The forbidden TRUTH

all you see around you and all you do is proof, darwin has given you no proof yet you believe him? If you want to directly communicate with God go on your knees and ask for redemption thru his sacrifice of his son Jesus and follow the laws in Deuteronomy and read his word and God WILL give you signs and reveal things to you.

So as i thought, you can offer zero proof, just your opinion. Unable to prove god exists, now there's a surprise. Oh wait.

And you preach to me as if you know my life. So surely you are aware that i attended church every week till my mid teens, was a serving boy, spent my summers at christian camp. But right, I have this mind set purely because i havn't tried.

I have no issue with people talking about their faith, that's their choice, but i do have issue with people stupid enough not to understand that you cannot simply force me to agree with you, especially when you base your argument on opinion and adamently claim it is TRUTH and factual.

So to anyone who wants to talk about their god, go for it, but you and your attitude, you can bugger off and keep your drivel to yourself.

Unless you can show me some proof that is? And whether evolution is real or not, (you seem to be quite clearly a creationalist, the more stupid of the bunch) there is a hell of a lot more to support that idea than the absolute and utter lack of anything whatsoever to prove the 7 day bullshit.
I don't know you, but I know that God has made a way for those who seek him to reach him and communicate with GOD. So you ask for more "proof besides your cognitive thoughts, a giant ball of fire floating in the sky ( the sun) and communication through prayer and all creation in general, I'll list a few things for you to google
*not in any particular order*
Sky trumpets-happening now
Kentucky meat incident- rained infant flesh during abortion laws in Kentucky, God hates abortions.
Blood moons-happening now like sky trumpets
Ufo sightings- fallen angels and portals
Wee gee boreds and psychics- talk to evil spirits
And it's all explained vividly, search that and tell me if you need more "proof"
If you don't love GOD and his son Jesus Christ just admit it instead of trying to prove against his existence. But I don't know why anyone wouldn't Love and trust God's way is best, he made You, The Earth, The Sun, The Moon, Heaven and all things. If Your ego has let you fallen into the lie that You know best You are mistaken.
I will be making a much much longer in depth thread discussing all the things I have seen and have been a witness too. Please consider this a rough draft and crash course lesson.
Much like how man has used poisonous (man made drugs) like heroin, crack, ect. to keep the truth about marijuana, mushrooms and many many other natural remedies for our spirit and body from us,
man has done the same to the truth about God. Making religions and denominations and putting the false truth out among the people to keep YOU and others like you from knowing the truth and worshiping the Lord and his only beloved begot child Lord Jesus Christ, now I know what you're thinking you have heard about this before, but think again. What most people know about God and the Lord Christ is a lie, now I will begin to explain why.

First lets discuss the Holy bible, the Catholic church a group and Country that does not follow the Laws and the words of God, decided what gets to be "cannonized" which means what goes in the bible and what gets taking out. Because they are the ones with the money that produces copies of the bible. As you see by allowing people to remove the Words of GOD and to be in charge of such things when they don't believe the Holy Bible has created calamity.

One of the chapters that the Catholic Church and Country took out is the Book Of Enoch, It was completely removed and kept in secret, and in the book of Jude which is still in the Bible verify's Enoch as a Phrophet and quotes him about how what God said to him is coming true. I will copy and paste it--------"And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him."

Archaeologist rediscovered the Book of Enoch in the dead sea scrolls also. Another biblical book removed is the testament of Solomon King Davids son. Now the Catholic Church will say that they took them out because it states some angels disobeyed God and that's blaspheme, They are LYING don't listen to that synagogue of satan. All angels like man have free will satan fell because of pride and other angels with him for various things, pride lust for women ect. Angels did rebel hence forth hell was made, and because they had the gift to pro create in heaven some fell and took daughters of men and made "giants" the "nephliem" like Goliath the one David killed. Most and many giants died in the flood of Noah but even WAYYY later some existed in Davids time as we can see.
I feel like this would be a acceptable time to stop and have you listen to the book of Enoch and the testament on Solomon on youtube look for the Richard Lawrence translated version. Also the Catholic chruch doesn't follow Gods laws Catholicism worships priest and saints and thinks they can forgive sin, Catholic church also uses idols which they think are blessed. I can't even begin to talk about the lies they teach I would be here all day. Also the Lord says that every herb, and plant is a gift to us ( in chapter Genesis) so don't let people fool you into thinking weed or shrooms are a sin. God bless I'll add more later P.s utube sky trumpets and blood moons. I will be explaining this at a later time but I'm sure everyone will want to hear the sky trumpets and see the blood moon, the next blood moon in oct, sky trumpets no one knows when they happen but what a awesome experience that was. Look for some vids on utube some people caught the sky trumpets on tape.
Another thing in the book of Enoch you will learn that satan and the rest of the devils are not in hell yet they are here and will be remaining here as "evil spirirts" them and there giant offspring until the day of Judgement. So when they come to you or someone you know don't be fooled they are not aliens, they are not ghost, that psychic saying she is talking to your dead relative is lying (or being fooled) she isn't talking to your relative but a evil spirit. People go to heaven or hell when they die, immediately after they die and we can not communicate from earth to anyone in hell or heaven except, Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord ALMIGHTY who is in Heaven.

Neither heroin nor "crack" are man made, they are products of nature as surely as your hash or BHO is. does that make God a drug dealer? I don't think so.
ghostdriva, are all pagan gods dead or fake? 15 years ago hindu statues obsorbed milk all day in multiple countries, wikipedia calls it Hindu Milk Miracle.
Moses tried to prove he wasn't lying by turning his staff into a snake and the pharoh had his priests turn their staffs into snakes too.
I don't know you, but I know that God has made a way for those who seek him to reach him and communicate with GOD. So you ask for more "proof besides your cognitive thoughts, a giant ball of fire floating in the sky ( the sun) and communication through prayer and all creation in general, I'll list a few things for you to google
*not in any particular order*
Sky trumpets-happening now
Kentucky meat incident- rained infant flesh during abortion laws in Kentucky, God hates abortions.
Blood moons-happening now like sky trumpets
Ufo sightings- fallen angels and portals
Wee gee boreds and psychics- talk to evil spirits
And it's all explained vividly, search that and tell me if you need more "proof"
If you don't love GOD and his son Jesus Christ just admit it instead of trying to prove against his existence. But I don't know why anyone wouldn't Love and trust God's way is best, he made You, The Earth, The Sun, The Moon, Heaven and all things. If Your ego has let you fallen into the lie that You know best You are mistaken.

Um.... no. Just no. There has been no raining infant flesh, and if there were, it would be a supreme being who caused children to be torh up and their flesh fall upon us. You don't know if God hates Abortions, you only know what the old testament says. Different things. Blood moons? celestial phenomenon that is explainable in sicence. UFS? Fallen Angels? Why pick that mythology and not another? Evil spirits? they exist as well?
I do know, I know what The scripture teachs and I know GOD and Lord Jesus Christ. GOD hates bloodshed of the innocent these things did happen, and continue to and you simple saying " Just no" does not undo what GOD has done.
I do know, I know what The scripture teachs and I know GOD and Lord Jesus Christ. GOD hates bloodshed of the innocent these things did happen, and continue to and you simple saying " Just no" does not undo what GOD has done.

Simply put Even God will not violate His laws, that is His Promise. If he does not do that, and He does not lie, then there has been no rain of infant flesh. logic and truth, nothing more. If God is God he need not violate His own law. He has pledged not to lie to us, therefore, no raining flesh.
God never said he wouldn't make it rain flesh, Nothing you said made sense. I have no problem talking to you if you want to hold a intelligent conversation but when you ignore history it's like arguing with a alcoholic. All these things have and continue to do so here is a link to prove the infant flesh raining in Kentucky during the abortion laws being allowed.
God never said he wouldn't make it rain flesh, Nothing you said made sense. I have no problem talking to you if you want to hold a intelligent conversation but when you ignore history it's like arguing with a alcoholic. All these things have and continue to do so here is a link to prove the infant flesh raining in Kentucky during the abortion laws being allowed.

March 3, 1876 Kindly explain to me what abortion laws were in effect in 1876? Why didn't this happen during Roe V Wade?
And... everything I said makes sense. God did not and will not stop the sun from rising or setting. He will not intervene in the natural laws. There was no universal flood, the earth is not 6,000 years old, neither it nor we were created in 6 days.

If you want to turn to logical falacies, we can, at least until my wife gets home and I turn my attenton toward her. I like you well enough, but I enjoy her company more.
God speaking to you is revelation, your telling me about it is religion. So it has always been and so it will continue to be.
A lot of things were going on in 1870 with abortion here is another like
And you talking about God not intervening? I really have no idea where you are getting these ideas.
What I am saying to you is not my opinion it's factual history. I know why you are so offended by GOD because if what i'm saying is true, which it is. It means You and I are responsible for everything bad in our lives and God is innocent and perfect and He alone is good. Which is a lot to take in I hope you humble yourself and re-read this conversation after some Marijuana and Shrooms, no other drugs,while listening to Gospel music.
A lot of things were going on in 1870 with abortion here is another like
And you talking about God not intervening? I really have no idea where you are getting these ideas.
What I am saying to you is not my opinion it's factual history. I know why you are so offended by GOD because if what i'm saying is true, which it is. It means You and I are responsible for everything bad in our lives and God is innocent and perfect and He alone is good. Which is a lot to take in I hope you humble yourself and re-read this conversation after some Marijuana and Shrooms, no other drugs,while listening to Gospel music.

If God is innocent and never does anything bad, then how is it he made it rain dead babies?
Maybe gospel without lyrics, instrumentals. So you can think it's up to you. Then maybe even research what I have listed. I'm going to go enjoy some headband on my Sabbath enjoy time with your Wife. Also your Wife and Child if you have one, are a blessing from God and not a Super Mutant Brook Trout. I love you, even if you hate me.
A lot of things were going on in 1870 with abortion here is another like
And you talking about God not intervening? I really have no idea where you are getting these ideas.
What I am saying to you is not my opinion it's factual history. I know why you are so offended by GOD because if what i'm saying is true, which it is. It means You and I are responsible for everything bad in our lives and God is innocent and perfect and He alone is good. Which is a lot to take in I hope you humble yourself and re-read this conversation after some Marijuana and Shrooms, no other drugs,while listening to Gospel music.

various anti-abortion statutes began to appear in the United States from the 1820s codifying or expanding the common law rules. In 1821, a Connecticut law targeted apothecaries who sold poisons to women for purposes of abortion; and New York made post-quickening abortions a felony and pre-quickening abortions a misdemeanor eight years later. It is sometimes argued that the early American abortion laws were motivated not by ethical concerns about abortion but by concern about the safety of the procedure. However, some legal theorists point out that this theory is inconsistent with the fact that abortion was punishable regardless of whether any harm befell the pregnant woman and the fact that many of the early laws punished not only the doctor or abortionist, but also the woman who hired them.

So abortion was pretty much illegal in 1870. What was God's beef? and why in just one small area and why not ever again?
I believe in God. I would consider Myself an Agnostic Theist.

Ghostdriver, its manifest that you can not prove God to the Atheists, no one can.

But can you prove the living Christ? The REAL Christ? The One with a Body that speaks to you? The Christ with enough evidence that even the skeptics wonder?

No one can fully prove or disprove God. But can YOU prove the Christ that speaks to YOU and is ALIVE RIGHT NOW?

Here is a hint: you are reading Me right now. Many members on here know about Me and My complex.

1 question that is all . How do we know that the bible wasent some sort if let's say a story book created passed down edited over hundreds of years I mean I would believe that
Before I would believe some sort of bullshit let's be honest if we wasent taught this shit in school it would quickly die out . Science that's all we need good old facts & knowledge . Some guy is looking down on all of us & laughing " look how much shit I have caused with a good life time on shrooms & some good listeners " I mean it's the past who gives a shit get over it !!!