Will you buy irradiated medicine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 109 86.5%

  • Total voters
I know of more than 1 LP in the "running" for a license that has intentions of doing it "the right way" in my mind.
That may not mean $2 grams of product, but it does mean higher quality product and better standards to hold themselves to.
Got a link? I've seen lots of false rumours on this front, and have yet to see anything from HC indicating that they will be imposing any hard limits on the number of LPs.
no there wont be any info, this is from a very solid inside guy, they didn't expect more than 100 l.p apps, so when they got 700+ they decided to chisle them down, the number they are shooting for they say is 75L.P so well see
no there wont be any info, this is from a very solid inside guy, they didn't expect more than 100 l.p apps, so when they got 700+ they decided to chisle them down, the number they are shooting for they say is 75L.P so well see

If this is in fact the case don't you think there stands to be a legal backlash from the other potential LP's in the later stages pending approval who have already invested funds? How do the 75 get chosen? First come first serve? Or is it based on the number of patients they hope to acquire and sustain? Not questioning your source of info, just saying that it seems to bring up more problems than solutions for them at this point. This thing is so far off the rails in so many aspects that you can't get Pandora back into the box so to speak. They now risk either further alienating patients(which would surprise no one I'm sure)causing further litigation on behalf of patients or having hundred's of potential and pending LP's take legal action as well for now limiting the total amount of LP's this far in.
IMO the only compassion will be with the smallest producers. As Jackal said there is no real compassion in business. In just doesn't mix. Even with good intentions compassion is lost. It will only be fained if it works for the bottom line. They are businesses and there is no room for sentiment. It all revolves around the company making money. That's what business is all about.
Sure if you can provide great meds and service at great prices, you will look compassionate. But in reality business is about making money. It's not like these LP's are not for profit organizations.
I just can't buy any of that mullarky about being in it for the sick....naw.
That smoke and mirror to fool the stupid. They are in to make money and a living.
IMO the only compassion will be with the smallest producers. As Jackal said there is no real compassion in business. In just doesn't mix. Even with good intentions compassion is lost. It will only be fained if it works for the bottom line. They are businesses and there is no room for sentiment. It all revolves around the company making money. That's what business is all about.
Sure if you can provide great meds and service at great prices, you will look compassionate. But in reality business is about making money. It's not like these LP's are not for profit organizations.
I just can't buy any of that mullarky about being in it for the sick....naw.
That smoke and mirror to fool the stupid. They are in to make money and a living.

Hippy, I posted this in another thread, but you'll be interested in these guys:
I figure by the time we get back to court this thing will be such a dog and pony show the judge will throw up. lol
Interesting. I wonder if they ever get it off the ground.
That will give other Lp's something to ponder.
I hope they all price themselves into a corner.
Keep it dropping until they pay me to use it.

I'd love nothing more than to see these guys make it through the HC application process and get off the ground. Having legitimate NFP options will help police and reign in the mega-producers in a hurry (ie. transparency, pricing, ethics, product quality) if they want to stay in business. I've had a brief conversation with one of the brothers on another forum, and these are some very bright and dedicated guys that are truly in it for the right reasons: a sincere love and thorough knowledge of cannabis, and wanting to help and provide for patients. I for one will definitely be making a contribution to their crowd-funding campaign.
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Not to be a Debbie Downer, but those guys are trying to crowdsource the project and they're at 0%.
They have a long ways to go.. I imagine very few people will purchase before they get their license. Then they have to get their license, crowdsource the building funds, reconstruct their greenhouses, etc.

I honestly wish them the best - we need them in the game - but without a license in their hand that's tough.
Also, as has been surmised a few times around here, HC can screw with their application if they decide they don't want people to have access to cheap medicine.
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but those guys are trying to crowdsource the project and they're at 0%.
They have a long ways to go.. I imagine very few people will purchase before they get their license. Then they have to get their license, crowdsource the building funds, reconstruct their greenhouses, etc.

I honestly wish them the best - we need them in the game - but without a license in their hand that's tough.
Also, as has been surmised a few times around here, HC can screw with their application if they decide they don't want people to have access to cheap medicine.

I wan't sure how much they had raised, but I only heard about them recently and think that their crowd-funding pre-order campaign may still be in the fledgling stages. I do know that they have already have the land and have started developing/building on their own, and every dream has to start somewhere. The more patients that hear about them, the greater chance that they can get it done. I don't think it will be easy, and I think that the odds are likely stacked heavily against them, but I'm still rooting for them :)
First, you can lay off the hate just a bit.
Secondly, I don't work for, support or want anything to do with Tweed or any other licensed producers.
Third, QA requirements have changed. They sent out a dedicated letter on the subject just a few weeks ago.
Fourth, MMAR product didn't have to be tested like MMPR product. I'm not saying you're wrong about it's quality, but it's very possible that issues went unnoticed. That said, it was obviously better product than Tweed has put out.

I'm not sure what your beef is with me, but 3 posts in a row just to hate on everything I said? Please.

I don't believe the product Tweed shipped was 100% grown by them. I don't know for certain, but the timeline seems sketchy.

Correct. That's the whole problem with buying up plants and not testing them when they come in.

Last time I got a prescription, even for a long-term issue, they made me go back to the doctor every 60 days to get a new prescription. It's my fault for trying to compare it to a prescription, but my intention was more on the side of pointing out that they're still treating this as a controlled substance because that's what it is to them. They don't want to give you more free access or readily available product - from everything we've seen and heard HC would rather you don't have access to it at all.

I agree with this point as well. It is what LPs signed up for.

(See how I did that thing where I quote you multiple times in one post instead of posting 3 times in a row? It's called copy and paste.)

I don't care what your "beliefs" are. But you seem to have a whole lot of "insider beliefs". Your every post is either detailing more of them, that we should totally be optimistic about, or making excuses for their every failure. You're a shill, either for Tweed alone or universal for the MMPR, perhaps both. I don't see anybody else around here with a day's old account posting links to Tweed's "merch", just you. Give it up. You might fool one or two people but the rest are more than likely on to you as well.

"Third, QA requirements have changed. They sent out a dedicated letter on the subject just a few weeks ago. "

How would a non shill know that? Of course I don't see you substantiating it with any evidence. What exactly is a "dedicated" letter. Do you mean "for office use only"? If they sent out the letter a few weeks ago, then it obviously couldn't have had any effect on their process for the first batches they've shipped, as you claimed it must have because they were approved a year ago, as if to say they just had to change everything several times over as restrictions and standards tightened up. Total nonsense, and everybody who's been paying attention knows that they pretty well set their own standards. It's utter nonsense. Where's the letter? What changed? Are you going to tell us they've amended electrical codes just for the MMPR? Somehow electrical code standards were insufficient for this special program? Somehow security systems technology wasn't up to snuff to fulfill the requirements of the MMPR as spelled out for it? Give me a break. You're simply not believable and your arguments are nonsense. Health Canada would have just given them another slide anyway. We don't need your assumptions and beliefs that if they just didn't have such a hard time, they could probably do a better job. Who cares? Nobody made them bite off more than they can chew, but I'm not sure the same can be said for you.

Oh but thanks for affirming what the whole problem of amateurs who haven't a clue what they're doing might be. The whole problem isn't that they brought plants in, and I notice that you didn't say "strains" this time. The problem is that they haven't a damn clue as to what they're doing. "Correct", and thank you for re-spinning it to better suit that particular narrative of yours, mr. not a shill.

"Last time I got a prescription, even for a long-term issue, they made me..."

Apples and oranges. False equivalencies don't make your point very well. The argument was making people go back to their doctor simply to change pharmacies. It doesn't work that way for "other pharmaceuticals". It's unique to the MMPR and it's nonsense. Declaring they are "treating it like any other pharmaceutical" is piss poor justification for the unjustifiable.

You ought to be more concerned with your own posting style, when you can't eve make a reasonable point, and reek of shill. Stay Classy Tweed.. Tell us about more of your insider information that you just heard through the grapevine. Oh please, may we have pictures of the "Grow off"..... LOL. Get your shit together.

" MMAR product didn't have to be tested like MMPR product. I'm not saying you're wrong about it's quality"

I never made any remarks as to the quality of MMAR weed being better. I appreciate that's the standard response. My point to you is simply: It's MMPR weed now, and it's MMPR weed that failed. All you're doing is telling us "but the liberals did it first".... don't give a damn, doesn't matter, MMPR's failure, period.
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You convinced me. I do work for Tweed after all. Guess I'll have to ask them for a pay cheque now.

Maybe they'll give you a bonus gift carry all satchel for xmas. Meanwhile, we're all just awaiting you to link us to the regulatory body that has these tightened standards available. Show us this office use only letter you speak of.... give us something or drop it once and for all. Your "beliefs" and rumors are vacuous in the extreme. Save that shit for social media. This forum deserves better.
75 LP cap? Lots of numbers have been thrown around. At one time there was supposed to be 51 LPs within the year, yeah ok it'll be a year next month and were about 35 short. There was supposed to be 20 LPs by April 1st, again they were a little short. HC has received like 600+ LP applications and they said from the start there would be no limit to the number of applications/licenses, now they are saying there's only going to be 75? So much for an "open market". This is what happens when the monkey takes over the lab I guess.
75 LP cap? Lots of numbers have been thrown around. At one time there was supposed to be 51 LPs within the year, yeah ok it'll be a year next month and were about 35 short. There was supposed to be 20 LPs by April 1st, again they were a little short. HC has received like 600+ LP applications and they said from the start there would be no limit to the number of applications/licenses, now they are saying there's only going to be 75? So much for an "open market". This is what happens when the monkey takes over the lab I guess.

Think about it if they allowed all applicants to be going that would mean stuff like what twerp is doing would make it a lost cause and they would fail sooner ... making less choice ensures the continuation of some of these LP's cause it's a case of well who do I go with now? this crappy LP or that crappy LP.... who's less crappy??