What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
Never had sockeye , is it not a type of salmon ?
If so does it taste like atlantic salmon we get here in aus ?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Never had sockeye , is it not a type of salmon ?
If so does it taste like atlantic salmon we get here in aus ?
While king or chinook salmon may get all the attention and many people swear by its superiority, sockeye salmon is a richly textured and highly flavorful salmon.


A lot to read but it just tastes better.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
thanks guys. it was really a what's in the pantry job lol. few sweet potato's, red n white onions a couple jars of tinned tomato's, few sultana's a load of spice. bit of chilli for a kicker.

the real interesting one was the roasted broccoli. i did it in some sesame oil and a few bits n bobs of garlic and onion granules and it had the most amazing nutty flavour.

you guys are making drool all this talk of cray fish jumbo prawns. next your gonna whip out some main tails and i'm going to cream.
you just made an amazing discovery..broc....garlic/onions..ad salt pepper some oil of your preference(mine being coconut or sesame ) ...equals satisfaction..add some long grain brown rice(plus some e prov.) and your golden

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
having only had it boiled or cream cheesed it was a revelation lol i wonder if it works with that other crazy looking one that looks a bit like green cauliflower i can never remember it's name but it makes me think of fibonacci's golden rule when i see it.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
imma post a spinach kale soup later..yall love that shit

Never had sockeye , is it not a type of salmon ?
If so does it taste like atlantic salmon we get here in aus ?
dude please educate yourself......it is a type.......

and it pretty good...eye(I) myself prefer copper river fished salmon (koho i think )for a nice flavor ..but cant argue with the color of this nice fresh non frozen sockeye