I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

dont get it twisted iran is the bully

a bully doesnt have to be stronger a bully just has to be an asshole

Iran bullies all its citizen on the regular
I hated bush to til one day I was on some shrooms and thought about the economy and the past 7 and half years. So as it states in my title W. Bush a good president......... Hold on Hold on hear me out, as of now we all know where the gas prices would have been in early 2001 as they started to make there swift, and think about it for a second, I think it was two years ago congress passed the law increasing the min wage to 7.25 all over (not restraint) now if we didn't go to war after the attack gas would be as high as they pay in Europe or the Uk (by liter and I think when I was there 4 years ago 3pounds a liter) and with gas being that high think of how many people would have no way of getting to work(losing there job after raking up a debut) making a bigger credit and housing crisis then there is now. At least now we have it where the front line of are economy has some what of a buffer and when I say front line think about it who really keeps the big boy and girls there and not at the store the little guy working he's ass off for 7.25, although this war is only a way to slow the process of the economy from crashing but what got us out of the the first great depression and yes in my eye's this recession is just like that of the the 1930's, A war wait no A WORLD WAR. All I'm saying is he got dealt a shittie hand and he did what he could. I'm not saying war is the way to go but since Rome and before that Greece when you needed something and your neighbor wouldn't help you out you would go and take it (although we have gotten more advanced we are still living the same way as they did the only difference we haven't had the dark age to come out of and think we are starting something new).

:peace:, Token
Shrooms eh, well aren't you the genious then. If it takes shrooms to see what a great guy Bush is, leave me off the shrooms list. Geeze, those must have been a terribly bad batch, are you sure you ate the shrooms and not the cow shit they were growing in? ~LOL~ what a load.................
O.K. agreed, but America is an even bigger bully in the world view. America just uses words well to sugar-coat the asshole tendencies they display.
unfounded. Please state your reasons why this would be the case?

Speculation. Speculators assess future risks (supply shortfalls or surpluses, in any and all commodities), take the risk by buying now (essentially gambling with THEIR money), lowering it, the risk of serious shortfalls in the future, for the rest of us, and this eventually lowers the price, almost immediately, if the risk is reduced, raises the price if the risk is increased. The risks, had we not gone to war, of serious shortfalls of oil would have been significantly higher, especially after the subsequent attacks which would no doubt, in my opinion, have occurred by now, on American soil.

Every store you enter into is engaged in speculation. They buy a product, cash up front or on credit, and hold the merchandise until it sells at a higher price, the price you pay. This is speculation.

unfounded again. The money spent on the war would be spent here at home where its needed.

Needed where? For what exactly?

Look what happened to every single empire that tried to extend themselves through violence. They failed.

Look what happened to every single empire that tried to secure themselves through peace. They were conquered. Hence, the American experiment that we are in. A country founded on inalienable truths, not laws and rules. We have yet to fail...................
O.K. agreed, but America is an even bigger bully in the world view. America just uses words well to sugar-coat the asshole tendencies they display.

Who are we trying to impress.....the Europeans, creators of untold numbers of oppressive ideologies? The child raping blue helmet UN freaks? "World view" indeed.
He's definitely done a great job for the people that got him elected: record profits for oil companies and the "defense" industry, cut taxes on the mega-wealthy, kept the lid on the EPA. Is that what you mean by a "good president"?
"He's definitely done a great job for the people that got him elected."


Emancipate yourself from mental midgetry; none but yourself can free your mind
Bush has the balls to do what Clinton should have done. Yes the U.S. loves to kick-ass.....and I love it! kiss my ass! America is the greatest country on earth.
Whaaattt???? You are so delusional. Just wave the flag and kick ass, eh. Brilliant. The old football mentality, yeeeehaaaawwwww!
hmmm.....and people wonder what would compel someone to fly airplanes into our buildings
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ha ha.....open your eyes! America will kick-ass when needed. Does anyone really think we care about what the lazy, pacifist europeans want or think about us? fuck no. Bush kicks-ass! The Marine barracks being bombed, the two embassey bombings in africa, and the USS COLE, what did Clinton do? NOTHING--he was too busy worrying about a blow-job from a fat girl! Token is right, Bush is a good president. 15 of 18 benchmarks reached in Iraq, we are winning and WILL win. and one more thing to get everyone worked-up...... J.M. '08 BABY!!!
ya al gore would have sucked

i was a stanch democrat until September 11, 2001


those pigs and all thier cronies can rot in hell, i cant wait till they start bombing Amadenajad and all those dictators in Iran so thier citizens can dance and enjoy thier lives like everyone else.


it was a dark day in hell for them when the news hit this mans ear

he seems to be saying in this pic "WFT!! AWWW Hell naw shauty!!!!":mrgreen:


Dont mess with the best
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