Dark Side Of The Moon.....

Another glorious morning!! First flush from 3 out of the 10 cakes. The other 7 are finishing up.





Does anyone else feel like their doing Gods work when they grow mushrooms? I feel something so magical bringing them into the world. I feel I am doing Gods work everytime I see a pin :)
I see it more as providing habitat as thats all I can do... the culture does the rest all on its own if the conditions are appropriate to allow it. I can influence the conditions but I cannot do what the mushroom(s) does

dank you can use water boiled and suck up into a syringe lit it sit in there for a little while squirt it out (and not into the water pot) and repeat keep the last thing of water in the syringe to cool and use. you could also pc a jar of water if you need a bunch and have other stuff sterilizing. and many people doing large grows go to or from agar to grain jars (then expand those jars via g2g or) then those jar(s) to grain bags.

canndo I think I've seen that pic before and said this before but damn nice canopy and palm project. And yeah spores' origins is something to think about
Sorry guys I have had allot going on here recently. We have been trying to get our act together for the opening of our bank. Suppose to be set to open 4/20 next month. Sheww. Needless to say I/we have allot of work still ahead of us. However that's not going to put a damper on the Shroom grow. :mrgreen: Sorry to say it's looking like 5 out of the first set of jars/cakes I had got with the grow kit have became contaminated. :( I am so glad I went ahead and made up a few batches of my own (I did/sterilized myself). Those all are looking really good as of this morning. :) Just wished I would've saved back some of the Mexican spores is all. Oh well, hopefully here soon I will be able to order some more of the Mexican..
Hey guys. Sorry its took me a few days to get updated here on this thread. IDK why its taking so long for the jars to colonize... I've been told it takes a week, to two weeks, maybe longer. For the 1st set of jars that came with the kit "pre sterile" 1 out of 6 had become contaminated.! Good thing I made up the extra 4. Doesn't look like any signs of contaminate in any of the 2nd batch. :) TG! Anyways, the 1st jar out of the 1st set is working on colonizing slowly but surely. Temps have been hanging around the 80 to 84 degree mark. The Popcorn I used as medium in a few looks to be colonizing faster then the Wild bird seed. However it doesn't look like any of the growth is spreading to the tops of the jars. The growth has been more isolated near each of the jars bottoms. So hopefully it will spread.. 1st pre sterile jar that came with grow kit -> Mexican PIC_1115.jpg 2nd batch inoculated ->PIC_1118.jpg PIC_1117.jpg PIC_1116.jpg
Shake what you can, this is another effect of of Tec on understanding. Did you not read .my sticky? Your corn at least would have been guy colonized days ago
Ok cool thanks. Yeah, I have been trying to read all the info I can find. However I must have missed the shaking of the jars info in all the info I have seen thus far. Sure is allot of mixed info out there I know that. I guess its like anything pertaining to growing though, different people have/do different methods, depending on what they are growing. lol
Shake what you can, this is another effect of of Tec on understanding. Did you not read .my sticky? Your corn at least would have been guy colonized days ago
One of the reasons to use.grain is.so you can.shake it. Flour cococtions don't shake. Your corn would have been done days ago.
Thanks again 4 that bit of info though. Hopefully it will work out to where they each colonize together instead of like a bunch of drunk hobos one at a time staggering in. Would just make it easier to fruit them all at the same time instead of having to add one here and there to the fruiting chamber. lol
One of the reasons to use.grain is.so you can.shake it. Flour cococtions don't shake. Your corn would have been done days ago.
Thanks again 4 that bit of info though. Hopefully it will work out to where they each colonize together instead of like a bunch of drunk hobos one at a time staggering in. Would just make it easier to fruit them all at the same time instead of having to add one here and there to the fruiting chamber. lol

If you read my sticky, you know that I set up a race between the time it takes for the mycelium to consume all of the oxygen in half a quart jar and the time it takes for the mycelium to fully colonize all the kernels. The only way the colonization would work is if the grain were shaken, and shaken as often as one sees obvious growth, usually this is three times. That being the case, your jar will fuilly colonize in about a week, regardless of how much grain you have in the jar.

The hyphae need extra energy to jump from one kernel to the next. Shaking the jar causes the grains to bump into each other, if one grain has been at all colonized, some of the hyphae are picked up by the uncolonized kernel and it will grow much faster. If you shake, the most your hyphae will have to grow is less than an inch as you mechanicaly innoculate each kernel individually.

You also don't have to worry about "consolidation" as PF tec folks have to. They can't see inside their little pucks so they are never sure that the center is fully colonized. You know for certain that it is because you exposed each and every kernel to a bit of mycelium early on. The main reason you were confused is because you are still inheriting PF tec, it is a virus that was let lose upon the web and can't be gotten rid of. That tec inhibits people from understanding the mushroom and this is an example of that. You also don't have to pump your grow with 84 degree temps as grain and shaking will work about as well even down in the 70's. And, as you were hoping, shaking will bring all jars to within a day or two of completion so you can put them all in your chamber at the same time. But are you going to case that grain or what?
Ok, starting to understand the process better. So basically it just spreads. :??: Such as any other fungus's. On the temps I just have been trying to keep them warm, but not to warm. And you asked me about " am I going to case my grain IE' WBS" :??: If you dont mind explain your version of casing. I have read on casing, but just didnt fully grasp it the 1st go round. :??: Thanks again bro.
If you read my sticky, you know that I set up a race between the time it takes for the mycelium to consume all of the oxygen in half a quart jar and the time it takes for the mycelium to fully colonize all the kernels. The only way the colonization would work is if the grain were shaken, and shaken as often as one sees obvious growth, usually this is three times. That being the case, your jar will fuilly colonize in about a week, regardless of how much grain you have in the jar.

The hyphae need extra energy to jump from one kernel to the next. Shaking the jar causes the grains to bump into each other, if one grain has been at all colonized, some of the hyphae are picked up by the uncolonized kernel and it will grow much faster. If you shake, the most your hyphae will have to grow is less than an inch as you mechanicaly innoculate each kernel individually.

You also don't have to worry about "consolidation" as PF tec folks have to. They can't see inside their little pucks so they are never sure that the center is fully colonized. You know for certain that it is because you exposed each and every kernel to a bit of mycelium early on. The main reason you were confused is because you are still inheriting PF tec, it is a virus that was let lose upon the web and can't be gotten rid of. That tec inhibits people from understanding the mushroom and this is an example of that. You also don't have to pump your grow with 84 degree temps as grain and shaking will work about as well even down in the 70's. And, as you were hoping, shaking will bring all jars to within a day or two of completion so you can put them all in your chamber at the same time. But are you going to case that grain or what?