I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President


Well-Known Member
I hated bush to til one day I was on some shrooms and thought about the economy and the past 7 and half years. So as it states in my title W. Bush a good president......... Hold on Hold on hear me out, as of now we all know where the gas prices would have been in early 2001 as they started to make there swift, and think about it for a second, I think it was two years ago congress passed the law increasing the min wage to 7.25 all over (not restraint) now if we didn't go to war after the attack gas would be as high as they pay in Europe or the Uk (by liter and I think when I was there 4 years ago 3pounds a liter) and with gas being that high think of how many people would have no way of getting to work(losing there job after raking up a debut) making a bigger credit and housing crisis then there is now. At least now we have it where the front line of are economy has some what of a buffer and when I say front line think about it who really keeps the big boy and girls there and not at the store the little guy working he's ass off for 7.25, although this war is only a way to slow the process of the economy from crashing but what got us out of the the first great depression and yes in my eye's this recession is just like that of the the 1930's, A war wait no A WORLD WAR. All I'm saying is he got dealt a shittie hand and he did what he could. I'm not saying war is the way to go but since Rome and before that Greece when you needed something and your neighbor wouldn't help you out you would go and take it (although we have gotten more advanced we are still living the same way as they did the only difference we haven't had the dark age to come out of and think we are starting something new).

:peace:, Token
First off

Don't be ashamed to say what you believe man, don't follow the current and conform to popular belief for fear of being singled out and attacked.

People are too narrow-minded, they cannot grasp that multiple issues affect our situation in the economy. We did not go to war for the economy nor oil. We went because Saddam was refusing to adhere to the treaties he agreed to from the Gulf War and he was refusing U.N. inspectors to private facilities.

Also, gas is high because of speculators. When Congress passed that law allowing speculation of the oil market, the price of the barrel skyrocketed over night. Same thing happened with the housing market, speculators got in the midst of that as well.

Also, now that China is putting 5 million cars in their population a year, they are now a contender on the global market for oil, that means that much more piece of the pie is being cut away and being bid upon. On top of that, the liberals won't let us get away from foreign oil dependency by not letting us drill off our own coasts. I am an advocate of alternate fuel however its just not being pursued diligently as it should be.

This in turn directly influences the economy. That means besides me buying extra luxuries I have to conserve because I have to fill up the gas tank, that hurts businesses. Also, it is costing much more to transport goods, that margin must be compensated by raising the prices of the product you are transporting. Bananas go from 69cents to 89cents, and it will go beyond.

And you are correct, if this wasn't such a pussy ass politically correct era we now dwell in, we would have simply taken what we needed from another country. We are the most powerful force this world has ever seen and we have a phenomenal amount of restraint that we and the rest of the world takes for granted. I am overwhelmed by the irony.
Interesting point of view...Bush is in my opinion playing both sides of the coin.
I understand where your coming from Zen, but that's what's wrong with the world. I mean we have gone through hundreds of years of evolution in society yet the best idea everyone can come up with is to be a bullie & that's where I give some credit to nations like Iran because they are standing up to the bullies. Who doesn't like to see the underdog stand up?
First off

And you are correct, if this wasn't such a pussy ass politically correct era we now dwell in, we would have simply taken what we needed from another country. We are the most powerful force this world has ever seen and we have a phenomenal amount of restraint that we and the rest of the world takes for granted. I am overwhelmed by the irony.

thank God all americans dont see things as you do
I understand where your coming from Zen, but that's what's wrong with the world. I mean we have gone through hundreds of years of evolution in society yet the best idea everyone can come up with is to be a bullie & that's where I give some credit to nations like Iran because they are standing up to the bullies. Who doesn't like to see the underdog stand up?

This really isn't the same like Scotland standing up to English rule. We are "bullying" Iran because we do not trust them with any sort of power, for good merit as well because they are a nation revolving around prejudice and conflict who've expressed hostility for Israel and anyone who they deem is an infidel.

I do agree however we shouldn't be sticking our noses into everyone's business, however in this case I believe its necessary.
Token, you are entitled to your position. No need to apologize for your opinion, ever.

My opinion of the man is varied. He's a big government liberal who suspended the right of habeas corpus of an American citizen: Jose Padilla. On the other hand, we have not been attacked on our shores since 9-11-2001 and victory in the theater of Iraq is almost complete.
thank God all americans dont see things as you do

I love ancient history, you must not. You'd be shocked at the amount of wars for more trivial things than resources. I'm not going to deny that its a huge waste of life and potential however you're in denial if you don't believe that other countries would be much more merciless if they were the world power and we were not.

Would you war to save our economy? A fear of collapse and enter another depression ruining millions of lives?

Ever see the Post Man? When things get hard enough, only the strongest survive. Right now its not necessary so it would be inhumanitarian however don't bask in your delusion if you believe you will follow the same philosophy if you were leader with the lives of others depending upon you.

I have news for you buddy, the world is an ugly place and our enemies won't harbor the same amount of restraint we do. You'd beg to be waterboarded when they are drilling holes in your knee caps.
ditto......anyway were kinda stealin this guys thread.....i cant really comment on Bush, dont know much about the man, cept for what i see on TV. and i dont believe everything i see....i no not enough about the issues that he acts on to pass judgement, all i no is that im glad we are allies with the US, and the US wont let us get nuked because were right in there back yard lol
I hated bush to til one day I was on some shrooms and thought about the economy and the past 7 and half years. So as it states in my title W. Bush a good president......... Hold on Hold on hear me out, as of now we all know where the gas prices would have been in early 2001 as they started to make there swift, and think about it for a second, I think it was two years ago congress passed the law increasing the min wage to 7.25 all over (not restraint) now if we didn't go to war after the attack gas would be as high as they pay in Europe or the Uk (by liter and I think when I was there 4 years ago 3pounds a liter) and with gas being that high think of how many people would have no way of getting to work(losing there job after raking up a debut) making a bigger credit and housing crisis then there is now. At least now we have it where the front line of are economy has some what of a buffer and when I say front line think about it who really keeps the big boy and girls there and not at the store the little guy working he's ass off for 7.25, although this war is only a way to slow the process of the economy from crashing but what got us out of the the first great depression and yes in my eye's this recession is just like that of the the 1930's, A war wait no A WORLD WAR. All I'm saying is he got dealt a shittie hand and he did what he could. I'm not saying war is the way to go but since Rome and before that Greece when you needed something and your neighbor wouldn't help you out you would go and take it (although we have gotten more advanced we are still living the same way as they did the only difference we haven't had the dark age to come out of and think we are starting something new).

:peace:, Token

Nice...............the thought process can be followed quite well........keep writing.:blsmoke: Progress=Practice
First off

Don't be ashamed to say what you believe man, don't follow the current and conform to popular belief for fear of being singled out and attacked.

People are too narrow-minded, they cannot grasp that multiple issues affect our situation in the economy. We did not go to war for the economy nor oil. We went because Saddam was refusing to adhere to the treaties he agreed to from the Gulf War and he was refusing U.N. inspectors to private facilities.

Also, gas is high because of speculators. When Congress passed that law allowing speculation of the oil market, the price of the barrel skyrocketed over night. Same thing happened with the housing market, speculators got in the midst of that as well.

Also, now that China is putting 5 million cars in their population a year, they are now a contender on the global market for oil, that means that much more piece of the pie is being cut away and being bid upon. On top of that, the liberals won't let us get away from foreign oil dependency by not letting us drill off our own coasts. I am an advocate of alternate fuel however its just not being pursued diligently as it should be.

This in turn directly influences the economy. That means besides me buying extra luxuries I have to conserve because I have to fill up the gas tank, that hurts businesses. Also, it is costing much more to transport goods, that margin must be compensated by raising the prices of the product you are transporting. Bananas go from 69cents to 89cents, and it will go beyond.

And you are correct, if this wasn't such a pussy ass politically correct era we now dwell in, we would have simply taken what we needed from another country. We are the most powerful force this world has ever seen and we have a phenomenal amount of restraint that we and the rest of the world takes for granted. I am overwhelmed by the irony.

Sweeeeet! (speculators are good/necessary people, though, IMO:blsmoke:)
now if we didn't go to war after the attack gas would be as high as they pay in Europe or the Uk (by liter and I think when I was there 4 years ago 3pounds a liter)

unfounded. Please state your reasons why this would be the case?

and with gas being that high think of how many people would have no way of getting to work(losing there job after raking up a debut) making a bigger credit and housing crisis then there is now. At least now we have it where the front line of are economy has some what of a buffer and when I say front line think about it who really keeps the big boy and girls there and not at the store the little guy working he's ass off for 7.25, although this war is only a way to slow the process of the economy
unfounded again. The money spent on the war would be spent here at home where its needed.

from crashing but what got us out of the the first great depression and yes in my eye's this recession is just like that of the the 1930's, A war wait no A WORLD WAR. All I'm saying is he got dealt a shittie hand and he did what he could. I'm not saying war is the way to go but since Rome and before that Greece when you needed something and your neighbor wouldn't help you out you would go and take it (although we have gotten more advanced we are still living the same way as they did the only difference we haven't had the dark age to come out of and think we are starting something new).

:peace:, Token

Look what happened to every single empire that tried to extend themselves through violence. They failed.
Token, you are entitled to your position. No need to apologize for your opinion, ever.

My opinion of the man is varied. He's a big government liberal who suspended the right of habeas corpus of an American citizen: Jose Padilla. On the other hand, we have not been attacked on our shores since 9-11-2001 and victory in the theater of Iraq is almost complete.

And how do you know when we have "VICTORY"?
I hated bush to til one day I was on some shrooms and thought...
:peace:, Token

LOL... =] Thats just some funny $#!t... =]

Gas and the prices are being battled all over the world... It has little to do with who is prez...

Consider the fact that other countries governments are trying to increase taxes on gas as the price goes up forcing their already starving people to revolt...

I feel for the people that are in the field of finding alt. means of energy as the pressure is REALLY on now...

Hah... Sorry tangent much...

Peace.. =P