the price of a gallon of milk here has nothing to do with my opinion, you fucking idiot.
milk is a subsidized and price controlled commodity.
the price of milk varies wildly from state to state and municipality to municipality.
Federal milk price control formula:,d.aWw
California milk price formula:,d.aWw
(warning there is math involved)
the current minimum price any seller may charge, RETAIL for milk in california is $3.99/gallon
colorado doesnt seem to have any price controls for milk, so those prices are guided by The Invisible Hand Of The Market, so even though califoprnia is one of the top dairy producing states, my price is HIGHER than yours, and the BLS price is bullshit.
nobody in california can get the BLS price on anything, the same is true in just about every state.
only a very select clientele can get prices anywhere near as low as the BLS "averages" and that is only in states where the economy is in the shitter, like mississippi. (hence my Crawford mississippi piggly wiggly dumpster comment)
how the BLS pretends these rock bottom, double coupon, super deal, often lower than wholesale commodity price, retail survey claims are an "average" is one of the mysteries of politics.
i suppose the BLS uses ASU dropouts to do the math.
but still, this is distracting from the real issue,
How Much Does Your Butthurt Agonize You, now that you know that termites DO produce more Co2 than humans?
have you tried soaking your ass in a tub of icewater?
have you applied Neosporin, and wrapped the affected area in gauze?
have you tried sitting on a hemorrhoid cushion?