Defoliation Experiment - Side by Side Sister Clones

I admit, I am confused. Are you saying he is spreading falsehoods and myths by suggesting NOT to defoliate? Couched statements make my head spin...

I suppose by calling his books fiction, I have my answer. I assume you have "tested" these theories... Those with experience are the best educators. Hoping you school me by showing some pics...

Some people thought Milli Vanilli was a good singer .. no accounting for taste or judge of character lol

I have not set out to specifically test Jorges theories under strict laboratory conditions in an attempt to specifically prove him to be a phony

i learned while growing from my own success and failure during this period many of the "facts* i had previous read in his novels were proven to be nonsense
much of the information he had written about Hydroponics for instance was simply "untested uneducated opinion"

Growing weed is very easy there is no need for Guru's like Jorge especially now information readily available from actual growers
and scientists alike some of whom frequent this very forum

"Growing weed is very easy there is no need for Guru's like Jorge"

I agree with this generally for sure, and i like to run experiments for myself.

Catch you on the other side... I need to go check my ladies out now...


^^^^^^^^^later bro. Look after the jillybean, She took abit to get going again but damn what an undeniable difference in lower bud development eh?
"Growing weed is very easy there is no need for Guru's like Jorge"

I agree with this generally for sure, and i like to run experiments for myself.

Catch you on the other side... I need to go check my ladies out now...



Good to hear it mate
personally i like to see folk do what suits them
i am all for people growing their weed just how they like it with whatever methods they choose
rather than following a strict guide set-out by anyone

So far, I have found that it's more strain dependent than anything. My cheese did not react very well to it, I do have top to bottom bud, but I would say not as much as I would like to see, or would normally get. My Lemon Haze seemed to love it and I think that had I left more leaves on I would have gotten monster buds. Exodus Cheese, Buddha, not so good, small very dense buds, but... small. Harlequin is doing really well with some minor defoliation, but that's about as far as I'm going with her.

Overall, like I said, I think it's more strain dependent than anything. Will I do it again? Maybe with the lemon but I will leave more leaves on this next time. The others? Hell no.
^^^^^^^^^later bro. Look after the jillybean, She took abit to get going again but damn what an undeniable difference in lower bud development eh?

Yeah, the jillybean is doing well. Starting some nice bud development below the canopy. Espesially for only being week 3. I have been positively surprised so far. Really helps keep the airflow up as well as make it easier to stay on top of pests. As long as she doesn't grow balls... lol

For those that dont know I am doing an experimental defoliation of one plant with no control. Not doing it to prove anything to anyone else just wanted to learn first hand about a hotly debated technique. No big agenda at all. She was defoliated at 10 days before flower, 2 weeks after flower, and will be again at week 6.
Only in the last few days have I played with defoliating. I have two plants of two different strains that are similar in structure and size that are about 2 weeks into 12/12. I've chopped the older and larger fan leaves off of one of each strain and may do some trimming along the way. I too know this isn't scientific, but would like to answer my own questions about this practice.