Thinking of a new light ..

C ) Why white light ?

View attachment 3148442

'Cause of higher assimilation per absorbed light ........


(See the field -grown ....How efficiently uses the blue light ....The field grown....
Up to a point...Only white light can be absorbed at high irradiances ....All colors ....
As irrradiance INCREASES ....
Green light assimilates more than red per absorbed light power !!!
AHey maybe you should throw those 660 nm ...

No ....
White,is the answer...
Maybe no red leds needed ....


comments ?
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I'll definitely be doing some testing of white and white red combos in the future.

First test will be roughly 1/2 3000k and 1/2 2700k. I want to see if the extra red provided by the 2700k is enough to match the density of a 660nm supplemented plant.

Good chance the extra red will not be needed..but on the other hand , having witnessed what 660nm brings to white, it may be useful for a while.

I'm noticing the 630nm doesn't have as nice a effect as the 660nm. I'll be leaving that color behind. I don't see it doing anything that a warmer white couldn't.
sds...your posts reminded me.... old kanna posts... maybe the table or info can help us...
New version
Bulbs Comparison Tool
Bulb Analyzer Tool (Actualized)

Needed Lighting Concepts To Develop LED Grow lightsón

Hoja De Calculo Para Iluminación see all images or download attachments must be registered...

Bulbs see all images or download attachments must be registered...ón-y-leds?s=3095b5f219f1f2bbd0ee68d3a38e020c

Conceptos De Iluminación Y Leds see all images or download attachments must be registered...

Reminded memorial Dave William... ..i miss both Kanna and Dave...and so many more...


Last edited: digitize graphics ...I've seen ...sorry I copy this page as it disappears because I saw this in cache... &cd=1&hl=es&ct=clnk&gl=es

Digitizing programs for Converting Hard Copy Graphs and Plots back to Data

Information on more packages, including obtaining structure co-ordinates from stereo structure diagrams appreciated.

Some subsidery hints on using the software and image converters are also mentioned.

Thanks to Jim Quinn (E=mail: [email protected]) for providing extra links.
Thanks to Klaus Reimann (E=mail: [email protected]-Stuttgart.De) for information on WinDIG.
Thanks to William Vetter (E=mail: [email protected]) for information on Engauge Digitizer .

Engauge Digitizer - Picture to number tool for Linux, Windows and source code
Compensates for image distortions, from scanners and fax machines, in graphs
Handles cartesian, polar, linear and logarithmic graphs
Scanning algorithm recognizes curves and applies points automatically
Extensive preview capability while modifying settings
Cross platform capability

Computer Program to Digitize X-Y Plots for UNIX
Convert a hardcopy graph into data.
"DIGITIZE software was primarily developed to convert Integrated Fast Reactor (IFR) fuel element profilometry traces on paper into digital form."
"The tracing of the plot line is fully automated."

Datathief for Mac
Convert a hardcopy graph or plot (data points of a curve) into data.
If getting a "not enough memory error" or "can draw world error", exit DataThief, highlight the datathief ICON; do "File, Get Info" and increase the Preferred size of memory. By default it can be only 512K. Personally increased this to around 30 to 60 MegaByte.
To convert a solid curve back to data, enable the Options, Auto-tracing. Define the first part of the curve/line, and the end part of the curve/line and Datathief will do the rest. (very nifty)
"update of 06 november 2000: version 1.1.0"

Or via,,MC11473,.html

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Didger for Windows
Convert a hardcopy points into data.

DigiGraph for Windows
Convert a hardcopy graph into data.
"DigiGraph can be used to digitize: Strip Chart Output, Recorder Output, Published Graphs, Old Graphs and Drawings, Instrumental Output, Scatter Plots, Any hardcopy graph."

Digitize for Windows - Hallogram
"The Point Digitizer converts coordinates from any WinTab-compliant digitizer to real-world units based on three calibration points."

Digitize for Windows - Yaron Danon
Convert a hardcopy graph into data.
"Digitize v1.38 x,y plot digitizer (scanned plot to x,y points)"
Digitize v1.25 at

NIH Image
"use macro 'Convert Line Plot to Points [C]';"
PC Port at
Java version

OPR (Optical Plot Reading) for DOS
Convert a hardcopy graph into data.
"OPR can process various "problematic cases" such as crossed lines, tilted plots, heavy gridlines etc."
"OPR offers automatic acquisition of several thousand points from a line (solid or dashed) or scatter graph."

Quicktrace for Mac
Convert a hardcopy graph into data.
Can handle a distorted page, ternary plots, polar plots.
Also the author of Macdiff (user-friendly Powder X-ray powder diffractogram tool for Macintosh computers)

TechDig for Win95/Win3.11
Convert a hardcopy graph into data.

UnGraph for Windows and DOS
Convert a hardcopy graph into data.
Has "automatic line-follower", etc, etc

Un-Scan-It for Windows 3.1 and Win95 and Macintosh
Convert a hardcopy graph into data.
"Automatically digitize strip chart and (x,y) recorder output."
"Digitize old graphs for comparison with new data."

WinDIG for Windows - Freeware - E-mail: [email protected]
Convert a hardcopy graph into data.
Read image directly from a TWAIN/Scanner source.
"It has been reported to work also on NTx, Mac's (with a Windows emulator), and under Linux (with a recent flavour of Wine)"
"Digitize old graphs for comparison with new data."
"Most of the reported problems were due to buggy screen drivers. Upgrading to a more recent driver, or changing to a generic driver fixed the problems in most cases."
Hints to run:
Open up the BMP file, click on the define 3 points ICON, then define the three points of your plot.
Then, if you have scatter data - "left" mouse button - double click on the points.
If you have a curve - goto the left most part of the curve and click the "right" mouse button.
If it is a colour or grey plot, you may have to much around with the "Options Colour Limit" so it can track the desired coloured curve - or define the upper/lower colour limits (seems quite nifty if I could get it working happily ...... yes got it tracking the blue curve in the example file).
Has other functions for integration, etc.

Image Converters for Mac
Go to an Info-Mac mirror for good quality image converting software.
Such as

Image Converters for Windows
Lview can do the job. Get an older version that seems to support more formats.
Try the usual software archives for Windows:

Searching for Software via Archive Servers
List of Archive servers at -

...and I know there are more new software for these tasks....

...but I do not know how to use none with the excel table of kanna.... ...and I have not used the kanna table.....

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lets see the flowers and the scale/???per watts?? is it airy??

I'm a bit different in the way I'm setting my light up. I'm not looking for max yield. But if I was..all white has shown to yield well enough. I'm just looking for nicest final nug quality. 660 seemed to dense things up nicely..

Nugs are still nice with the 630..not airy..but little prettier with the 660.

I'm just looking to augment the white as minimally as possible. And if it's one or the other I choose 660nm right now...could change..I'm still learning.
I'm a bit different in the way I'm setting my light up. I'm not looking for max yield. But if I was..all white has shown to yield well enough. I'm just looking for nicest final nug quality. 660 seemed to dense things up nicely..

Nugs are still nice with the 630..not airy..but little prettier with the 660.

I'm just looking to augment the white as minimally as possible. And if it's one or the other I choose 660nm right now...could change..I'm still learning.

Random Unknown Domestic Wild Landrace
From seed .Seed taken from discovered wild field grown plant .
1st week on 12/12 (after 4 weeks on 18/6)
Under :
~140 W of Oslons
~75 Watt Astir
( Asian leds ..Of low electrical efficiency whatso ever ...)

Overall spectrum is rather cool ...(towards green & blue ....)

Still combo has ....some ..Growth efficiency ...
Up till now,at least ...


Astir Panel:

ASL24GPC, has a spectrum suitable for clones and seedlings.
Each panel consists of:
2 CW - 4 NW - 16 WW - 2 Red leds
Cool Whites are @ 7000K, Neutral Whites @ 4000K, Warm Whites @ 2700K, and Red leds @ 630nm

ASL24GPV LED Panel, is specially designed to support the vegetative growth stage of your plants.
It gives out all the necessary light a plant needs in its early life. You can use it from seedlings to early pre-flower.
Each panel consists of:
6 NW - 14 WW - 4 Red leds
Neutral Whites are @ 4000K, Warm Whites @ 2700K, and Red leds @ 630nm

ASL24GPF, has a spectrum suitable for the flowering stage of a plant.
Each panel consists of:
2 NW - 16 WW - 6 Red leds
Neutral Whites are @ 4000K, Warm Whites @ 2700K, and Red leds @ 630nm

ASL24GPA LED panel can cover the full cycle of a plant's life.
This all-around panel can efficiently cover your plant needs from seedling to harvesting
Each panel consists of:
2 NW - 18 WW - 4 Red leds
Neutral Whites are @ 4000K, Warm Whites @ 2700K, and Red leds @ 630nm

I simulate the spectrum with edison led(I don't know exact bin of led) take with care.
I my opinion they work very very well,many test off course...
my attention it's on full cycle panel,in my little expirience,in every idro-run: 0.9/1.0grXwatt,
in not perfect microgrow enviroment....
thanks a lot for your hard work SDS and all other guy.Astir-Panel-spectrum.jpg
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" Most photosynthetic pigments ,absorb strongly in blue light " ...


Background-By performing this experiment we hope to learn more on photosynthesis and the light that is most effective in allowing plants to photosynthesize. After researching previous experiments done on this topic, I found a similar experiment done by three scientists in Colorado in 2003. These scientists used three different colors to our two, red, blue, and green. They were also testing to see which of these lights would allow plants to photosynthesize the fastest. However, instead of using our procedure, injecting oxygen into the leaves of the plants, they placed 5 grams of the plant into a gas chamber with two containers filled with water behind it to maintain a good temperature. They then placed a light over the plant and ran three separate tests for each color measuring the amount of CO2. They thought that the blue light would use the most C02 because blue light absorbs the most light and the most energy and C02 is used in photosynthesis, but their results proved otherwise. Their results showed that blue used the least amount of C02, red used the medium amount of C02, and green used the most C02. Their hypothesis was proved wrong by their results, but they still believe that their hypothesis is the most logical answer. Therefore there must be flaws in their experiment which there can be in any experiment that is done, including ours. However, our hypothesis contradicts theirs; we believe that white light will photosynthesize plants more quickly than blue light, or the white light. Not only do we hope to learn more on photosynthesis by performing this experiment, but I also hope to be able to better understand light and how it is absorbed in plants.

Conclusion- Through our experiment we discovered that there are different rates of photosynthesis that occur in different light conditions with the answer to our question we also discovered that our hypothesis was correct. The hypothesis that we found correct was that disks in the normal white light would photosynthesize faster than the ones that were under the blue light. This is supported by our results that the average time of the white light was 4.892 seconds while the blue light average was 9.544 seconds. There are possibilities of errors that could not be controlled in this experiment that follow, one of the disks could have been healthier than the other (less damage to the leaf), rising temperatures of
he light bulbs and the fluctuation of the temperature in the room. I think that if we did this experiment again we could have tested more than 20 disks, maybe a different color of light, and a C-4 plant. Also, we could have controlled the plant before we used it in our experiment and maybe used a younger plant so that it maybe would not have photosynthesized as much before our experiment. Though, I think that everything else worked well and we had a successful experiment and learned a lot about plants and how they photosynthesize.

Bibliography- attached to the back,d.ZGU

Basic plant biology ...
Teaches about white light ...
For years ,now ...
As nature does ,also....

Effect of Different Colored Lights on Photosynthesis

Anastasia Rodionova, Cassidy Davis, Sara Cucciniello

CU Boulder, Fall 2003

Our experiment tested which color (red, blue, green) would influence the plant to produce the most amount of photosynthesis. There are four main photosynthetic pigments found in the chloroplast of the plant called chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, xanthophylls, and carotenes. All these pigments absorb light and possibly utilize the light energy in photosynthesis. Light energy is essential for photosynthesis. An initial experiment showed that all the pigments at peak absorbance showed violet/blue light at the highest level, orange/red light as the second highest, and yellow/green having the lowest level of absorption. We hypothesized that photosynthesis was affected by the light absorption rate.

To test this we used about 5 grams of leaves for each trial, and placed them in a gas chamber. On two sides of the gas chamber we placed two clear containers filled with water to serve as the temperature regulators. Behind the water containers we placed lights directed at the plant. We ran three trails for each different leaf we used. Each trail consisted of measuring the amount of CO2, with a CO2 gas sensor under blue light, red light, and green light. We made sure to switch the order of colors in each trail as an experimental control, to minimize error. Since we know that photosynthesis requires CO2, and we know that blue light pigments absorb the most light energy, we predicted that under blue light the most CO2 would be used.

Our results showed the least amount of CO2 under blue light (mean: -8.1 ppm/min/g), medium amount in the red light (mean: -1.04 ppm/min/g), and the most amount in the green light (mean: 4.7 ppm/min/g). But our t-tests proved our results insignificant (p>0.05).

Our results are contradictory with our hypothesis, based on our statistical results. There were several problems with our experiment that could have been taken into consideration. First, when taking respiration rates the foil wasn’t covering the chamber all the way letting some external light in. Second, the colored cellophane only allows approximately 70% of light through; this might have prevented the plant from absorbing the amount of light energy needed to have a significant photosynthetic rate. Third, the fast paced moving between trials lost time and efficiency. By having short trials (2.5 min.) we might not have allowed the plant enough time to adjust its photosynthetic rate to the different wavelengths of light energy. Plus by moving the plant, and switching from cellophane to foil (or vise versa), might have screwed up(!) the photosynthetic cycle by exposing it to white light.

Other students who did the same experiment had results that also supported that blue light was not responsible for the rate of photosynthesis. Experiments Warsh et al. 2001, Bahramzadeh et al. 2001, and Whorley and Weaver. 2002 all showed that red had much higher rates of photosynthesis than blue, but these experiments had fewer trials or shorter trials. Lots of other students also used white light as a controlled variable; this would have been a good thing to put into our experiment to give it some comparison.

Considering that not all light energy is used for photosynthesis we propose an alternative hypothesis. In a previous experiment the pigment xanthophylls absorbed significant amounts of blue light. In new research it is found that this pigment could be an important component in a process called energy dissipation(heat...high energy photons,you see... ) rather than photosynthesis. In order to not overwhelm the plant with photosynthesis and respiration, this photon energy goes to other functions or formations of the plant. Further research on the function of xanthophylls will need to be conducted in order to understand the processes of plant function

Random Unknown Domestic Wild Landrace
From seed .Seed taken from discovered wild field grown plant .
1st week on 12/12 (after 4 weeks on 18/6)
Under :
~140 W of Oslons
~75 Watt Astir
( Asian leds ..Of low electrical efficiency whatso ever ...)

Overall spectrum is rather cool ...(towards green & blue ....)

Still combo has ....some ..Growth efficiency ...
Up till now,at least ...

View attachment 3148668

View attachment 3148669

OH didn't notice that you put a wild landrace seed Indoor!
Only some people was doing that.

Shes growing very well,even if shes came from Outdoor.
That's maybe provide that the Astir led panels have been very close to the SUNLIGHT!

Landrace,second year grow(F1 REGULAR) :fire:
OH didn't notice that you put a wild landrace seed Indoor!
Only some people was doing that.

Shes growing very well,even if shes came from Outdoor.
That's maybe provide that the Astir led panels have been very close to the SUNLIGHT!

Landrace,second year grow(F1 REGULAR) :fire:

If it's from North , ( Thessally and up ...) it seems like the common Hybrid ,found wild or cultivated on those regions ..
Good stuff...Heavy for my taste ,but way good ...
Many hours duration ..
But not easy on body...Way heavy ...

It can't be from South ...
You know...

Ain't RedFeather (Kalamata...Pyrgos...etc ) ...
Can be an old Indie hybrid from Crete ,but for sure looks more shade adapted ....

So ...

WTF it is ?

Nothern ,right ?
"Vlahiko / Tsopanis/Tsobanos/Toubanos:P:P:P " .....
F1 under leds ?
Astir leds ? Which ?
Pollen used for F1 ?
Wild of same cultivar/landrace ?
Or 'stalion' was breed for pollen under same led spectrum as females ,until primordial stage ?
Separated and pollination was done manually (selectively on best buds /of best stamens? ) ?
Or left to randomly air pollinate ?
(you said F1 regular ....:fire::fire::fire:..
Can't be artificially induced seed production,then....
Not just another col.silver 'shit',ok ? )

Is it Good ?
Like from /as if the wild / field-grown one ?
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OH didn't notice that you put a wild landrace seed Indoor!
Only some people was doing that.

Shes growing very well,even if shes came from Outdoor.
That's maybe provide that the Astir led panels have been very close to the SUNLIGHT!

Landrace,second year grow(F1 REGULAR) :fire:

Does it happen,maybe,for you to know any better method ,to test new led spectrums ?
Or the abilities of a light ?
What's better than this ? o_O
Don't keep it secret,bro...
And it's 'are ' ...
Only some people are doing that.

Who knows?
Maybe that's just simply, what you think ...:P
Chiming in, wow you guys have been busy since I turned off my computer last night

and willing to get an F on my report...

It seems that if we had a fixture made up of individual, but equal w R-G-B COBs, with each on a separate dimmer, once we hone in on how much of each, and when they are most beneficial, we could dial in the needed blend for a given stage of development... but that would require a spectrometer

Let's put this whole intensive for hot-rodders in perspective (come back down to earth, if you will), as you all know, diyers are growing some fine mj using only WW COBs

How much better quality/more yield can we expect from 'dialing it in'?

I recall Jeff (A51) telling me last November when he sent me the 2 ufos, that one could grow to harvest using ~ 4500, although yield was down a bit, hence adding some red for flowering

I did just that using his 2 ufos (3500/5000= ~ 4250K). Plants were gorgeous. Once buds SET, I added 4 off the self 3000k led tubes. I was very excited, then I made a HUGE mistake after rereading a thread on SEA Corp sea minerals. I treaded lightly adding only 200ppm, but within 24 hours my leafs crisped up and buds dehydrated.

I managed to salvage it, but it was a shell of itself
I'll definitely be doing some testing of white and white red combos in the future.

First test will be roughly 1/2 3000k and 1/2 2700k. I want to see if the extra red provided by the 2700k is enough to match the density of a 660nm supplemented plant.

Good chance the extra red will not be needed..but on the other hand , having witnessed what 660nm brings to white, it may be useful for a while.

I'm noticing the 630nm doesn't have as nice a effect as the 660nm. I'll be leaving that color behind. I don't see it doing anything that a warmer white couldn't.

For my 2 BML bars I selected primarily 2700/3000 + a few 450 and 660 for grins

These to supplement my 2 ufos, now in my hot5 tent
Chiming in, wow you guys have been busy since I turned off my computer last night

and willing to get an F on my report...

It seems that if we had a fixture made up of individual, but equal w R-G-B COBs, with each on a separate dimmer, once we hone in on how much of each, and when they are most beneficial, we could dial in the needed blend for a given stage of development... but that would require a spectrometer

Let's put this whole intensive for hot-rodders in perspective (come back down to earth, if you will), as you all know, diyers are growing some fine mj using only WW COBs

How much better quality/more yield can we expect from 'dialing it in'?

I recall Jeff (A51) telling me last November when he sent me the 2 ufos, that one could grow to harvest using ~ 4500, although yield was down a bit, hence adding some red for flowering

I did just that using his 2 ufos (3500/5000= ~ 4250K). Plants were gorgeous. Once buds SET, I added 4 off the self 3000k led tubes. I was very excited, then I made a HUGE mistake after rereading a thread on SEA Corp sea minerals. I treaded lightly adding only 200ppm, but within 24 hours my leafs crisped up and buds dehydrated.

I managed to salvage it, but it was a shell of itself

Who cares for 'dialing in ' ?
" ....>:(....."


All that R&D is done ,for us to being able to 'distinguish' which of the commonly/widely available led white light sources
(or which combos) suits better to our needs ....

White leds ,are not manufactured ,with horticultural purposes on the mind of their designers ...

We just happen ,to use them ,for these purposes ..
They are not the ideal 'Plant growth white led " light sources ...
(Except some quantum dot chips ,that fit way better to the description "horticultural illumination'.....)


We're still on the 'stage' of 'searching' the 'better' white leds ...
(here ,us ,users of common phosphor conversion white leds ...Or RGB chips ...,Whatever ....

Far from 'dialing in.'../ targeting ...

Way far ....

Quantum -tech ,is far from us ...
(Except PSUAGRO,right now ...)
For my 2 BML bars I selected primarily 2700/3000 + a few 450 and 660 for grins
These to supplement my 2 ufos, now in my hot5 tent


You should get one of these :

or these as the the previous have limited counting capacity and are not of good quality...
Can't withstand heavy use ....

And you can 'program' one of these to post it in every led thread ...
Everytime you log in !!!
Cool,ain't ?




Take your finger away from the "Loop' button ,bro ....