Well-Known Member
His protege, who is Rush Limbaughs protege, maybe I'll learn something here.you literally cited his protege on the last page.
Is that like one of his accolades? lulz
His protege, who is Rush Limbaughs protege, maybe I'll learn something here.you literally cited his protege on the last page.
You don't have the experience or the perception to tell me about the bias in our college system my friend, I lived it, you can't even get there.
A bit ironic for a kid having trouble getting an education and making minimum wage, to be doing all the laughing.
\Let me be the second then. I will not reveal my age but at work today the ladies thought I looked about mid twenties.
The consensus is that if it is not man made, then there will be no more funding, end of story.
I can't get there? I'm assuming you're alluding to the financial requirement, not the intelligence requirement
Well, if you enjoy making fun of financially insecure people/families, have at it. I can't imagine someone worth their word would do something like that, so that at least narrows you down (as if anyone here needed it, LOL!)
You live it, huh? Did you enjoy your professors telling you the origin story in biblical creation was total bullshit? Or were you like this girl?;
The anti-warming folk have gotten all their ideas from a single source - the GCC. The GCC was a front group funded by dozens of large corporations who had and have huge vested interests in the energy status quo. The GCC took it's playbook from the tobacco industry. Every argument against global warming eminates originaly from an organization formed with the specific purpose of sowing doubt in the mind of the lay and discrediting science in every way possible.
to this day, years after the GCC was disbanded because it's job was done, we see the same exact phrases and arguments they first put forth to the general public. The antis are still echoing these falacies, now tell me PR doesn't work wonders. The antis are still being influenced by an organization that no longer exists - and still they continue.
The fact that this post got no attention is more than a little interesting - there is truth in the notion that the right tends to hold truth and accuracy second to their particular beliefs, which, of course has them see higher education and scientific endeavors as suspect.
Show me the irrefutable proof that man has a substantial impact on global warming, prove to me that there aren't other scientists who disagree.
Then you can be my guest to call it fact.
I'm alluding to your lack of motivation my friend, nothing else.
So you make fun of people over 40, now suddenly you become a victim?
When you learn to give respect, you'll get it in return.
A pr organization really?
Canndo I haven't read your links yet but I will go back and do.
Whatever the gcc is do they, in fact, have unlimited funding?
There is zero proof of mmcg to present despite unlimited funding.
Didn't you hear the debt ceiling was just raised?
I need to start a climate research operation.....where will most likely receive my funding?
Beating dead horses....is that how they do in oregon?
Do y'all even have teeth brushes?
Lol at the zealots lauding the science is incontrovertible. Kerry makes an ass out of himself, says the same thing and the wingnuts can't vomit it out fast enough. Keep trying, maybe in 50 years you'll get lucky and one of your climate models will accurately predict...SOMETHING. Until then, me and a majority of your fellow citizens are gonna keep burning fossil fuel as fast as we can with our toys and LARGE vehicles.
Keep up the good fight.
Stating the fact that most people over 40 in the US don't accept valid scientific theories like evolution and climate change isn't "making fun" of anyone, you're confused..
we know the toothbrush was invented in the south because otherwise it would have been called a teethbrush.
Stating the fact that most people over 40 in the US don't accept valid scientific theories like evolution and climate change isn't "making fun" of anyone, you're confused..
"People that think and know stuff always go against what I believe, I better play the victim and claim liberal prejudice, that'll show em!"
The reason old stuffy conservatives like yourself believe places of higher education have a liberal bias is because reality has a liberal bias because reality is the shit that's true.
You silly people will be gone in 20 years, your entire thought process will be eliminated. Nobody 20 years from now will think like you, and if they do, they'll keep it to themselves because they'll be laughed out of public places if they don't, just like those same people don't discuss how much they hate other races (even though everybody knows it), or religion. That trend is delicious!
we know the toothbrush was invented in the south because otherwise it would have been called a teethbrush.
Really? most people over 40? Prove that, or shut your stupid mouth. Anyone can go to college nowadays. You make lame excuses because you cannot handle what you know to be true, that you are not as smart as you want/need to tell yourself.