Thinking of a new light ..

With over a 1000 m² LED Wall , next level lighting , C02, Fireworls and enough lazers to make even George Lucas envious - the prodution of the show was on true 'Tomorrowland- Level'.

Tomorrowland Festival have to been asked for a led wall in ASTIR development team!
With over a 1000 m² LED Wall , next level lighting , C02, Fireworls and enough lazers to make even George Lucas envious - the prodution of the show was on true 'Tomorrowland- Level'.

Tomorrowland Festival have to been asked for a led wall in ASTIR development team!

The dj's ?
Greeks,eh ?
I can tell from the accent ...:P
I m not that fond of that kind music ....
Not anymore ...

Pretty good ...
My innocent brother SDS,

No US president since JFK gets to be president unless he/she has sold their soul to the dark secret government cabal

If they can't buy you they will use a drug like Scopolamine (aka Devil's Breath), and film you in a most uncompromising situation, then blackmail you

They also have rigged the electronic voting machines. Google who owns that company

and this is just the tip of the iceberg

BO never held a job, his education was funded off shore (Saudis) he uses SSN of dead person

Every public office position he ever held was handed to him

That you see good in him, only proves how well they select Manchurian Candidates
My innocent brother SDS,

No US president since JFK gets to be president unless he/she has sold their soul to the dark secret government cabal

If they can't buy you they will use a drug like Scopolamine (aka Devil's Breath), and film you in a most uncompromising situation, then blackmail you

They also have rigged the electronic voting machines. Google who owns that company

and this is just the tip of the iceberg

BO never held a job, his education was funded off shore (Saudis) he uses SSN of dead person

Every public office position he ever held was handed to him

That you see good in him, only proves how well they select Manchurian Candidates
Don't you get it ?

Say all these are happening ...
Ok ?
Shit ,Pet ..
You still have the POWER to think ,analyse,turn upside down ,dive in them ,whatever ...
Don't you get it ?

The Mind ,Pet ..
That's the Power ,Pet.
What you're referring to has nothing to do with what I'm referring to ...

Whomever ,whatever they do ..
Can't stop the mind of the' human waves '' that break uppon the Earth of this planet ,thousands of years now ......
You do not understand me ?
Look around you ...
To your own world ...
To your everyday 'fight' with Life .
That's how 'existence' is and should be ...
Everything else ,Pet ,my brother ,are just buzzing annoying flies of the crowded marketplace ...
Every human has the ability of ' free choice' ..
'Own ride ....'
Live or Die ..
Amongst people or away from people ...
Alone or not ..
Good or Evil...
Any many more ,you know ...

The rest ?
Fuck the rest ....

Your choices ,your power ...
Your ride ,your wheel ...

What you 've mentioned ..
Pretty much ,everybody ,by now ,more or less ,has a rough idea about'em...

I don't give a 'fuck' ....
(I love that expression ...It sounds & feels ....Liberating ...)

Neither if they are truth ,neither if they're just another conspiracy-theory -sub-urban-legend ...

I 'm setting the route ...
I'm behind the steering wheel of my 'ship'....
Of my own voyage ..

The rest is the surrounding environment ...
Water currents ,winds,waves,exotic islands,pirates,treasures..
Beautiful mermaids,monsters from the abyss of the sea ...from other planets ,why not ?

Things that are either 'miam! :) " or " Blhiahhh !!! :cry: " ...
They have given those two opposing ..beings... many different names ...
From many different people ...From many different sciences ...

And that is -at the same time - the duality ,the motive ,the action ,the result
and more ...
Of our power ....
As 'Active Thinking Existence in form of biological organisms '

Free Fucking Choice ...

Per picosecond ,if you like ....

I hope now we're having an 'understanding' between us ...
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When I was in Rome I met a Czech guy with cowboy boots, jeans and a hat. That is not the US. The US is full of selfish sheeple. I have visited other countries and the people and the culture are so much better than here. We have a disposable mentality. Maybe Canna culture will bring new thinking and shared goals in improving our fate. Or maybe we will just kill each other to get the newest iPhone and cheep oil.

Greece had retirement age of 50? Mine will be 71. My Stepdad is 78, and he is still working.

Grass is always greener eh?
locoezon.. house ok but I'm more on the line in... solitary Sasquatch way... zero people or few persons on public...bump up the volume.. and rock the house..

or metallica on the "public" ...
....liked too..

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Now have a glance to my mind's scrap -board ...

About light ....
I won't explain much I'm tired ....
Snack-Food for thought ....

A )Atomic Level Absorption & Emission.The Core's Abilities.

Chlorophyll molecule :

The green atom ,in the center of the ...key ...
is Magnesium ....

Plants reflect green (not all ) ....
See how much at the 'source' ...
What the atom of Magnesium reflects and absorbs ....

She how much green Magnesium reflects .....


Look what the center atom of chlorophylls ,by it's nature,what spectra absorbs and what spectra emitts...

Magnesium atom at the center of chlorophylls will be excited by any of these wavelengths that absorbs ...
And not from the ones that does not ...(see also some regions in red and blue ...narrow regions ...Those are covered by the antennae complex ,sieve effect ,accesorry pigments ,protein complexes and many more mechanisms plants evolved to gather EVERY NANOMETER of light they can within a useful and safe energy vs wavelength/frequency 'band' ...(Within Star-Planet combo possibilities ...)
Life-Existence may not reach the " absolute highest peak on the fitness landscape."

Why green and not black?

Black plants (such as this Black pearl pepper) can absorb more radiation, and yet most plants are green
It still is unclear exactly why plants have mostly evolved to be green. Green plants reflect mostly green and near-green light to viewers rather than absorbing it. Other parts of the system of photosynthesis still allow green plants to use the green light spectrum (e.g. through a light-trapping leaf structure, carotenoids, etc.). Green plants do not use a large part of the visible spectrum as efficiently as possible. A black plant can absorb more radiation, and this could be very useful, if extra heat produced is effectively disposed of (e.g. some plants must close their openings, called stomata, on hot days to avoid losing too much water, which leaves only conduction, convection, and radiative heat-loss as solutions).[11] The question becomes why the only light-absorbing molecule used for power in plants is green and not simply black.

The biologist John Berman has offered the opinion that evolution is not an engineering process, and so it is often subject to various limitations that an engineer or other designer is not. Even if black leaves were better, evolution's limitations can prevent species from climbing to the absolute highest peak on the fitness landscape. Berman wrote that achieving pigments that work better than chlorophyll could be very difficult. In fact, all higher plants (embryophytes) are thought to have evolved from a common ancestor that is a sort of green alga – with the idea being that chlorophyll has evolved only once.[12]

Shil DasSarma, a microbial geneticist at the University of Maryland, has pointed out that species of archaea do use another light-absorbing molecule, retinal, to extract power from the green spectrum. He described the view of some scientists that such green-light-absorbing archae once dominated the earth environment. This could have left open a "niche" for green organisms that would absorb the other wavelengths of sunlight. This is just a possibility, and Berman wrote that scientists are still not convinced of any one explanation.[13]

Astronomer and mathematician Fred Hoyle conjectured that chlorophyll was likely to be an interstellar molecule, pointing out the similarities of its light absorbing properties to interstellar dust.[1

But ,for sure ,it tries to..
Tends to...
Evolves to ..

That -by coincidence of course 8-)- happens also to be the visible from man and most higher animals ,same wl / frequency range of light ..
It's like ....
Plants , are letting some light for the rest to see ....
And themselves also,for their lower parts ....Older parts ...

Underneath their thick foliage ,once uppon a time .....
That covered almost everything in some parts of the planet ...
The richest parts in life ..
In food ...
In excistence ..


517 nm & 518 nm ...

1000 Angstrom = 100 nm
1nm = 10 Angstrom

That's the green most reflected (not absorbed from magnesium by nature )

So ..By nature of Magnesium as matter -which is excited by almost the full PAR range ...
Plants can theoretically absorb the same spectrum ..More or less ..
And of course use it for photosynthesis ,turning light into electricity, into ...sugars ...
Into matter...And the rest of us happy !
End of (this) story !
Magic ..
Green magic ...
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When I was in Rome I met a Czech guy with cowboy boots, jeans and a hat. That is not the US. The US is full of selfish sheeple. I have visited other countries and the people and the culture are so much better than here. We have a disposable mentality. Maybe Canna culture will bring new thinking and shared goals in improving our fate. Or maybe we will just kill each other to get the newest iPhone and cheep oil.

Greece had retirement age age of 50? Mine will be 71. My Stepdad is 78, and he is still working.

Grass is always greener eh?
Retirement ?

From what ?
From what to retire ?
Nothing to retire from ..
Which job to retire from ?

And when somebody actually retires ?

A1 ) Why Green ?

Take a look at ALL metals absorption and emission spectras ...

All metals ...

It has to be a metal ion ,the 'light gatherer / cathcer' ...
It has to have the ability to move it's electrons easily ....

So ,it has to be a metal ...
Like iron ,fetches oxygen (due to electrons changing state easily ....and iron being abundant ..on the planet
but iron needs way more much energy (and releases back way more storewd =body heat) to work with .....

And not good light gatherer ...

Check all metals ....

You 'll be amongst the ( first ? ) ones that will finally understand ,why plants are green... ...
Because their evolution chose Magnesium as photon picker ...

The best candidate ..
with of best absorbing abilities ..
Chemically Stable..
Lightweight ....(life compatible ,non toxic ,non,non ,)
Perfect !
and abundant(everywhere ) at Earths surface ...In soil..In rocks ..
In water ..Everywhere ...

Life is Existence is Mind .
'Free choice .'
Towards Miam.
Away from Bliah .

How free choice is that one ?

Pet ,If you check the link ,you will see that the tone of Magnesium is Re ( D) ...
At 6th octave of matter ...

Now ...I'll leave to your alchemical music experiments ..
(Test,brother ...Test ....)

I've plenty of mine to study and build !
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I don't understand

Care to PM me?

No need to pm ...
At that link you will find exploring it ,many useful stuff ,that you (especially you),
will have the (mandatory) curiosity ,to do some 'tests' ...
Light-Sound-Electromagnetism ..
Explore my friend ...
It's there...
If you do not understand me now,you might will at a moment...
IU 've to continue on the scrap board ...

Why umols / sec ...mean shit !
Nothing ..'By just themselves as a unit ....
Nada ...
B ) The Unbearable Relativity of umols/sec ..

Pet comes to me ,one day and says :

-SDS ,Look at my new BML " Super-Nova -Plant-Blaster "
1000 f--umol/sec/m^2 !!!! .........

Under 'other circumstances' I would 've been quite amazed ...
Right now ,I'm just answering back to him:

-Pet,that does not mean shit ....
It means some ..But it can not be a real life ,useful, practical light power unit ...
No way ....

As it is ...relative ......

Too relative to be a direct power comparison unit ...

As photometric units are relative to how the human "eye retinal coat-vision nerve -vision brain center " system perceives
light brightness ,in same way relative is the radiometric unit of photon flux ( umols/sec ) and photon plux density (umols/sec/m^2)..

As radiometric units ,they express irradiant power and irradiance ,respectively ...

And pretty relatively,once more ...

The photometric units have nothing to do with irradiated power or irradiance ..
Lumen,candelas ,etc are units of how humans perceive light brightness ..
Not how powerful actually the light is ...

I'm not going to the basics of light theory ...
Most of you ,you're supposed to know them ,by know ...

As photometric units are relative to the human sight sensitivity curve

lumen to watt Φ.jpg

....1 Watt of radiant power at green ( 555 nm ) = 683 lm

Human photometric units max limit' ..(efficiency' ) ..
Is 683 lm per Watt of radiant light ,only at monochromatic green @555 nm .
Thats the max limit of photometric efficiency ...
For white light pc leds ,theoritically is about 300Lm / W ( For CW only ...)
Can,t be more than that ...Then it's green light ,not white ...

Anyway..Normally nobody should directly use this units to compare horticultural illumination ..
Needs complex math ...Way complex ...

Umols/sec ....

-How many umols is emitting an 'ideal' monochromatic red led @700 nm ,of radiant light power 1000mW ?
-How many umols is emitting an 'ideal' monochromatic amber led @600 nm ,of radiant light power 1000mW ?
-How many umols is emitting an 'ideal' monochromatic cyan led @475 nm ,of radiant light power 1000mW ?

The same ?
They all have the same output radiant light power ...
They all emit 1 Watt of light ...
What's the umol/sec values ?

Now ,the unbearable relativity ,starts to make it's presence ...
Anybody ...
Willing to answer ?
How many umols each led ?
All same ?

Or ,let me put it that way ....

Pet has a panel with :
-10x red led @700 nm
-10x amber led @600 nm
-5x cyan led @475 nm

25 Watts output power ...

I've ....

20x red led @700 nm
5x cyan led @475 nm

25 Watts output power ...

Does Pet's light and mine ,have same umol/sec outputs ?