Dark Side Of The Moon.....

Ok cool thanks. Ok. You remember when I had shook the jars that have the WBS & Popcorn :??: Well now it's looking as if the growth has broken up and is in these dime size "balls" :??: Is this normal :??: You'll have to check out the pictures. lol

Ok cool thanks.. So basically one needs to collect a ton of those hospital pans and a dome for humidity, or a few totes, or could more then 1 strain go into the same fruiting chamber :??: Also, do I need to keep the cakes, or grain moist :??: and when doing this do I need to pour a layer of the medium into the bottom of each chamber/pan, then my grain or corn, then layer with medium/perlite :??: Sorry about all the questions, just want to make sure I do this correct, considering all the work that is involved... Thanks again..

You aren't getting it, you can only pour colonized grain into a new container and if you put anything that has a high nutrient value in there, it will contaminate, nor will you need pearlite for a top layer as you are going to case the whole thing.
Did you dunk for 24 hours after you birthed?

With flour/vericulite mixes, dunking is a good idea, with pure grain, it is not, at least early in your cycle, some people get a good 4th flush after they soak nearly spent substrates in water, some only get contamination.
hey im not seeing funny colors and stuff yet.dang they must not be done. hehe. hi all hope you all are having a great night. Dank bro grow those suckers and i want some hehe.
Tcat is right, it is better if you drop your temp, it is not, however, imparative that you do so. The strain you are working with is somewhat tropical, so it will fruit at any temperature short of thermal imparement (high 80's, low 90's). But if you want to control your fruiting, you want to give your substrate a little shock.
I was unaware that a grower had to drop temps to encourage fruiting.. Now I know.. Thanks.. ;) It's just hard to get it dialed in is all. I have a submersiable heater, so iwent ahead and dropped temp on that to 74, so with the fogger blowing inside the fruit chamber its now at 72-74 degree's..

You aren't getting it, you can only pour colonized grain into a new container and if you put anything that has a high nutrient value in there, it will contaminate, nor will you need pearlite for a top layer as you are going to case the who thing.
I know I'm not getting it.. lol Cant seem to get answer just for the questions I ask.. lol I understood that I will need to pour the "grain jars only" into a "new" container.. Could you PLEASE explain what all that has to be done to get these to grow.. Please. Thanks. All I am asking is "why did the grain that was colonized break up into these little balls" :??: Also, when they do get fully colonized, then what should I do :??: I was thinking about like I had said, getting a few of those hospital pans, put my medium in there, pour the colonized grain, then layer with the medium, then sit that inside a bigger chamber/tote.. :??: Those are the 2 questions/steps I am lost on.. I got all the rest.. Thanks again..
One of the reasons I am not being direct is that I want others to comprehend this as well, another is that I am not quite sure of what you are asking. "why did they break up into little balls?" do you mean, that they each were encapsulated by mycelium? if so, that is what they will do just before they begin to attach themselves to one another. That is a good sign if you want to spread them out in another container. I am uncertain as to what "medium" you are talking about when you say you want to put medium in the containers, pour colonized grain on top and then more medium. If you are going for bulk, which I do not recommend until you get at least one complete grow under your belt, then you want to mix your colonized grain (spawn) in with your substrate. But as I said, I don't know what your "medium" is. It might be best if you just let your grain stay in the jar and case it in the jar. It will be more inconvenient if your jars are small mouthed but it will still work quite nicely.
Very understandable.. Thanks. You nailed it.. I was thinking about pouring the grain out into another container yes. However you had said unless going bulk (which I wasn't planning on), then that would be the only time you'd recommend. The only reason i had mentioned it is because I was thinking about having a half/half box ie' fruiting chamber. Just to maximize space. Like one side of the huge tote have a layer (medium) for the cakes, and on the other side have it to where I could sit a small pan down in there with the grain/popcorn and make a wall of some sort in the middle.. :??: Or I could just have to tote boxes, but was trying for the previous.
One of the reasons I am not being direct is that I want others to comprehend this as well, another is that I am not quite sure of what you are asking. "why did they break up into little balls?" do you mean, that they each were encapsulated by mycelium? if so, that is what they will do just before they begin to attach themselves to one another. That is a good sign if you want to spread them out in another container. I am uncertain as to what "medium" you are talking about when you say you want to put medium in the containers, pour colonized grain on top and then more medium. If you are going for bulk, which I do not recommend until you get at least one complete grow under your belt, then you want to mix your colonized grain (spawn) in with your substrate. But as I said, I don't know what your "medium" is. It might be best if you just let your grain stay in the jar and case it in the jar. It will be more inconvenient if your jars are small mouthed but it will still work quite nicely.
And yeah, remember when I posted an update showing signs of growth in the WBS jars :??: I had then shook the hell out of those jars, even the popcorn jars. The growth split up into "dime sized" balls. Haven't seen much growth since then.. :??: So is that normal :??: Nothing has turned green, or looks contaminated as of yet though. So I guess that's a good sign..
haha lol.. Me 2.. Wished they would hurry up.. lol I may have to try and score some "Shrooms" before these finish up.. lol
hey im not seeing funny colors and stuff yet.dang they must not be done. hehe. hi all hope you all are having a great night. Dank bro grow those suckers and i want some hehe.
And yeah, remember when I posted an update showing signs of growth in the WBS jars :??: I had then shook the hell out of those jars, even the popcorn jars. The growth split up into "dime sized" balls. Haven't seen much growth since then.. :??: So is that normal :??: Nothing has turned green, or looks contaminated as of yet though. So I guess that's a good sign..

No growth after shaking is not a good sign, not all contamination is visible to those who are unfamiliar. You could have mucor or a bacterial infection that will inhibit the spread of mycelium.
All the growth is still white as ever. However like said it broke up into dime sized balls. I can rotate the jar around and the WBS will tumble inside the jar to where I can still see the growth. I will try & take a few pictures of it 4 you..
No growth after shaking is not a good sign, not all contamination is visible to those who are unfamiliar. You could have mucor or a bacterial infection that will inhibit the spread of mycelium.
Here's a few pictures before I go snap off the pictures of the split dime sized growth.. PIC_1216.jpg PIC_1215.jpg PIC_1214.jpg PIC_1213.jpg I added the pop bottle to the reptile fogger to catch the "wet"/ extra humidity.. Seems to be working really good..
Bump. I also have all the other jars that colonizing in the BIGGER tote. I added a small heater (space heater) on rotate, just to where it hits the side of the tote, it has been bring the temps up inside the tote to 82-84 high end. It's been snowing here, so it's been a tad colder then it usually is this time of year.. Sure wish spring would make it's mind up.. lol Been thinking about going ahead & starting my veggie's for the garden here in the next few days.. :mrgreen:
I waas just talking to the wife about a veggy garden yesterday. I need to put in some actual raised beds though cus my yard isn't mine to dig up. I gotta call about getting a load of topsoil delivered so I don't have to buy 10 bags of it to fill the raised bed.
i would pick up 1 bale of peet moss and get 5 gallons of rock and 1 bag of perlite. mix the perlite and peet moss with your soil and put on top of the rocks in the beds. you will have a perfect bed. you can also use 10/10/10 as a base fert. i do allot outside. helped mom build her flower beds and she loves them. this year i am gonna make 2 beds for my gf using regular bricks the ones with 2 holes in them that are 8 inch tall 12 inch wide and 6 inch deep i think. and im also gonna go pick up free compost dirt at landfill instead of buying it.
I waas just talking to the wife about a veggy garden yesterday. I need to put in some actual raised beds though cus my yard isn't mine to dig up. I gotta call about getting a load of topsoil delivered so I don't have to buy 10 bags of it to fill the raised bed.
Bump. I also have all the other jars that colonizing in the BIGGER tote. I added a small heater (space heater) on rotate, just to where it hits the side of the tote, it has been bring the temps up inside the tote to 82-84 high end. It's been snowing here, so it's been a tad colder then it usually is this time of year.. Sure wish spring would make it's mind up.. lol Been thinking about going ahead & starting my veggie's for the garden here in the next few days.. :mrgreen:

That sounds nice! fresh veggies...yum! we had a cold snap the last few days, down in the 20's here at night. No veggie garden for me this year but just wait till next spring, its on like donkey kong! My new yard is huge and all ready for it :mrgreen: Think you got those shrooms straight? I don't know much about anything when it comes to growing them but you seem to have it going on ;)
I was just talking to the wife about a veggy garden yesterday. I need to put in some actual raised beds though cus my yard isn't mine to dig up. I gotta call about getting a load of topsoil delivered so I don't have to buy 10 bags of it to fill the raised bed.
I hear that. Speaking of veggies, I just started an ass load of seeds off this morning. Going to try & get a head start on them this year. I remember my Grandmother saying that it all depends on what times a gardener plants their veggie's/flowers, wither it be in the head or butt of the year as to how good they do.. Never had heard of that before she said it, but I think I'm going to listen to her, Grandma knows best :mrgreen:

Let it go, see what happens. The kernels on the bottom look healthy.
Will do. Hopefully it will take off. How long does it take to start to see any type of growth after a cake is birthed :??:

That sounds nice! fresh veggies...yum! we had a cold snap the last few days, down in the 20's here at night. No veggie garden for me this year but just wait till next spring, its on like donkey kong! My new yard is huge and all ready for it :mrgreen: Think you got those shrooms straight? I don't know much about anything when it comes to growing them but you seem to have it going on ;)
Thanks. Yeah trying to get mine going now. Started indoors of course.. Cold snap you say! It was snowing here yesterday.. lol And I hope I got the Shrooms straight. It's just tedious work, and you gotta be ontop of them at all times. Well at least until I can score a timer.. ;)
Hey.. also, I needed to ask you, so when the "corn" jars are fully colonized, could I then put the colonized grain/corn into a different substrate to "spreed" to other jars instead of having to have another syringe, and have to go through the inoculation all over :??:
Let it go, see what happens. The kernels on the bottom look healthy.
yes you can its called grain to grain transfers (g2g) and is much much faster than other inoculation methods. break up the colonized jar pour some into the grain/second jar lids back on and give the second jar a shake to break off bits of myc. and mix the colonized and uncolonized grains around. this is an expansion of the culture and can be done several times before the genetics become tired. done in your GB or SAB of course
I hear that. Speaking of veggies, I just started an ass load of seeds off this morning. Going to try & get a head start on them this year. I remember my Grandmother saying that it all depends on what times a gardener plants their veggie's/flowers, wither it be in the head or butt of the year as to how good they do.. Never had heard of that before she said it, but I think I'm going to listen to her, Grandma knows best :mrgreen:

Will do. Hopefully it will take off. How long does it take to start to see any type of growth after a cake is birthed :??:

Thanks. Yeah trying to get mine going now. Started indoors of course.. Cold snap you say! It was snowing here yesterday.. lol And I hope I got the Shrooms straight. It's just tedious work, and you gotta be ontop of them at all times. Well at least until I can score a timer.. ;)

Depends upon your ability to force a flush. If you are unable to do that, then you will simply have to wait, could be a couple of weeks. If you force it, it can work in as little as one.