So BML Spyders need additional cooling to work as efficiently as they should? Gotcha. That's a great design feature.
You're right, I'll just agree with everything everyone says all the time like a good little corparate stooge. Fuck discourse and critical thinking. Sorry to disrupt your circle jerk. And who are you in the BML world? And your explanation is a joke. My fans are for my plants, if my equipment needs fans do you think the people who want top dollar should provide it as part of their design or should they say, "it's OK, everyone's got a fan in their grow"? Yeah that's great.
And to the person who wrote me some PM I deleted, why don't you post it here for all to see.
You keep harping on 'design flaw' without knowing what you are talking about
You are looking to find fault where none exists. Why? Because you stuck your foot in your mouth early on with BML, and your dumb lemmings followed. Maybe now, they are beginning to see you aren't so smart
For you there is no way out of this, except to stop making a fol of yourself, in hopes of it going away
keep buying your drop ship from china Area51 or Apache
Neither Apache or Area 51 have lifetime warranteeshow is it being a troll pointing a flaw in the design of a light. Which design was copied from another company. You expect the consumer to Jerry rig that flaw on their own accord? Yes $1000 is alot for a light especially with design flaws that under performs the competition which apache and a51 cost less per watt and foot print. They have higher quality diodes and heat sinks. Plenty of universities and nasa have used apache as well. They have UL certs also.. You just bad mouthed 2 superior companies your self with that implication. That's a little trollish . Having a cooling flaw only shortens the life span of the light. With led longevity is a major concern. That's why no one likes Chinese leds. Bml having cooling issues puts them in the same boat as lights that won't last.. No one is saying they won't perform. Everyone got sick of them being pushed on here and they still have yet to be proven.. show a few grows from start to finish with no failures before recommending bml. A51, apache, and inda gro have been used and shown several grows over the last few years. Gaining more popularity by their proven track record... Also a51 and apache have a life time limited warranty and inda gro has a 10 year warranty. Bml does not. A51's are also upgradeable... These companies work with people on the price as well.
BML should penetrate very well if you choose one of the more narrow view angles. Area 51 don't penetrate worth shit because of their 120 view angle, which you seem to be aware of since you remove 1/3 of your vegetation because IT DOESN'T GET ENOUGH LIGHT. Your lower buds aren't "chunking up nicely", since you REMOVED them, due to lack of penetration.early on heat issues were pointed out. In the sticky threads. Or have you forgot. Remember it said removing the lenses would most likely help with that issue.
pet you stepped in it a while ago with your relentless pushing of have yet to save face. Like I said until there's a proven track record no recommendations should be made... A51 showed up on here 4 years ago. People weren't sure about them til a year later with people getting good results.
your looking to have your best grow yet. I bet these lights are best with scrog as they appear not to penetrate well towards lower growth. I have 2 plants under my a51 that are over 5 feet tall. 1/3 lower growth removed. The lower buds are chunking up nicely.
Neither Apache or Area 51 have lifetime warrantees
BML should penetrate very well if you choose one of the more narrow view angles. Area 51 don't penetrate worth shit because of their 120 view angle, which you seem to be aware of since you remove 1/3 of your vegetation because IT DOESN'T GET ENOUGH LIGHT. Your lower buds aren't "chunking up nicely", since you REMOVED them, due to lack of penetration.
You keep harping on 'design flaw' without knowing what you are talking about
You are looking to find fault where none exists.
Bars got much cooler after that, which is supposed to improve PAR efficacy
It seems I DO have my facts and other dude. Have to have their spyders at a few inches from the canopy. My a51 is 20 inches from the canopy. Plus 3 feet of bud sites. I removed the lower 2 feet so the plant will direct its energy to higher bud sites which in turn causes them to become larger. have you ever grown before? Hps growers practices the same methods. I've always done that. Even with my outdoor. A51 penetrates very well. ...a51 uses 80 degree lenses and always have.. Get your facts straight before posting next time
LOL....if its an outdoor plant why take it indoor.... that would be foolish too ?I
And lollipoping an outdoor plant is just foolish.
You're not getting a whole panel, tho, just repair parts. I can understand you getting all defensive about your lights because you use them for a penis substitute, but calling me a dumbass because I corrected your error makes you the dumbass, not me.
you didn't correct anything. You are still wrong. $250 also covers upgrades. Which is basically a whole new light. Lollipopping is leaving only the main top. Removing growth that doesn't get light is actually the smart thing to do.
$250 is 50% of the cost dumbass.. The panels cost $500-$600
all diodes have 115-120 degree angles. That's why they use lenses. The led's bml uses are 120 degree angles but they use lenses / secondary optics. They drive them so soft they barely penetrate. Again get your facts straight. Read thoroughly.