Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
I dont want anything to do with aliens, unless they want to hand Me billions of dollars, lol.
But, in the future, there will be man made "mother ships". We will explore the galaxy, and then the universe.
We are living in the "stone age" compared to a thousand or tens of thousands of years from now. We are primative compared to the distant future.
For the record, I dont recall a time that I have ever wore a tin foil hat.
That's because the weatherman made you forget. He's in your T.V. and he's watching you. Go check the kitchen drawers, you know the one under the junk drawer and above the dish towels, the one with all the plastic baggies, paper lunch sacks and where the tinfoil used to be. See? Tin foils missing isn't it? Obviously you used it for something.