Schuylaar's Sesh - The Smart Gun Is Already Here Read It And Weep..

You make little sense. The ipad is still more pricey than the (better) competition.

and eventually smart gun technology..currently, this is german manufacturing only..once the legislation is re-carved to take away mc greeveys law (and cali's too), they'll be made here and (mike tyson voice) bidness will be a boomin':mrgreen:
Wow page after page of easily debunked and craftily worded "facts".

For example # myth #4, good guys can stop bad guys. Then it goes on to say no armed civilian has ever stopped a mass shooting. Mass shootings make up less than .1% of all shootings so that doesn't say much at all.
I could go on, but since most of the questions are just cleverly worded statements that take advantage of weak minded liberals who hate guns.

*drum roll..citation please?
and eventually smart gun technology..currently, this is german manufacturing only..once the legislation is re-carved to take away mc greeveys law (and cali's too), they'll be made here and (mike tyson voice) bidness will be a boomin':mrgreen:

Us rednecks won't allow this. We like our guns dumb. It's easier to control dumb things.
wrong. people kill people.

We finally agree on something. Maybe we should be banning people instead of cosmetically scary guns? If I was a fascist like many of the members of this forum that purport to be liberals, I can think of a few with which we could start.
Also, don't get me wrong I think the gun is a cool concept but it's slow and cumbersome and takes tot long to use effectively.

If it could measure some other metric that was much faster, and didn't require sitting there waiting for a little light to flash, before you can use it, it might be ok.

If it could somehow instantly read your fingerprints as you were grabbing cocking and firing, that'd be sweet. But, it'd have to be virtually instant.

For anyone that doesn't wear a watch at night, even if you left it armed beside the bed, you'd have to put your watch on to leave the room or your gun would be useless. Hope you're perfectly aware of what's happening, and have no brain fog after being jostled awake @ 2am in the morning....
We're not permitted handguns here, due to their easy concealment.

I wonder if this sorta tech could change our (wanker) politician's minds?

I'd buy one right now, its better than the "No Handgun" I have...

Fucking dissident groups spoil shit for everyone.
Simple Krav Maga, Ask Doer. You think I am the only one? Victor Marx is probably the fastest person I have ever seen. He can take the gun away from you in less time than your brain can even react to the initial movement. Something like 1/100th of a second.

I can take guns away. It might take bit of rusing, or hiding to get close. You act really scared, stumble forward and low but still on your feet.

Then <gulp> stand up like this. Check once to see that he has not taken the trigger tension again, that your rused him off of by showing abject fear and no threat.


This close, that is my gun now. My hands are blurring fast. No brag. I can show you how I can grab your eyelid.

Right hand hits the wrist inside, the barrel is off line instantly, because at the same time my left hand pops the gun the other way, and grabs it by the top, while I lower mass for power, and move left. All in one move. It spins the gun into my hand pointed at you.

POW. And you are now looking down the hole and being terrorized by my vicious look, and maybe slapped with iron across the chin. We practice this a lot. The advanced guys sometimes will have training, rubber guns on them.

Suddenly they pull that on us, advanced wannabes, and we gulp into the ruse.

Since it starts by faking fear, we just go with that.

And now, I am working on long arms. Much easier to get inside, much harder to take.

I saw a guy with no obvious training, take a shotgun from a punk, this way
There are a lot of disarms for handgun. Many more for knife.




Or you could spend 1/4 of the money and buy yourself a pistol without the suicidal Casio lock technology. Problem solved.
lol.... that might make the grip cumbersome or the aiming a bit whacky... lol
It beats trying to get 2 things in the dark when you've just woken up. Besides, it's a're just going to empty the gun into the intruder as fast as you can and hope he bleeds out before he kills you, anyway.
Oh, come. One well aimed shot to the head or major body joint, with a .22 and he is done.

One to the head., double tap to the elbow. :)