
I dont want anything to do with aliens, unless they want to hand Me billions of dollars, lol.

But, in the future, there will be man made "mother ships". We will explore the galaxy, and then the universe.

We are living in the "stone age" compared to a thousand or tens of thousands of years from now. We are primative compared to the distant future.

For the record, I dont recall a time that I have ever wore a tin foil hat.


That's because the weatherman made you forget. He's in your T.V. and he's watching you. Go check the kitchen drawers, you know the one under the junk drawer and above the dish towels, the one with all the plastic baggies, paper lunch sacks and where the tinfoil used to be. See? Tin foils missing isn't it? Obviously you used it for something.
There is a real business opportunity here. It should not be too hard to get folks to part with a whole lot of their actual money in order to have the privilege of experiencing the unique benefits of THCebo™! Soon: extra strength THCebo™!! Have extra money ready, privileged customers.

That's been my perception of Piracetam, so far. What effects were present, rapidly diminished.
If it is not a placebo effect, then there is definitely some manner of rapid tolerance (ala LSD).
I will say, though, it does get blood flowing to my fingers (so I will keep some around for the winter when Raynaud's is a problem ;) ).
Oh, I did also notice an elimination of fasciculations, as well.
So this stuff is not snake-oil ©§®ѨѸѹѺѾ҈Ѳ֧אٻ٭۞

Do you have any experience with nootropics, papa bear?
Just some good-natured riffing on "placebo or THC".
I don't have a whole lot of experience with, uhm, recognized nootropics. But I've rocked the tropics with some formulations to which a sane man would have said Nooo! Can't say they've left me any the smarter. Wiser ... maybe. Professional neural rodeo rider on closed course; do not try this at home. ~disturbed giggle~
Just some good-natured riffing on "placebo or THC".
I don't have a whole lot of experience with, uhm, recognized nootropics. But I've rocked the tropics with some formulations to which a sane man would have said Nooo! Can't say they've left me any the smarter. Wiser ... maybe. Professional neural rodeo rider on closed course; do not try this at home. ~disturbed giggle~

Ahhh :lol:
Well, I've found my short Piracetam experiment to be worthy of a second trial, at least.
Noopept (1000x potency but 10% bioavailable, so it's really 100x) will be next, when my study-buddy gets some ;)

It's conceivable the effects I felt initially were a result of prior neural abuse (from years of drinking and toking) being 'repaired'.
But I still can't discount the THCebo effect. More data is needed, since it is possible there is synergy, although that seems counter-intuitive.
However, it may be plausible in that THC does have a "zoning in" effect, coupled with increased throughput of the Corpus Callosum (via Piracetam) this may be the reason for the profound initial result. Subcool was advertising "TimeWreck" (before his departure) as being a study aid, so there may be something in that hypothesis--now if I could get my grubby mitts on some of that...

N-for-1 studies are rough...I need a gov't grant so I can dose a bunch of people :lol:
That's because the weatherman made you forget. He's in your T.V. and he's watching you. Go check the kitchen drawers, you know the one under the junk drawer and above the dish towels, the one with all the plastic baggies, paper lunch sacks and where the tinfoil used to be. See? Tin foils missing isn't it? Obviously you used it for something.

Nope, the aluminum foil is where it normally is. I just checked, lol.

Im not so sure if HAARP has the ability to mind control people. But what do I know?

Ahhh :lol:
Well, I've found my short Piracetam experiment to be worthy of a second trial, at least.
Noopept (1000x potency but 10% bioavailable, so it's really 100x) will be next, when my study-buddy gets some ;)

It's conceivable the effects I felt initially were a result of prior neural abuse (from years of drinking and toking) being 'repaired'.
But I still can't discount the THCebo effect. More data is needed, since it is possible there is synergy, although that seems counter-intuitive.
However, it may be plausible in that THC does have a "zoning in" effect, coupled with increased throughput of the Corpus Callosum (via Piracetam) this may be the reason for the profound initial result. Subcool was advertising "TimeWreck" (before his departure) as being a study aid, so there may be something in that hypothesis--now if I could get my grubby mitts on some of that...

N-for-1 studies are rough...I need a gov't grant so I can dose a bunch of people :lol:

I am deeply distrustful of "stimulant/agonist" nootropes. I remember the disaster that was L-Dopa.
I am deeply distrustful of "stimulant/agonist" nootropes. I remember the disaster that was L-Dopa.

I have vague memories of something about that. L-Dopa is still used, though, for Parkinson's (and some other neurological disorders, I imagine).
Were people trying to use it as a nootropic?

(quickly scans the google and the wiki utensils)

Hmm...so it does seem to be classified as such.
But it is in the Dopaminergic class (yes, I do moonlight as Captain Obvious). Painting the broad spectrum of nootropes with that particular brush means you want to put cannabis under the bus, too.

[h=4]Cholinergics[/h] Cholinergics are substances that affect the neurotransmitter acetylcholine or the components of the nervous system that use acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a facilitator of memory formation. Increasing the availability of this neurotransmitter in the brain may improve these functions. Cholinergic nootropics include acetylcholine precursors and cofactors, and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors:

inhibitors and enhancers
  • Piracetam— Increases high affinity choline uptake[SUP][49][/SUP]

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
  • cannabis Due to its AChE-inhibiting properties, Cannabis appears to increase acetylcholine levels and therefore studies suggest it as a treatment for Alzheimer's.[SUP][45][/SUP] Anxiolytic and analgesic found in cannabis. Neuroprotectant, possible Alzheimer's prevention and possible neurogenesis inducer.[SUP][46][/SUP] Possible neurotoxic effects of a notable constituent, THC, have been documented[SUP][47][/SUP]

Well, well, well...t'ree holes in de ground (as a Newfie I knew used to say).

That would explain the synergism I experienced.
I share your hesitation and caution, though. I'll make sure I feed it to my friend before I try it :lol:
If he falls over and starts going into apoplectic shock (with extra foam), then I'll think twice before testing it myself.
Too many holes in this stuff, and there is at least one gross misstatement.

Who do you want to hear it from?

It has been used for over 30 years.

Pesticides, GMO's, herbicides, exposure to aerosols etc. etc. all take 15-20 years to manifest its health effects, we are seeing those NOW.

Have you even seen "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" which is a research paper presented to the 'Air Force'.
Like I said they have put this information out constantly. Monsanto roundup ready patent, ok cool. Monsanto aluminum resistant gene??? What a coincidence huh

This wont last long as I'm sure, like they have already, Monsanto seeds will contaminate the Mayan's crops and it will be all over within a growing season and you will see them back in court saying they have to buy Monsanto seeds.

I mean people in the cannabis 'industry' care more about the money than the patients so it will be very easy for Monsanto to come into it and ruin everything. I'm not saying they are the main concern but is something we should have a plan for already.
We need to do something.

If HAARP is good for people and the enviornment then we should build more. If HAARP is bad for people and the enviornment then we should not build any more.

What do you guys think? is HAARP good for people and the enviornment or bad for us?

Who do you want to hear it from?

It has been used for over 30 years.

Pesticides, GMO's, herbicides, exposure to aerosols etc. etc. all take 15-20 years to manifest its health effects, we are seeing those NOW.

Have you even seen "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" which is a research paper presented to the 'Air Force'.
Like I said they have put this information out constantly. Monsanto roundup ready patent, ok cool. Monsanto aluminum resistant gene??? What a coincidence huh

This wont last long as I'm sure, like they have already, Monsanto seeds will contaminate the Mayan's crops and it will be all over within a growing season and you will see them back in court saying they have to buy Monsanto seeds.

I mean people in the cannabis 'industry' care more about the money than the patients so it will be very easy for Monsanto to come into it and ruin everything. I'm not saying they are the main concern but is something we should have a plan for already.

We agree that GMOs released into the environment is unwise. We agree that massive use of herbicides, insecticides, antibiotics and fungicides is an unwise practice with possibly huge unintended consequences. We agree that it is possible that the manufacturers of these things may be intentionaly hiding the most dangerous effects and we agree that it may take years for those effects to be seen in the general population or the environment.

But we do know the approximate usage. The use of those things is not being kept secret. I was reacting to the suppostition that not only was aluminum being injected into the upper atmosphere but that practice was causing a series of illnesses in humans.

Every time we encounter some new rise in maladies, we tend to blame vaccines, plastics, antibiotics, cellphones, GMOs, pesticides, pills, doctors, corporations and of course the government. The truth is that we don't know, and adding yet another conspiricy doesn't help matters.

As I said, there can be other explainations for all the problems your articles name.
Who do you want to hear it from?

It has been used for over 30 years.

Pesticides, GMO's, herbicides, exposure to aerosols etc. etc. all take 15-20 years to manifest its health effects, we are seeing those NOW.

Have you even seen "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" which is a research paper presented to the 'Air Force'.
Like I said they have put this information out constantly. Monsanto roundup ready patent, ok cool. Monsanto aluminum resistant gene??? What a coincidence huh

This wont last long as I'm sure, like they have already, Monsanto seeds will contaminate the Mayan's crops and it will be all over within a growing season and you will see them back in court saying they have to buy Monsanto seeds.

I mean people in the cannabis 'industry' care more about the money than the patients so it will be very easy for Monsanto to come into it and ruin everything. I'm not saying they are the main concern but is something we should have a plan for already.

Nothing wrong with setting up a treaty prohibiting something that no one has the ability to create. Controling the weather would certainly be a method of manipulating other countries in a variety of ways from destroying crops to flooding population centers to setting up conditions right for one side's military movements or bad for anothers.

I believe we have seen proposals for treaties prohibiting the use of the Moon for military applications. That doesn't mean anyone is currently capable of doing so. If we can now actually manipulate the weather, then the anti-global warming critics are pretty much dead wrong on every front. If we can do it intentionaly, then we can certainly do it unknowingly. The fact is that among all of the natural systems in our world, we have more understanding of weather than most others. That does not indicate however that we are capable of managing such large forces with such small forces at our disposal.
Nothing wrong with setting up a treaty prohibiting something that no one has the ability to create. Controling the weather would certainly be a method of manipulating other countries in a variety of ways from destroying crops to flooding population centers to setting up conditions right for one side's military movements or bad for anothers.

I believe we have seen proposals for treaties prohibiting the use of the Moon for military applications. That doesn't mean anyone is currently capable of doing so. If we can now actually manipulate the weather, then the anti-global warming critics are pretty much dead wrong on every front. If we can do it intentionaly, then we can certainly do it unknowingly. The fact is that among all of the natural systems in our world, we have more understanding of weather than most others. That does not indicate however that we are capable of managing such large forces with such small forces at our disposal.

No one wanted any moon bases, so we have the Lunar Treaty. I imagine if weather control was more than a local cloud seeding reality, there would be Treaty. And it will be a payola something like Kyoto, or Carbon Credits. The ones that can control the weather pay the others to keep quiet.
No one wanted any moon bases, so we have the Lunar Treaty.

I watched a video that said there are already bases on the moon.

I can find the video if anyone wants... I found the video and I will play it right now.

Undeniable Evidence Aliens Do Not Come From Other Galaxies


If there is any truth to this video, then there are already moon bases, I dont know.

Im now going to procede and play My videos of Myself, so you guys can see exactly Who you are talking to.
