What's For Dinner Tonight?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
See you can't even spell , i don't under stand butt fuck speak (sorry)
What are you trying to say exactly ?

your own comprehension might be lacking but im sure you can overcome it

and yes

my lack of spelling is absurd but it has a little to do with my intelligence and if you think it does i find your conclusions dubious and highly interpretive of your own social or intellectual lacking in society

please continue to project....it feeds my IQ


Well-Known Member

your own comprehension might be lacking but im sure you can overcome it

and yes

my lack of spelling is absurd but it has a little to do with my intelligence and if you think it does i find your conclusions dubious and highly interpretive of your own social or intellectual lacking in society

please continue to project....it feeds my IQ
What the fuck are you on about dickhead ?!
obviously your IQ is the same as a dung beatle and needs feeding reguarly.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
dinner for me tonight was salmon sockeye apparently a controversial subject to some

previous nights dinners were brought to you by brown rice and veggies and kale and spinach soup......lets argue about nothing about it and blame it on those who contribute vs something else



Well-Known Member
dinner for me tonight was salmon sockeye apparently a controversial subject to some

previous nights dinners were brought to you by brown rice and veggies and kale and spinach soup......lets argue about nothing about it and blame it on those who contribute vs something else

That looks good especially the soup


Well-Known Member
dinner for me tonight was salmon sockeye apparently a controversial subject to some

previous nights dinners were brought to you by brown rice and veggies and kale and spinach soup......lets argue about nothing about it and blame it on those who contribute vs something else

that looks really terrible dude .
looks like crap

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
omg, im so sorry for posting pictures of the food i create and my opinoins or subsequent responses to others.....omg i feel so sorry to cuasing any turmoil

except that i don't really give two shits(what you prefer) and you fucking ass hats can all lick the juices that come from me garbage disposal