ginsberg's dire warning coming true already

When businesses are forced to make ridiculous concessions in their workplaces to accommodate various religious beliefs, yet the same concern isn't shown to Christian beliefs...yeah.


so we've established that if christians are not allowed to deny basic civil rights to gays, they are being persecuted and targeted.

so we've established that if christians are not allowed to deny basic civil rights to gays, they are being persecuted and targeted.
attempt at over-focus. what people are saying is................forcing do coercion. how's that for ellipse abuse?
I don't wish to deny service to this now-famous black man. the Gas Station Black Guy. I do not wish for him to be denied service anywhere. I think its stupid. but if someone is forced to have commerce with him, or anyone else, that person is no longer free.
so it's coercion if we force you into jail for raping kids or being a thief?
very much so. I am a champion of children's rights, and all my statutes are up. but, you'd like to lock me up anyway.
if you far enough left.....or wind up in the same place.

implying I'm a child-rapist. they don't get much lower than you. and you talk of e-tough. you'd do a great motor boat imitation face-to-face. bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-but............
I don't wish to deny service to this now-famous black man. the Gas Station Black Guy. I do not wish for him to be denied service anywhere. I think its stupid. but if someone is forced to have commerce with him, or anyone else, that person is no longer free.

you racists have a weird definition of freedom.
there we go.

if you're not allowed to deny service to gays and black people, you're a slave.

but totally not racist somehow. or lacking in historical perspective.
if you deny service to a black person because he or she is black, you are indeed a racist. I have stated I would deny no one service except you you libelous vermin coward.