The forbidden TRUTH

Sorry for the rant. The bible is a great book, filled with amazing stories, and dare I say a few lessons to learn- However its true purpose has always been to contol the feable minded.

I am not an aetheist I do believe in a creator! I'm not ignorant enough to believe that it is a male homosapien with a beard though.

That is just like us humans-to think we are 'god' like or 'god' made us in his image.

Go read Ezekiel and see how THE ALMIGHTY decided to appear to Ezekiel. You will be scared.
how could Adam and eve have free will...the bible clearly states that they did not have the ability to distinguish from good and evil.
Gen 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. they did not known this until their eyes were opened... gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil... it's just like a new born baby totally innocent knows nothing of right and wrong, as the baby grows, starts, to crawl around. one day he crawls over to the coffee table the parents tell don' touch the cup but he does...even knocks it over and spills the milk. he has no idea that what he did was wrong... first he disobeyed his parents by touching the cup... second he knocked the cup over wasting the milk...Now in your holy bible it says if you were blind you would have no sin... now to the tower of babel the earth was of one language for what ever reason they started to build a tower that would reach unto heaven these people were of one mind and each one had his own bit of truth to build this tower they needed each other the tower couldn't be built without each other, for what ever reason god confounded or confused them by causing each man to speak a different language. The tower could no longer be built...they scattered on the earth what happened?... in the process of time each man became a country and each man's bit of truth became that countries religion so in the process of more time each mans bit of truth became lost and hidden in all religions have bits of truth but no religion is the truth or the way....I am not a Christian , nor am I a Moslem , or any other religious group...but yet I am a part of them all

Happy to answer the questions.

Knowing the difference between what's Good and Evil doesn't mean they didn't have free will. GOD THE ALMIGHTY said not eat the tree or else you die, the chose to eat the fruit of the tree anyways. They chose with their free will.

Babel- Yes, when Men thought themselves to be like the GOD ALMIGHTY, and to blaspheme about GOD. GOD then did what men said GOD could not do.

Religions- LOL yes the Religions and denominations are evil! That is what this thread is about! Exposing those Church's and false denominations and revealing the truth. The fact I have had to prove GOD and our GOD Jesus Christ exist for 25 pages is baffling.
Never figured out the whole loving, caring, forgiving god thing.
Worship me, and do as i say, or spend eternity burning in hell. Not exactly loving or caring.

By breaking GOD's Laws people cause much pain. Kill and rape and torture animals and human beings. GOD ALMIGHTY'S very presence literally destroys all Evil. This is GOD's Earth, GOD will take it back, and GOD's presence arrive here. Now because our perverse generation is so evil GOD's Son died so we can be saved before we meet this AWESOME POWER that destroys all Evil in HIS Presence. THAT IS LOVE, think about it. This is GOD asking HIS Son (Perfect and Holy) to sacrifice himself for people who are so disgustingly Evil filled with vanity, lust, hate and greed. So we can be born again by HIS blood and now walk the path of righteousness and meet the LORD as a new being, not a Evil one which will be instantly destroyed by the presence of THE MOST HIGH.
Sorry, but if you know your history then you would know the bible is a fairy tale. Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays, and any religion was simply a means to contorl ignorant people. In this day and age I cannot fathom how any educated person can feel otherwise.

Spirituality is something that will never be found in a church, and the concept of heaven is flawed. If there was a heaven, THIS IS IT! If there were angels they would envy our mortality.

And god made us in his image? That's rich... And god is a male? That doesn't even make sense.

Before christianity ruined everything that was good on this earth people use to worship the sun, the moon, the forest, and WOMEN!!! They call it paganism, but in reality paganism is beautiful and encourages spirituality and puts women on a pedestal(the one MOTHER earth). Christianity and it's holidays are all converted pagan holidays. That is why there is a easter bunny/eggs. Easter is a pagan holiday or fertility and the rabbit and eggs are symbols of this. Easter has nothing to do with an imaginary man.

Jesus was a cult leader and scam artist-just like any other cult figure.

Well you seem to lack history let me explain.
Paganism started from Nimrod from the Genealogy from the line of Cain. Mentioned in HOLY BIBLE The Catholic Church decided because they are evil to mix Pagan Holidays with Real Biblical Holidays.
Like On Christmas the Christmas tree is from a Pagan Tradition Nimrod started. And on the celebration on Christ Resurrection those Eggs and Rabbit is also from a Pagan tradition.

GOD is a HE because HE creates GOD is my heavenly Father. Glad to remind people how fake Pagan things get involved in real life worship. ON TO THE NEXT QUESTION
By breaking GOD's Laws people cause much pain. Kill and rape and torture animals and human beings. GOD ALMIGHTY'S very presence literally destroys all Evil. This is GOD's Earth, GOD will take it back, and GOD's presence arrive here. Now because our perverse generation is so evil GOD's Son died so we can be saved before we meet this AWESOME POWER that destroys all Evil in HIS Presence. THAT IS LOVE, think about it. This is GOD asking HIS Son (Perfect and Holy) to sacrifice himself for people who are so disgustingly Evil filled with vanity, lust, hate and greed. So we can be born again by HIS blood and now walk the path of righteousness and meet the LORD as a new being, not a Evil one which will be instantly destroyed by the presence of THE MOST HIGH.

Jesus was a cult leader. Christianity and the new testament are two of the greatest atrocities man has ever created and have caused more pain, anguish, and destruction then even the Nazis>and that is just plain fact.
For anyone who might be saved from this, I offer you Dr Naruda (Wingmakers) Interviews

Hint: There is a CREATOR, but it's not a god, he/she/it could care less about worship

Any so-called god that does is an imposter whose power is used to control

To find out who is playing god yu will need to read the interviews

Best to start with Interview 1

You know how to search, so let the deprogramming begin in 3... 2... 1

LOL sacred people waking up? Do you have something you want to discuss so I can tell you how wrong your atheist theories are?
Jesus was a cult leader. Christianity and the new testament are two of the greatest atrocities man has ever created and have caused more pain, anguish, and destruction then even the Nazis>and that is just plain fact.

Oh Jesus Christ MY GOD who said Love GOD. And to also love your neighbor as yourself, and if a man strikes you turn the other cheek? Caues pain? No people who claim to worship GOD who don't follow the teachings of GOD CHRIST cause pain. If anyone worshiped GOD they would cause no pain to anyone, ever.
What about allah? Islam is EXACTLY the same as christianity, it's literally the same exact thing, again created to control people. Instead of Jesus it's Mohamad. Even back then they realized that not everyone was buying that Jesus was the 'son of god' so the tweaked the story and said no, Jesus was just a prophet, same as Muhammad-
LOL well sir I suggest you do some reading, I don't know who told you this because you sure didn't read it. Allah was the opposite of MY GOD Son of THE GOD. Islam and Allah teach killing and murder. My GOD teach's forgiveness and love. Not at all similar.
Oh Jesus Christ MY GOD who said Love GOD. And to also love your neighbor as yourself, and if a man strikes you turn the other cheek? Caues pain? No people who claim to worship GOD who don't follow the teachings of GOD CHRIST cause pain. If anyone worshiped GOD they would cause no pain to anyone, ever.

I follow the teaching of Squid. The bible is filled with violence and hate. Not only to homosexuals but it also women.

Paganism and Wiccans have the right idea. Worship mother earth, be kind to everyone, always try your best to be selfless, etc.

Christianity is dying because anyone who took a world civ class or studied history at all would know the new testament was written with the sole intention of giving the rulling class and clergy 'Divine Order' and power over everyone else. EVERY story in the bible is taken from popular fables of the time. They did things in the name of 'god' and people didn't know any better back then. It's amazing that people still think the bible is actually some kind of religious text. It only purpose was to assert control over other people.

"Imagine no religion"- Christianity and Islam spreads hate throughout the world. Religion has only done bad things to us as human beings and thank god(lol) people are finally starting to realize that.
LOL well sir I suggest you do some reading, I don't know who told you this because you sure didn't read it. Allah was the opposite of MY GOD Son of THE GOD. Islam and Allah teach killing and murder. My GOD teach's forgiveness and love. Not at all similar.

Without going into detail about my credentials, lets just say I had to read the tora, bible, and koran for my disertation. I would say that the koran is far less violent then the bible, and that the old testament is probably the best of the 3. They are all very entertaining. Anyway, spending over a year researching the topic it's farily clear that the Bible and Koran, while being almost identical, are more propoganda then anything else.>created by the rulling class to give them 'divine' authority.

I don't need a book to teach me forgiveness and love-that is human nature. Religion threw a wrench into that and brings out the worst in people. It's pits us against one another and celebrates our differences rather then our similarities.

I will say this...Jesus might of been a cool dude, and he had some really good ideas about how we should live our life. That or he was simply a cult leader exploiting those around him, either way I don't really have beef with Jesus. He was a mortal and he figued out how to control other people for his benefit. What I do have beef with is when people think the Bible is where people should be getting their morals and values from.
Without going into detail about my credentials, lets just say I had to read the tora, bible, and koran for my disertation. I would say that the koran is far less violent then the bible, and that the old testament is probably the best of the 3. They are all very entertaining. Anyway, spending over a year researching the topic it's farily clear that the Bible and Koran, while being almost identical, are more propoganda then anything else.>created by the rulling class to give them 'divine' authority.

I don't need a book to teach me forgiveness and love-that is human nature. Religion threw a wrench into that and brings out the worst in people. It's pits us against one another and celebrates our differences rather then our similarities.

I will say this...Jesus might of been a cool dude, and he had some really good ideas about how we should live our life. That or he was simply a cult leader exploiting those around him, either way I don't really have beef with Jesus. He was a mortal and he figued out how to control other people for his benefit. What I do have beef with is when people think the Bible is where people should be getting their morals and values from.

LOL You think the our GOD and only chance at salvation which time is recorded by
  1. B.C., which stands for "Before Christ," is used to date events before the birth of Jesus. A.D. is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase anno Domini, which means "in the year of our Lord," and is used for dates after Jesus's birth.
  2. Is a....... I'm not even going to say it. Listen Sir if not for the teachings of GOD evil men like I was would be running around creating all sorts of chaos. The Rules of the Laws we follow in the United States as in Thou shalt not kill, steal, bearfalse witness ect... Are mingled with the Laws today to prevail justice, proving the righteousness and obvious of all GOD's Laws which are to protect one another. Any violence in the Old testament was because of tribes which were eating ones children and mating with animals, which came into contact with the Holy tribe of Israel which GOD dwell. The glory of the LORD would appear to them. Israel kept the Holy Scripture, the scripture in THE HOLY BIBLE today. Israel still followed the Laws of thou shalt not Kill but THE LORD ordered this so the Scripture would remain. We Have all the Scripture now, and our GOD CHRIST now GOD will decide when Judgment happens.
  3. So The Tribe of Israel with the HOLY BIBLE aren't around anymore so don't worry about violence from them. But be glad they did what they did or you wouldn't have these laws about not killing and raping and so forth... Now we have to follow the Laws which was written and of how GOD commanded the world to live from now on in this new word. Rules for the whole world and not for the tribe of Israel which GOD actually dwell with. And GOD had those Laws because GOD can't be around evil HIS presence literally destroys evil. So with GOD personally coming down and you seeing his greatness I doubt anyone broke any rules, also dis obeying GOD and trying to do sin while GOD is there and profane HIS presence. It says you will burn.. So it's for your own good
  4. We also Have SON OF THE LORD GOD our GOD JESUS CHRIST for our sins because we are born into a perverse generation
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Happy to answer the questions.

Incorrectly and deceptively...

Knowing the difference between what's Good and Evil doesn't mean they didn't have free will. GOD THE ALMIGHTY said not eat the tree or else you die, the chose to eat the fruit of the tree anyways. They chose with their free will.

Indeed. Following in the way of our lord, when my children were very young I put an open gallon of bleach in the middle of the floor. I told them not to drink it, but they did not listen and they perished. They got what they deserved, it was their free will. Now, you may ask why a loving father would put the bleach there in the first place (especially since I'm omniscient and knew what would happen). You're thinking too much, and that makes jesus cry. I work in mysterious ways...

(at 4:30, but the entire bit is good)

Babel- Yes, when Men thought themselves to be like the GOD ALMIGHTY, and to blaspheme about GOD. GOD then did what men said GOD could not do.

Religions- LOL yes the Religions and denominations are evil! That is what this thread is about! Exposing those Church's and false denominations and revealing the truth. The fact I have had to prove GOD and our GOD Jesus Christ exist for 25 pages is baffling.

And you haven't even come CLOSE to doing this, yet you perceive that you have. THAT'S baffling...
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By breaking GOD's Laws people cause much pain. Kill and rape and torture animals and human beings. GOD ALMIGHTY'S very presence literally destroys all Evil. This is GOD's Earth, GOD will take it back, and GOD's presence arrive here. Now because our perverse generation is so evil GOD's Son died so we can be saved before we meet this AWESOME POWER that destroys all Evil in HIS Presence. THAT IS LOVE, think about it. This is GOD asking HIS Son (Perfect and Holy) to sacrifice himself for people who are so disgustingly Evil filled with vanity, lust, hate and greed. So we can be born again by HIS blood and now walk the path of righteousness and meet the LORD as a new being, not a Evil one which will be instantly destroyed by the presence of THE MOST HIGH.

Incorrectly and deceptively...

Indeed. Following in the way of our lord, when my children were very young I put an open gallon of bleach in the middle of the floor. I told them not to drink it, but they did not listen and they perished. They got what they deserved, it was their free will. Now, you may ask why a loving father would put the bleach there in the first place (especially since I'm omniscient and knew what would happen). You're thinking too much, and that makes jesus cry. I work in mysterious ways...

(at 4:30, but the entire bit is good)

Babel- Yes, when Men thought themselves to be like the GOD ALMIGHTY, and to blaspheme about GOD. GOD then did what men said GOD could not do.

Religions- LOL yes the Religions and denominations are evil! That is what this thread is about! Exposing those Church's and false denominations and revealing the truth. The fact I have had to prove GOD and our GOD Jesus Christ exist for 25 pages is baffling.

And you haven't even come CLOSE to doing this, yet you perceive that you have. THAT'S baffling...[/QUOTE]

Adam and Eve were not infants LOL and I don't appreciate your spam videos, and yes I have told you over and over that GOD wants to communicate but you reject because HIS was is not appealing to you.