The Best Cannabutter (Old Timers/Experienced People Only)

****If you haven't perfected this recipe and can do it with confidence then this isn't for you.*****

Hi there.

I've attempted to make Cannabutter a bunch of times now, Probably around 20 the mark, using 7-14 grams each go.

Anyways to cut the story short, I've failed 90% of the time, It comes out an excellent colour and smells amazing, I really have perfected it looks wise. However it never works, and when it does, i have to eat so much of it to only get a buzz for an hour, thats having 1-2 cones along with it. But it did work very weak obviously, but then again so I should have for eating that much butter, duration is applaudable.

Ive experimented a lot and using different techniques, 30mins +, 1h, 3h, 6h and the longest I've done is 12hours. I used different amounts of butter from the recommended amount to more thinking about fat content etc.

Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong and its really, really annoying me!

I just picked up some more and am now preparing to try yet again. I'm going to keep trying till I get it.

What I'm after is an Old Timer or someone who knows what their talking about to help me out if thats possible! If I'm going to do it I want it done properly. No average recipes, I want the best and most effective recipe is this stuff is quite the bomb.

Time isn't an issue as I live by myself and I have all the equipment required.

Please help People!! It would be much appreciated :)
Thanks Bob...I was just gonna ask him that :) Yes Surferdude, you need to decarb first to convert the THC-A into THC so you can 'feel it' otherwise you have to do as you have done and eat and eat and eat to feel just the tiniest bit.

Check out the top sticky in this section - BadKittySmiles. It will tell/show you everything you need to know hun :)
Thanks Bob...I was just gonna ask him that :) Yes Surferdude, you need to decarb first to convert the THC-A into THC so you can 'feel it' otherwise you have to do as you have done and eat and eat and eat to feel just the tiniest bit.

Check out the top sticky in this section - BadKittySmiles. It will tell/show you everything you need to know hun :)
Cheers for reply fumble
and thanks for the info :)

Ingredients: 2 oz bud/trim, 2 lb (8 sticks) salted butter
Preheat Oven: 250 degrees
Preheat Slow Cooker: High

Prep/Decarb: Finely chop bud/trim. Spread on baking sheet, turn off oven, place baking sheet in oven for 10 minutes.

Clarify Butter: Melt butter on low heat. Scoop up white froth and discard. You will lose some weight.

Combine: Add bud/trim to clarified butter in slow cooker. You can place mixture in a measuring cup that sits in slow cooker if you don't have enough material. Put on lid and cook for 1 hour on high heat.

Stir and mash mixture. Set slow cooker temperature to low.

Cook for a total of 6 hours, stirring with a light mash every hour.

Strain: I use a small stainless steel strainer. You can also use cheese cloth. Once strained into container set in fridge overnight.

Spread on toast, make some brownies or melt on corn...
I throw my trim in a crockpot with water Put 2 sticks of butter in for 3-4 hrs strain with cheese cloth Pour into Pyrex and fridge it. When it solidifies poke hole pour out water a your in action
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I tried the trim in the butter thing and had green butter that tasted like grass clippings. It got me super high but I just cannot take the flavor.

Now I run my trim through my bubble bags and toss the spoon fulls of yummay into the hot butter/water then simmer for a few hours. I toss that into the freezer then separate the butter from the water at which point it gets warmed up and gets poured into a silicon tray full of 1 tbsp openings and put in the freezer again. After is it hard I wrap each one in foil and keep them frozen till use!

Absolutely no flavor added to the butter and it works wonderfully! It is worth the extra time!!

There was a med patient from California up here visiting a friend that went to the dispensary for some edibles. My friend had some of my budder and let her try it. She was blown away by the lack of grass flavor and the wonderful pain relief it gave her! She said it was better than any edible she has ever had! She wanted more so I gave her 12 tbsp's to get her by until she goes home.
I tried the trim in the butter thing and had green butter that tasted like grass clippings. It got me super high but I just cannot take the flavor.

Now I run my trim through my bubble bags and toss the spoon fulls of yummay into the hot butter/water then simmer for a few hours. I toss that into the freezer then separate the butter from the water at which point it gets warmed up and gets poured into a silicon tray full of 1 tbsp openings and put in the freezer again. After is it hard I wrap each one in foil and keep them frozen till use!

Absolutely no flavor added to the butter and it works wonderfully! It is worth the extra time!!

There was a med patient from California up here visiting a friend that went to the dispensary for some edibles. My friend had some of my budder and let her try it. She was blown away by the lack of grass flavor and the wonderful pain relief it gave her! She said it was better than any edible she has ever had! She wanted more so I gave her 12 tbsp's to get her by until she goes home.
You know you're losing some of that "yummy" when you pour out the water, right?
****If you haven't perfected this recipe and can do it with confidence then this isn't for you.*****

Hi there.

I've attempted to make Cannabutter a bunch of times now, Probably around 20 the mark, using 7-14 grams each go.

Anyways to cut the story short, I've failed 90% of the time, It comes out an excellent colour and smells amazing, I really have perfected it looks wise. However it never works, and when it does, i have to eat so much of it to only get a buzz for an hour, thats having 1-2 cones along with it. But it did work very weak obviously, but then again so I should have for eating that much butter, duration is applaudable.

Ive experimented a lot and using different techniques, 30mins +, 1h, 3h, 6h and the longest I've done is 12hours. I used different amounts of butter from the recommended amount to more thinking about fat content etc.

Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong and its really, really annoying me!

I just picked up some more and am now preparing to try yet again. I'm going to keep trying till I get it.

What I'm after is an Old Timer or someone who knows what their talking about to help me out if thats possible! If I'm going to do it I want it done properly. No average recipes, I want the best and most effective recipe is this stuff is quite the bomb.

Time isn't an issue as I live by myself and I have all the equipment required.

Please help People!! It would be much appreciated :)

My budder recipe follows. Ignore the recommended stores or products, as they're Oregon specific. Good luck.


This is the 20-24 hr. “Crock Pot” method of making cannabudder. First of all, if you’re going to do this regularly, get some quality equipment to work with. It makes all the difference in the world. You can get the first 3 items listed below for $60-$75 total at BiMart (or, gag, walmart, if you feel no sense of responsibility to your local community), the next 3 items you’ll get at the grocery store. For the 7th, you’re on your own.

· 3 Temperature crock pot with a sealing type lid. Use the 2 lowest settings only
· Electric coffee Grinder
· Potato Ricer
· Cheese Cloth
· 4 oz. circular plastic “ziplock” containers
· 1 lb. UNSALTED butter with the highest fat content you can find. (Tillamook)
· Dry bud, dry trim, or spent “vape”. I use the following ratios or combinations thereof. 1-1.2 oz. bud to 1 lb. butter / 1.5-1.7 oz. dry trim to 1 lb. butter / 2-3 oz. spent “vape” to 1 lb. butter
· Water

If the cannabis is very fresh (i.e., just harvested), you will have to “de-carb” it before making budder. Grind it up, put it on a pie pan or cookie sheet into the oven for 25 minutes at 220°F. (Decarbilazation occurs immediately when fire or heat hits the cannabis (i.e. smoking or vaping) or naturally over a period of time (5-6 months) when stored at room temperature or higher.) In reality, it’s best to use cannabis that’s a few months old, as heat is not good to THC.

· Semi melt butter in crock pot (30 minutes at low or the medium setting)

· Grind the cannabis very fine

· Add cannabis to crock pot along with maybe 25-30 oz. of water. (When finished everything will fit into a 4 cup pyrex dish

· Cook (or heat) outside (strong smell) 1 hour low (medium setting)/ 19-23 hrs. warm (lowest setting), stirring 5-10 times over the 20-24 hour period.

· Pour or ladle the mixture through a strainer lined with cheesecloth into the 4 cup pyrex dish. Get the remaining budder out of the spent mash by using the potato ricer.

· Allow it cool, cover with saran wrap and put in the refrigerator overnight.

· In the morning you will have green budder floating on top of the water. Remove the budder (tongs & a steak knife) and re-melt slowly. Throw the spent mash away, it’s history. Pour the budder into circular 4 oz. plastic ziplocks. They’re made for butter, each one is a cube. Allow them to cool and put in freezer, refrigerator, or keep them at room temperature on the kitchen counter for imminent baking.

If you’ve done everything correctly, you may end up with 14 or more oz. of budder. Pat yourself on the back. If not, you’ll still end up with 12 oz. of budder, enough for 1.5 batches of cookies.
how come no one said eat a mango before you eat a cookie or add it to your recipe. or the most important. how come no one said to use an emulsifier (sunflower lecithin)
how come no one said eat a mango before you eat a cookie or add it to your recipe. or the most important. how come no one said to use an emulsifier (sunflower lecithin)
I agree about the lecithin. for years I used butter and crock recipe, then I started dating a vegan. At this point I switched to margarine , which has soy lecithin in it, and the same exact amounts and trim created a lot quicker acting product. I'm not sure about the strength, but would guess it's stronger also. The biggest thing is the quickness that it effects you, from what I've read and heard is that the lecithin helps your body metabolize it quicker. There's info on this site somewhere about it.
I agree about the lecithin. for years I used butter and crock recipe, then I started dating a vegan. At this point I switched to margarine , which has soy lecithin in it, and the same exact amounts and trim created a lot quicker acting product. I'm not sure about the strength, but would guess it's stronger also. The biggest thing is the quickness that it effects you, from what I've read and heard is that the lecithin helps your body metabolize it quicker. There's info on this site somewhere about it.
Cool - I like learning new things!

I am going to try with coconut oil next. Someone was talking about it - and it seemed to make a lot of sense.

The only thing, I pretty much ONLY use shake, PVB, and screened-for-hash plant matter in my butter. The leftovers.

I'm really NOT trying to make them as strong as possible. I like it when someone can eat a cookie, for fun or fro medicine - and not have their face melt off.

I will make something different when I'm trying to make them potent for medicine.
Cool - I like learning new things!

I am going to try with coconut oil next. Someone was talking about it - and it seemed to make a lot of sense.

The only thing, I pretty much ONLY use shake, PVB, and screened-for-hash plant matter in my butter. The leftovers.

I'm really NOT trying to make them as strong as possible. I like it when someone can eat a cookie, for fun or fro medicine - and not have their face melt off.

I will make something different when I'm trying to make them potent for medicine.

My all time favorite was making homemade ice cream. Simmer the heavy cream at 180`f while infusing your material into it, then make ice cream with it. Makes for a great summertime bbq dessert. You can even use some cream in your coffee to start the day off right.
My all time favorite was making homemade ice cream. Simmer the heavy cream at 180`f while infusing your material into it, then make ice cream with it. Makes for a great summertime bbq dessert. You can even use some cream in your coffee to start the day off right.
I need to be VERY careful with amounts of bud per serving. But that sounds KICK ASS!!!!