone strain. The cycle I would have been running would have called for weekly cuttings from mothers that would be placed in root-riot plugs and domed for a week under 24/0. When said week was up, those showing roots would be placed in slightly larger containers to continue building roots under a 18/6 cycle; and on down the 7 day station to station cycle they would go...

I would also think that using seeds would cost a fortune more to fulfill testing requirements. Each seed you sprout has it's own unique set of DNA, along with THC, CBD, ETC...Clones wouldn't require this repetitive testing, right?
Yeah good points. I'd get into cloning but I believe that would be deemed off subject
So--YOU are doing weekly succession plantings too instead of going for 3 or 4 big crops a year? I love that strategy
I can concentrate my harvest to one day a week. The same day I plant new seeds, transplant seedlings move plants around, fertilize, put the dried pot in jars -a week drying works out great!-- and take the product to market while picking up new supplies on the way back. And do the paperwork. The rest of the week I just water, 2 hours a day max