apologies to the board...


Active Member
Believe me or not, you will never again read a post of me indicating blacks are less intelligent.

She made the most compelling case I've ever heard. I was in tears, and she embraced me.
i disagree with her. As a black man, i cant help but notice that generally speaking, blacks seem stupider; so much so that i often wish i were white. while there are exceptions on both sides though. you have blacks like wayne brady (extremely smart man) and physicist NDT and you have whites like honey doo doo and larry the cableguy. but yeah i think your first instinct was accurate.


Well-Known Member
i disagree with her. As a black man, i cant help but notice that generally speaking, blacks seem stupider; so much so that i often wish i were white. while there are exceptions on both sides though. you have blacks like wayne brady (extremely smart man) and physicist NDT and you have whites like honey doo doo and larry the cableguy. but yeah i think your first instinct was accurate.
Uncle Tom...


Well-Known Member
WTF, Why would you ever think black people were inferior?
He said why. He got confused with drug...heroin..

And brother, if that enlightenment is real.....,"Good GAWD, ya'll. Praise da Lawd!!"

But, me thinks you have a way to go to extend a black woman that seems worthy to all the darks of the world.

Keeping working on it. :)


Well-Known Member
i disagree with her. As a black man, i cant help but notice that generally speaking, blacks seem stupider; so much so that i often wish i were white. while there are exceptions on both sides though. you have blacks like wayne brady (extremely smart man) and physicist NDT and you have whites like honey doo doo and larry the cableguy. but yeah i think your first instinct was accurate.
Well I mean, so many of the ones you meet out in the world do seem stupid.

But it's like genetic memory to be afraid to act smart in front of whitey I guess.


Well-Known Member
I had an experience today that changed my life.

I was talking to a family. They were a mixed family.

Wife was black, husband was chinese, and i dont know what the fuck the kids were.

Anyway, they were really nice. But that woman and I had an in depth conversation. Eventually it turned to politics, and then the achievement gap in this country. She was a real estate agent.

She was so smart.

Guys, I'm not going to try to pretend to sum up that conversation, it would get tl; Dr real quick.

I no longer believe that black people are created inferior.

I know many of you won't believe this. And if there is interest in the story I may tell it.

But that is one of the most awesome people I've ever met.
The concept was pretty stupid.

We are all mutts. The sooner people realize that the better off we all are.

However, it is in the government's best interest to keep promoting racism and bigotry to continue to divide the people by race and class and keep them from unifying against the real enemy which our government has become.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
I had an experience today that changed my life.

I was talking to a family. They were a mixed family.

Wife was black, husband was chinese, and i dont know what the fuck the kids were.

Anyway, they were really nice. But that woman and I had an in depth conversation. Eventually it turned to politics, and then the achievement gap in this country. She was a real estate agent.

She was so smart.

Guys, I'm not going to try to pretend to sum up that conversation, it would get tl; Dr real quick.

I no longer believe that black people are created inferior.

I know many of you won't believe this. And if there is interest in the story I may tell it.

But that is one of the most awesome people I've ever met.

thier are many people set in the right invirment im shure can thrive all kinds of people we are all related threw science or mabee even religioun but we are made up of the same stuff... but thier are crazzy people in all kinds of pigment of the skin and terain of the land they come from!!!!


Well-Known Member
FTR: bnb and I discussed this by PM.
I enjoyed speaking with him and wished him the best. I believe his sincerity. I'm all for cutting people slack as well. I've done and said some stupid things. Not anymore though. Now I'm a sage. With age comes wisdom or gray hair. Or something like that. I read a fortune cookie once and had an epiphany. Because I'm old now I can't remember. What was I saying?
Right. I am of the opinion that environment shapes us tremendously. I'm sure many have had similiar experiences as bnb. Once something starts...slippery slopes and all.....and american slavery begin in virginia in the 1660's when indentured british whites were unable to cope with the climate. That happenstance, no one to blame our ancestors were cruel and perhaps we are no better, is still with us today and we all suffer for it.

If you wish and bnb is okay with it, i will post his pm to me. To do this merely reply to this post saying 'hell ya dumb ass'.
When I have 7 hellya's and bnb's ok I will post his pm here. I know he already said yes but I am anal on keeping confidences. Indulge me in this whim.