Well-Known Member
I hated bush to til one day I was on some shrooms and thought about the economy and the past 7 and half years. So as it states in my title W. Bush a good president......... Hold on Hold on hear me out, as of now we all know where the gas prices would have been in early 2001 as they started to make there swift, and think about it for a second, I think it was two years ago congress passed the law increasing the min wage to 7.25 all over (not restraint) now if we didn't go to war after the attack gas would be as high as they pay in Europe or the Uk (by liter and I think when I was there 4 years ago 3pounds a liter) and with gas being that high think of how many people would have no way of getting to work(losing there job after raking up a debut) making a bigger credit and housing crisis then there is now. At least now we have it where the front line of are economy has some what of a buffer and when I say front line think about it who really keeps the big boy and girls there and not at the store the little guy working he's ass off for 7.25, although this war is only a way to slow the process of the economy from crashing but what got us out of the the first great depression and yes in my eye's this recession is just like that of the the 1930's, A war wait no A WORLD WAR. All I'm saying is he got dealt a shittie hand and he did what he could. I'm not saying war is the way to go but since Rome and before that Greece when you needed something and your neighbor wouldn't help you out you would go and take it (although we have gotten more advanced we are still living the same way as they did the only difference we haven't had the dark age to come out of and think we are starting something new).
, Token