I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

How about this as a reason to assassinate Kenedy. Add the fact that he was about to pull out of Viet Nam, curtail the CIA, and a few other niceties and you have the perfect storm for the elites to rub him out. They had been grooming a patsy for a few years (Oswald) in case they needed one. They're probably grooming a patsy for Obama as we speak.

The American people ogle over conspiracies and most are silly hogwash.

But, at least 50 groups wanted to kill JFK. Probably a couple helped another group to succeed and then muddied the water. The Warren Commission was a farce. Oswald was a patsy. And so is Sirhan Sirhan. The lie continues.

But, you are right, some groups will attempt to kill Obama. He is in grave danger. And perhaps the most serious threats are in his own politicle party.
how would that work...the president has a big bag of secrets and when he wants something????? he hands out secrets...
No. It is a shame he is a traitor. He sold secrets to the Chi-comms. He and hillary have a close friend in george bush who did a similar thing as well.
Isn't it funny that China has become the fastest economic growing country in the world since Bush and we have become the fastest economic shrinking country, but I'm sure you'll find a way to blame Clinton for that too.
Isn't it funny that China has become the fastest economic growing country in the world since Bush and we have become the fastest economic shrinking country, but I'm sure you'll find a way to blame Clinton for that too.

medicineman, why do you offer this charade. You clearly understand that the clintons and bushs committed treason. All these people have engaged in the hi-jacking of classified secrets, patents, intellectual property and the American economy. clintons and bushs act like mortal enemies but are close allies.

And since you enjoy conspiracies, I believe your man Barrack is in grave danger from the afore named thugs. When he gets sniper shot people will be asking each other "do you think it was the Klan or Hillary?". But rest assured, there will be a patsy waiting in the wings to fill the lone gunman roll.