Well HC have changed their mind about burning again. I got this back last week.
As previously stated, under the MMPR, you will not be allowed to destroy marihuana by burning as this would result in people being exposed to marihuana smoke. The marihuana and/or cannabis material is considered destroyed when it is altered or denatured to such an extent that its consumption is rendered impossible or improbable. The method of destruction is up to the licensed producer. One way is to blend the marihuana with water and then mix it with cat litter to mask the odour. This can then be placed in the garbage. It is recommended that you speak with your local government regarding disposal options that may be available in your area.
Hi woodsmaneh... did you propose an incinerator or just burning the product? To use cat litter for the volume of cannabis plant waste that needs to be destroyed at a production facility would be unreasonable.
everyone else - what is your proposed method of destruction that you used for your application? We are proposing a dual stage incinerator that is odourless.