MMPR is all about making money no one disputes that. Medical Cannabis is just a convenient stepping stone to recreational use. It's that simple. Medical is a red herring it's all about what's coming down the road. It's interesting as I have clients on both ends of the spectrum and they all have their merits. Funny how the real good people get hated on by everyone here and all they want to do is grow and sell cheep meds. When the Liberals get in if they do, it will still take them a long time to make this happen so no quick fix down the road.
I think everyone here agrees people should have the right to grow. Those that can't well sorry that's to bad but there are lots of people who need meds they can't afford or grow, that's just the way it, so hating LP's for that is like saying spoons are responsible for all the overweight people out there.
I advise everyone to look out into the future and you will see none of this will matter in 5 years, what you see here will be very different than what you will see in 5 years.
It's summer time go plant some seeds and enjoy.
Capacity is not the same thing as approved product output, but your point is noted and I agree.
They all will get there at some point, it's a good thing the Big guys don't have it thought out yet, or all the LP's will be up shit creek without a paddle, running their own contest giving away meds.
Lets see what happens when the senior guys at Tweed have the right to sell their shares in another few weeks, that should be interesting, a whole shit load of shares burning a hole in your pocket. Should I sell or should I hold will be the question and we get to see the results. Anyway if things are not going well at Tweed when next quarter earnings are announced I think investors will have something to say, and I don't think they will go for "as in all new industry there is a learning curve, bla, bla, bla. People vote with their money and we will see how they vote in another 2 months.