How Working In Washington Taught Me We’re All A Little Like RT America

If that's the case, can you find one instance where FOX management held an opinion that a FOX News host opposed and voiced? I have a good feeling you can't, but I guess we'll see..

Another thing, do you refer to him as "Bwana Obama" and "Barry Soetoro" in some attempt at discrediting his credibility or trying to highlight the tea party theory that he was born in Kenya? Why don't you refer to the POTUS as "Obama" like 99.9% of everyone else?

you're talking to a racist who literally thinks that multiculturalism is a threat to america that will make us all have "a singular mindset" (i shit you not, he said that) and defends philippe rushton (look him up) as totally not racist and a good source of science.
This part was straight to the point:

Which brings me to why we’re all a little like RT America. The people who work at ThinkProgress today continue to do awesome, independent reporting. But they have a lot of constraints on them, and I’m sure they wish they didn’t. But it’s an unfortunate reality in many of the journalistic environments we exist today. We can’t criticize certain people, or dig into certain stories, or follow our noses on the trail of corruption if it means upsetting our publishers, sponsors, and donors.

This is a reason why the 5th estate (i.e. interwebz media) is becoming more prominent--as far as geopolitical info-whoring goes--with outlets all over the globe (especially on YouTube).
But even there, I have to wonder if there is a limit. I don't mean saturation since, theoretically, it wouldn't occur until every person was a blogger/news-outlet. Rather, large collections of news services that catch a story but can't reach enough eyeballs/ears due to being drowned out in a crowd of choices.

It's akin to taking data. One has to figure out how much data is the perfect amount. As it turns out, there is such a thing as too much data. If one is interested in short-term changes of temperature, then it may not be a good idea to run an experiment all day since the background temperature may shift so much, it won't be possible to separate the "noise" from the natural changes.
News is like that, too. If one is in need of short-term information, having 100s of possible options makes it difficult to get that average value. There's just not enough time.

I suppose it's a trade-off, or opportunity cost. Meanwhile, the greatest stroke of genius ever penned lies beneath decades of dust, somewhere in a forgotten filing cabinet.
you mean people who are not delusional?

dont bother trying to argue that the right wing controls the press, only fools will believe it.

next stop on your Crazy Train:
Right Wing domination of trade unions and eco-looney organizations.
Evil Republicans secretly controlling the Marxist Zapatista insurgents in mexico
Soviet Union actually a Right Wing Capitalist movement

you live in bizzaro world

Where in this entire thread or anywhere on this forum have I said "the right wing controls the press"?

You read what you want to read.. You miss the points that are valid because all you see is partisanship

I share the same opinion as the blog posted in the OP, that mainstream media is manipulated by whichever party is in the executive office, right and left. When GWB was in office, the majority of mainstream media supported the invasions and the wars, they supported his presidency up until it was obvious to the public the middle east couldn't be won. He had 90% approval ratings after 9/11, you don't think the mainstream media had anything to do with that? Like I said, that's simply delusional
you're talking to a racist who literally thinks that multiculturalism is a threat to america that will make us all have "a singular mindset" (i shit you not, he said that) and defends philippe rushton (look him up) as totally not racist and a good source of science.

I'm not taking his responses seriously, it's apparent he's speaking from a fanatical position evidenced enough by his lack of ability to view each party objectively
If that's the case, can you find one instance where FOX management held an opinion that a FOX News host opposed and voiced? I have a good feeling you can't, but I guess we'll see..

took 30 seconds.

Another thing, do you refer to him as "Bwana Obama" and "Barry Soetoro" in some attempt at discrediting his credibility or trying to highlight the tea party theory that he was born in Kenya? Why don't you refer to the POTUS as "Obama" like 99.9% of everyone else?
Barry Seotoro is his LEGAL NAME, as found on every document relating to his life in indonesia.

his mother legally changed his name to Barry Seotoro when Lolo Seotoro (a rich well connected govt insider in indonesia) legally adopted Barry as his son. he never changed it back or petitioned for reinstatement of his US citizenship.

Barry goes by many names, including The One, The Immaculate One, Black Jesus, and Barack Hussein Obama Jr. his list of aliases is quite long.

i prefer his Legal Name, Barry Seotoro, and of course the much maligned Bwana Obama simply because it pisses lefties off.

the left doesnt mind calling G W Bush "shrub" "dubya" or Boo0o00o0o00oo0oosh when they wish to marginalize him, nor were they shy about laying all manner of cutesy sobriquets on Reagan and Bush sr.

go play butthurt someplace else sonny, nobody is buying your faux outrage.
you mean people who are not delusional?

dont bother trying to argue that the right wing controls the press, only fools will believe it.

next stop on your Crazy Train:
Right Wing domination of trade unions and eco-looney organizations.
Evil Republicans secretly controlling the Marxist Zapatista insurgents in mexico
Soviet Union actually a Right Wing Capitalist movement

you live in bizzaro world

Keynes' world is under attack everyone. The immigrants, poor, and the extremist liberal/communist left are clearly to blame. The only way to make it better is to worship at the altar of the mythical "free market", and pray that the 1% can save us.

Also, voluntary contracts.
This part was straight to the point:

Which brings me to why we’re all a little like RT America. The people who work at ThinkProgress today continue to do awesome, independent reporting. But they have a lot of constraints on them, and I’m sure they wish they didn’t. But it’s an unfortunate reality in many of the journalistic environments we exist today. We can’t criticize certain people, or dig into certain stories, or follow our noses on the trail of corruption if it means upsetting our publishers, sponsors, and donors.

This is a reason why the 5th estate (i.e. interwebz media) is becoming more prominent--as far as geopolitical info-whoring goes--with outlets all over the globe (especially on YouTube).
But even there, I have to wonder if there is a limit. I don't mean saturation since, theoretically, it wouldn't occur until every person was a blogger/news-outlet. Rather, large collections of news services that catch a story but can't reach enough eyeballs/ears due to being drowned out in a crowd of choices.

It's akin to taking data. One has to figure out how much data is the perfect amount. As it turns out, there is such a thing as too much data. If one is interested in short-term changes of temperature, then it may not be a good idea to run an experiment all day since the background temperature may shift so much, it won't be possible to separate the "noise" from the natural changes.
News is like that, too. If one is in need of short-term information, having 100s of possible options makes it difficult to get that average value. There's just not enough time.

I suppose it's a trade-off, or opportunity cost. Meanwhile, the greatest stroke of genius ever penned lies beneath decades of dust, somewhere in a forgotten filing cabinet.

This is exactly why independent media is so important today. It should be obvious to anyone, if you report something that doesn't appeal to either your sponsors (the people paying your network to air your program) or your interviewees (including politicians), you likely won't get a second interview. You tow the line, that's why mainstream media has become nothing but opinion and not news. Big problem
Barry Seotoro is his LEGAL NAME, as found on every document relating to his life in indonesia.

his mother legally changed his name to Barry Seotoro when Lolo Seotoro (a rich well connected govt insider in indonesia) legally adopted Barry as his son. he never changed it back or petitioned for reinstatement of his US citizenship.

Barry goes by many names, including The One, The Immaculate One, Black Jesus, and Barack Hussein Obama Jr. his list of aliases is quite long.

i prefer his Legal Name, Barry Seotoro, and of course the much maligned Bwana Obama simply because it pisses lefties off.


On a side note, Keynes is also working on an alternate theory of gravity.
Where in this entire thread or anywhere on this forum have I said "the right wing controls the press"?

your limpwristed "they both do it' whimpering about the government controlling the media didnt just imply that republican or conservative administrations control the press, it ASSERTED it

You read what you want to read.. You miss the points that are valid because all you see is partisanship

I share the same opinion as the blog posted in the OP, that mainstream media is manipulated by whichever party is in the executive office, right and left. When GWB was in office, the majority of mainstream media supported the invasions and the wars, they supported his presidency up until it was obvious to the public the middle east couldn't be won. He had 90% approval ratings after 9/11, you don't think the mainstream media had anything to do with that? Like I said, that's simply delusional

in NO WAY did the article in the OP assert that "both sides do it". the "We" in that piece was all about the left.

read it again, find ONE reference to Boo000o0oo0osh exercising control over the media, or one place where he talks about any "right wing" organization bowing to government pressure.

your fantastical fantasy about b00ooo0o0oo00sh manipulating the press after 9/11 is not only ridiculous but fucking clinically retarded. if Boo0o0o000oo0osh had that kind of control over the media, hurricane katrina would have been a case of some neighborhood kids opening a fire hydrant, and the abu ghraib dude piles would have been described as a fun evening of Twister.

you are 100% wrong, and trying to defend your blatantly incorrect opinion is just making you look more and more retarded.

carry on.
This is exactly why independent media is so important today. It should be obvious to anyone, if you report something that doesn't appeal to either your sponsors (the people paying your network to air your program) or your interviewees (including politicians), you likely won't get a second interview. You tow the line, that's why mainstream media has become nothing but opinion and not news. Big problem


The "We" in that article is LEFT LEANING ORGANIZATIONS and the LEFTY PRESS being controlled by lefty administrations!

not all media outlets, all administrations, or even all lefties.

the occasional lefty will break from the Party Line, but they always pay a heavy price for it. (see Joe Lieberman)

you are simply inserting your own editorial spin on the clear and concise words of the article in the OP, which has NO RELATION to conservatives, right leaning media outlets or republican administrations

The "We" in that article is LEFT LEANING ORGANIZATIONS and the LEFTY PRESS being controlled by lefty administrations!

not all media outlets, all administrations, or even all lefties.

the occasional lefty will break from the Party Line, but they always pay a heavy price for it. (see Joe Lieberman)

you are simply inserting your own editorial spin on the clear and concise words of the article in the OP, which has NO RELATION to conservatives, right leaning media outlets or republican administrations

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

took 30 seconds.

Oh man, you really are totally lost, aren't you?

FOX News hires liberal commentators to come on in an attempt to portray they are "Fair and Balanced", when all they do is set up the conservative host for perfect softballs to respond to. O'Reilly, Kelly, Fox and Friends, The 5, etc., all of them do it. Juan Williams is a perfect example.

What happens when someone who actually opposes their agenda comes on? They get owned, each and every single time

Barry Seotoro is his LEGAL NAME

...then why don't we call him "president Seotoro"?
Where in this entire thread or anywhere on this forum have I said "the right wing controls the press"?

You read what you want to read.. You miss the points that are valid because all you see is partisanship

I share the same opinion as the blog posted in the OP, that mainstream media is manipulated by whichever party is in the executive office, right and left. When GWB was in office, the majority of mainstream media supported the invasions and the wars, they supported his presidency up until it was obvious to the public the middle east couldn't be won. He had 90% approval ratings after 9/11, you don't think the mainstream media had anything to do with that? Like I said, that's simply delusional

You are a young man who has a lot to learn about the media and politics.

Watch C-Span or maybe your local cable station has your states congress or senate proceedings on tv.
Boring in a way but WATCH it. For weeks, months or years on end and you will see what goes on.

The majority of media is owned by liberals who are more than happy to push their agenda.

On a side note, Keynes is also working on an alternate theory of gravity.

godhere has rushed in to provide the lefty troll moron perspective since i am studiously ignoring bucky's shitposts.

as usual you do not dispute the assertion, instead you make a weak, and poorly framed personal attack.

offer some proof of the press being controlled and dominated by Booo0o0o000sh, or media personalities being sacked for voicing opinions which were contrary to the Boo0o00o0o000sh Party Line.

inB4 you pretend i never laid this challenge. much in the way pada is pretending i didnt answer his challenge with an article from Columbia Law Review for fuck's sake.

muy facile.
Secondly, buy yourself a shortwave receiver and a spool of wire for a antenna.
Listen to broadcasts from around the world.
You would be surprised at all the things you'll never hear on your local news.

Oh man, you really are totally lost, aren't you?

FOX News hires liberal commentators to come on in an attempt to portray they are "Fair and Balanced", when all they do is set up the conservative host for perfect softballs to respond to. O'Reilly, Kelly, Fox and Friends, The 5, etc., all of them do it. Juan Williams is a perfect example.

What happens when someone who actually opposes their agenda comes on? They get owned, each and every single time
Columbia Journalism Review disagrees with your statement. lefties get Pwned on fox news because lefties get pwned whenever they face dissent. leftism is contrary to logic, contrary to human nature and contrary to FACTS.

when facing serious debate lefties invariably change the subject, as you are attempting to do now.

the issue, which you probably dont recall, is the article posted in the OP, and YOUR assertion that the press is also controlled by republicans.

this assertion is laughable on it's face. since this position is obviously indefensible you now wish to argue about fox news being "unfair" to lefties, while a simple comparison to it's counterpart on the left, MSNBC clearly demonstrates that on Fox, lefties are given an opportunity to express their opinions and engage in debate, while MSNBC prefers to offer one-sided commentary from super-lefty diposhits like ed schultz, piers morgan, al sharpton, and rachel maddow.

for all your whingeing and pissing about the evils of fox news, you refuse to examine the deeds ofMSNBC, RT, CNN, Bloomberg, AP, the New York Times, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, etc etc etc etc, who all repeat the lefty party line and pretend all other opinions are from fringe lunatics.

...then why don't we call him "president Seotoro"?

cuz nobody named Barry Seotoro ever got elected president.

in my opinion he is NOT president, he is a usurper.

even if he WERE legitimately president, and his name really is Barack Hussein Obama, he is still an incompetent boob and a buffoon.
godhere has rushed in to provide the lefty troll moron perspective since i am studiously ignoring bucky's shitposts.

as usual you do not dispute the assertion, instead you make a weak, and poorly framed personal attack.

offer some proof of the press being controlled and dominated by Booo0o0o000sh, or media personalities being sacked for voicing opinions which were contrary to the Boo0o00o0o000sh Party Line.

inB4 you pretend i never laid this challenge. much in the way pada is pretending i didnt answer his challenge with an article from Columbia Law Review for fuck's sake.

muy facile.

What high self esteem. But no, after a year of dealing with your lunatic world view I just don't feel compelled to indulge you like I used to.
your limpwristed "they both do it' whimpering about the government controlling the media didnt just imply that republican or conservative administrations control the press, it ASSERTED it

You read what you want to read.. You miss the points that are valid because all you see is partisanship

Seriously lmfao!

I posted an article from a liberal journalist criticizing the Obama administration and yet my inclusion of the GOP in media manipulation is seen as "limpwristed". For fucks sake Kynes, I could come out and say "Obama fucks little boys and embezzles money from prostitution to pay liberal journalists to hide it!!!!! But (insert conservative politician) did it one time, too..." and you would be bitching about how "NO CONSERVATIVE WOULD EVER DO SUCH A THING!!!!!!! YOU LIBERAL LYING PIECE OF SHIT!!!"

Come on, bro.. a little perspective might do you some good..

in NO WAY did the article in the OP assert that "both sides do it". the "We" in that piece was all about the left.


read it again, find ONE reference to Boo000o0oo0osh exercising control over the media, or one place where he talks about any "right wing" organization bowing to government pressure.

This article was focused on the left wing outlet because that's who the guy worked for, you idiot

you are 100% wrong, and trying to defend your blatantly incorrect opinion is just making you look more and more retarded.

Then carry on soaking up those sweet, sweet GOP ideals you so lovingly coax to completion... all over your face

not all media outlets, all administrations, or even all lefties.

...because this one article, on this one website didn't mention it, I guess you must be right..

you are simply inserting your own editorial spin on the clear and concise words of the article in the OP, which has NO RELATION to conservatives, right leaning media outlets or republican administrations

..again, because this one guy who worked for a liberal outlet expressed his opinion on the liberal outlet he worked for didn't comment on any conservative outlets doesn't mean the absolute same exact bullshit doesn't happen behind conservative doors, and you're a naive retard if you don't think it does