I guess people just don't get sarcasm, the post about hating polar bears clearly went over some heads. I was agreeing with Su in a sarcastic way hoping that he'd give everyone here a break and take his goonies with him, that clearly didn't work!
I haven't changed my original view that defoliation doesn't have to make any difference to vegging time, if you veg for 4 weeks normally then you just veg for 2 weeks then defoliate then veg for another 2 weeks. It totals 4 weeks now matter how you want to count it!! Please explain to me how how that takes any more time or money??
Why is it that every time I ask for some real evidence for the argument against it just doesn't happen, I can't believe there is nothing about it on the internet. No stickies about how defoliation doesn't work, no educational lessons about how it extends your vegging time, no stories of actual failures, no side by side experiments, it all seems to be what my mate told me and the general consensus and nothing with a concrete foundation.
@Hue I don't feel that I have any wounds, only factual evidence will hurt me.
When you get called names then you've generally won the argument. I'm still stinging like a butterfly and floating like a bee, or something like that anyway! lol