your thoughts on today's court case(federal)


Well-Known Member
Stress does strange things to people. Dan is right..we need to focus on slaying the dragon right now. LP's know the score, or they should have at least been aware of the rules of the game. How many times have med mari patients been to court for very similar issues? Any LP that didn't expect patients to fight the new program, was not prepared. Now we wait and see what this court thinks ...again.


Well-Known Member
Does the april 31 report on your mj destruction date to HC also apply to the registration with an LP? They are really taking it down to the last days of pressuring PUPL's to give up their tickets.


Active Member
At best, they'll be granted a few month reprieve. Don't get your hopes up. Mernegh keeps implying some big announcement is expected, though.


Well-Known Member
Does the april 31 report on your mj destruction date to HC also apply to the registration with an LP? They are really taking it down to the last days of pressuring PUPL's to give up their tickets.
All licences expire on March 31. If you have an ATP with a different date say November, you would then have until that date in November to use your ATP to register with a LP. After that date, you have to go to your doc and get them to fill out all new forms. I am personally going to keep my pink slips as a memento of this time on my life.


Well-Known Member
hey punky you say" they" you work for Health Canada......your posts are considerably clearer in meaning now....


Well-Known Member
Lol flunkies just mad cause she's going to lose her LP investment tomoro.... when John makes another mockery of our brilliant federal government lol just like Christmas Eve


Well-Known Member
There's gonna be a whole lot of pissed off LP investors tomorrow. I don't like to see anyone fail, but what did these guys expect when they climbed into bed with HC? They must have known nothing good ever comes from that! And having a business plan that relies solely on the oppression and hardship of the poor and sick didn't win them any patient sympathizers. The investor money for big LP start-ups is about to disappear...


Well-Known Member
I doubt that the money will go away ever. Just way to much to be had. 40000 people amounts to chump change compared to the amount of legal people that are jumpin on the wagon. Why not? They can.
Billions will be made off the ones who can pay. I have no doubt about that. Not to mention the next Election may help?
The rest...well... the hind tit comes to mind.


Well-Known Member
I can not wait. The judge would have to be blind not to realize how corrupt the new LP system is for monetary gain. And for all you true patients out there let's keep John and his legal team in our thoughts cause he is a true hero in standing up for people who other wise would not have the monetary means to stand up for themselves. All I can afford is 1 to 2$ a gram and I use 10 a day so if John doesn't win i have to choose my families safety (my four children from seeing there father being taken away for doing nothing)from our police force or my medicine. So SOrry if I come off assholish sometimes but this sucks!!!!!!