I'm getting my lady a pistol for her birthday

Go ahead, liberal gun control people, let me have it.

I already own a Henry Big boy 45 colt:
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Beautiful, almost too sexy.

I also own a plinker:
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A S&W 22A in 22lr. Just a toy for the range, really.

I have this beauty, a Smithfield Armory xdm 5.1 in .45acp:
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And I'm going to get her a small concealable .38. Sig Sauer p238:
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It's a baby but Sig makes great stuff even though they've had some issues in the past. She got really freaked out when she read about some dude who'd been raping 11 year olds and we have a 7 year old girl. We have a blast at the range when we go now and again, and I figure I'd rather her feel safe if she's out at night. She's a sexy as hell mom with tats all over and an ass that would make a lampshade cry, by the way. So I don't want some cocksucker putting his hands on her either.

Ok! that's all I got. Come at me.
fuckin gun nuts who pick shit cause its sexy. If you were a real gun enthusiast you would get her a revolver, because that's the smart move. Libs use their brain when buying a gun, a .38 would be better suited.
Go ahead, liberal gun control people, let me have it.

I already own a Henry Big boy 45 colt:
View attachment 3167653

Beautiful, almost too sexy.

I also own a plinker:
View attachment 3167654
A S&W 22A in 22lr. Just a toy for the range, really.

I have this beauty, a Smithfield Armory xdm 5.1 in .45acp:
View attachment 3167656

And I'm going to get her a small concealable .38. Sig Sauer p238:
View attachment 3167657
It's a baby but Sig makes great stuff even though they've had some issues in the past. She got really freaked out when she read about some dude who'd been raping 11 year olds and we have a 7 year old girl. We have a blast at the range when we go now and again, and I figure I'd rather her feel safe if she's out at night. She's a sexy as hell mom with tats all over and an ass that would make a lampshade cry, by the way. So I don't want some cocksucker putting his hands on her either.

Ok! that's all I got. Come at me.
Nice guns that you have. You should check out a S&W 32 ACP revolver. They make a beauty dovetail model that holds 8 rounds. Perfect for the purse or back pocket, much better than a 22 in effectiveness, and way easier to fire than a 38. No need to have to a cartridge in the chamber (safer), and just a pretty thing to behold. $325, and it is NICE.
Just got back from cabela's. I totally took all the revolver info you guys gave and I was looking at the ruger lcp.... Really nice pistol. But once he showed me the p238 sig and they had a $100 off special running and I had a $100 gift card it was too sweet to pass up. Can't wait to bust it out on Wednesday, she'll freak!
Go ahead, liberal gun control people, let me have it.

I already own a Henry.
I also own a plinker Just a toy for the range, really.

I have this beauty, a Smithfield Armory pistol.
And I'm going to get her a small concealable .380.

It's a baby but Sig makes great stuff even though they've had some issues in the past. She got really freaked out when she read about some dude who'd been raping 11 year olds and we have a 7 year old girl. We have a blast at the range when we go now and again, and I figure I'd rather her feel safe if she's out at night. She's a sexy as hell mom with tats all over and an ass that would make a lampshade cry, by the way. So I don't want some cocksucker putting his hands on her either.

Ok! that's all I got. Come at me.

Edited because I don't want the govt finding my shit out because all the guns are legally owned. Don't trust anyone.
word bro.
i gave my mum a .357 magnum ruger blackhawk for mothersday some years back and she loves it.
plus she lives in a city that has a per capita murder rate 0.1% HIGHER than West Africa. (roughly triple the US national avg)
Just got back from cabela's. I totally took all the revolver info you guys gave and I was looking at the ruger lcp.... Really nice pistol. But once he showed me the p238 sig and they had a $100 off special running and I had a $100 gift card it was too sweet to pass up. Can't wait to bust it out on Wednesday, she'll freak!
cool. enjoy!
fuckin gun nuts who pick shit cause its sexy. If you were a real gun enthusiast you would get her a revolver, because that's the smart move. Libs use their brain when buying a gun, a .38 would be better suited.
some girls like the slim lines and flatter profile of an auto.

my girlfriend LOVES automatics, but considers wheelguns too bulky to slip under her clothing.
revolvers are easier to operate, and largely idiot proof, but i dont date idiots so thats not an issue
my mum loves her revolver because gramps used to shoot one very much like it, and he's the one who taught her to shoot on that old .45 long colt
Ha, yeah, no doubt. I don't do things like this too often but she's worth it. (Awwwwwwww, how cute, an instrument of death for her birthday!)