My innocent brother SDS,
No US president since JFK gets to be president unless he/she has sold their soul to the dark secret government cabal
If they can't buy you they will use a drug like Scopolamine (aka Devil's Breath), and film you in a most uncompromising situation, then blackmail you
They also have rigged the electronic voting machines. Google who owns that company
and this is just the tip of the iceberg
BO never held a job, his education was funded off shore (Saudis) he uses SSN of dead person
Every public office position he ever held was handed to him
That you see good in him, only proves how well they select Manchurian Candidates
Don't you get it ?
Say all these are happening ...
Ok ?
Shit ,Pet ..
You still have the POWER to think ,analyse,turn upside down ,dive in them ,whatever ...
Don't you get it ?
The Mind ,Pet ..
That's the Power ,Pet.
What you're referring to has nothing to do with what I'm referring to ...
Whomever ,whatever they do ..
Can't stop the mind of the' human waves '' that break uppon the Earth of this planet ,thousands of years now ......
You do not understand me ?
Look around you ...
To your own world ...
To your everyday 'fight' with Life .
That's how 'existence' is and should be ...
Everything else ,Pet ,my brother ,are just buzzing annoying flies of the crowded marketplace ...
Every human has the ability of ' free choice' ..
'Own ride ....'
Live or Die ..
Amongst people or away from people ...
Alone or not ..
Good or Evil...
Any many more ,you know ...
The rest ?
Fuck the rest ....
Your choices ,your power ...
Your ride ,your wheel ...
What you 've mentioned ..
Pretty much ,everybody ,by now ,more or less ,has a rough idea about'em...
I don't give a 'fuck' ....
(I love that expression ...It sounds & feels ....Liberating ...)
Neither if they are truth ,neither if they're just another conspiracy-theory -sub-urban-legend ...
I 'm setting the route ...
I'm behind the steering wheel of my 'ship'....
Of my own voyage ..
The rest is the surrounding environment ...
Water currents ,winds,waves,exotic islands,pirates,treasures..
Beautiful mermaids,monsters from the abyss of the sea ...from other planets ,why not ?
Things that are either 'miam!

" or " Blhiahhh !!!

" ...
They have given those two opposing ..beings... many different names ...
From many different people ...From many different sciences ...
And that is -at the same time - the duality ,the motive ,the action ,the result
and more ...
Of our power ....
As 'Active Thinking Existence in form of biological organisms '
Free Fucking Choice ...
Per picosecond ,if you like ....
I hope now we're having an 'understanding' between us ...