That High School skunk

I think you got it a little backwards. In the 90's Dutch breeders were using keepers from genetics originally from the US (ie. Skunk, Northern Lights, Haze) not the other way around.

i think you missed the point
the origins of the clones used in dutch crosses was not in question
i'm quite certain everyone is aware NL was a clone from the usa lol

these orignal clones were not available to the bulk of growers
the hybrids produced from usa northern lights and usa skunk made by dutch seed banks
these dutch seed hybrids went on to produce the keepers still around today as they were available for the first time to a huge amount of growers all around the world including the US this allowed for a huge amount of hybrids folk could select from and rename
blues / psychosis is an example of this in the UK

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My guess is the shit is still out there but anyone growing it back then was already 30+ yrs old and were too stoned to keep up with fads. IE: interwebz
where did you get the albertwalker og? i love those trays for trimming too so cheap just bought like 20 of em for 40 bucks

okay so i told an old outdoor friend from dna hydroponics long story long time knowing this guy right he had met the owner of the pogentics and he sold him some beens way back in the day... he has had them for ever i told him about the fall out we had over the gscookie cut lolz he told me he had the seeds i couldnt believe my ears the fucker had it all this time without saying a word i know the cat real cool cat he told me to trade him a tray of the pink lemonaid clones at the time i was the only cat in southern cali and since the clone guy in the cochella valley started selling my shit without my permission.. i figured fuck it right i wasnt supost to let that cut go but it happend and well i got the seeds thats how i got the albert walker og i had alot of cats from THC FARMER try to drive down to one of the cups for it i had some girls try to sweet talk me into giving them but i got band so i didnt let it out yet so cal seeds has it in i think a chem 4 x albert walker og???? im gona hit the male to my female and i got male albert walker og im gona f2 just to keep them fresh..
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i think you missed the point
the origins of the clones used in dutch crosses was not in question
i'm quite certain everyone is aware NL was a clone from the usa lol

these orignal clones were not available to the bulk of growers
the hybrids produced from usa northern lights and usa skunk made by dutch seed banks
these dutch seed hybrids went on to produce the keepers still around today as they were available for the first time to a huge amount of growers all around the world including the US this allowed for a huge amount of hybrids folk could select from and rename
blues / psychosis is an example of this in the UK


Regardless, trying to say that "most" of the US elite cuts from the 90's were just phenos from Dutch breeders is just dumb. If you never owned any of the cuts or smoked any of the cuts how would know? There were definitely some cuts floating around the US in the 90's that were phenos from Dutch breeders, but to say "most" of the elite cuts were of Dutch origin is a huge stretch.
Go from scratch using Columbian gold, mexican sativa and then cross to afghani :) good luck finding all the originals though.
I find it interesting when you guys from the states say that the original skunk was only available there.
In Australia we also had a lot of so called skunk back in the 80 ~ 90's. I don't recall it having a rotten skunk smell but rather a really awesome pungent smell that was very unique. I remember all the skunk we had looked and smelled the same, had a very light green hue and very frosty smallish nugs. The pic for the pure by flying Dutchmen on herbies site looks like it.
What does seem common with the rest of the world is that the strain just totally disappeared mid 90's here.. Such a shame cos it was probably the best tasting, strong weed for me to date, and Ive been smoking for over 20 years.
okay so i told an old outdoor friend from dna hydroponics long story long time knowing this guy right he had met the owner of the pogentics and he sold him some beens way back in the day... he has had them for ever i told him about the fall out we had over the gscookie cut lolz he told me he had the seeds i couldnt believe my ears the fucker had it all this time without saying a word i know the cat real cool cat he told me to trade him a tray of the pink lemonaid clones at the time i was the only cat in southern cali and since the clone guy in the cochella valley started selling my shit without my permission.. i figured fuck it right i wasnt supost to let that cut go but it happend and well i got the seeds thats how i got the albert walker og i had alot of cats from THC FARMER try to drive down to one of the cups for it i had some girls try to sweet talk me into giving them but i got band so i didnt let it out yet so cal seeds has it in i think a chem 4 x albert walker og???? im gona hit the male to my female and i got male albert walker og im gona f2 just to keep them fresh..
What is the deal with your punctuation, spelling, and no capitol letters? I have brain damage from trying to read this post!
The real skunk from east coast had large buds that aren't rock-hard like strains nowadays.
Smelled like a skunk's butt from 1/4 mile away.
I bred some seeds a while back. I started with a shoreline x herijuana male and bred it to Jack Herer then i crossed it northern lights #5 x skunk#1 ...

Now from my understanding shoreline came from roadkill skunk. And herijuana and jack herer both have skunk#1 in them.. it sure is skunky just not a good yielding plant. It grows like bubba kush, usually turns purple i got one growing at the moment hoping its a male so can use the pollen.

I have plenty of those seeds.. i actually gave a bunch away for free on this site. But i was banned for it.. but they allowed me back..
Another thing too, you have to take people outside of the US/Canada's opinion of skunk with a grain of salt. Most have never smelled a skunk since there aren't any. All skunks are native to North and South America, the striped skunk only US, Canada, and northern Mexico.

I find it interesting when you guys from the states say that the original skunk was only available there.
In Australia we also had a lot of so called skunk back in the 80 ~ 90's. I don't recall it having a rotten skunk smell but rather a really awesome pungent smell that was very unique. I remember all the skunk we had looked and smelled the same, had a very light green hue and very frosty smallish nugs. The pic for the pure by flying Dutchmen on herbies site looks like it.
What does seem common with the rest of the world is that the strain just totally disappeared mid 90's here.. Such a shame cos it was probably the best tasting, strong weed for me to date, and Ive been smoking for over 20 years.

Not saying original skunk was only available here, strains we're looking for actually smell like a skunk, the animal. The strains like skunk #1 and other skunk strains from dutch breeders are nothing close to what we're looking for.

The quote by burnt explains why we can't really believe anybody outside North America when they talk about skunk, they have never smelled a skunk. There are tons of smelly strains out there but we're looking for the one that literally smells like a skunk sprayed your bud.
116 pages of people talking about that funky skunk smell.

On this page and the next a dude named "Gangabiss" backs up what I was saying about White Widow. Like I said I got some white widow before that was extremely skunky. When I finally did get the bag from the guy, I had it triple bagged, wrapped in foil, tossed in a cooler in the bed of a truck and still smelled skunk the entire drive home.
What is the deal with your punctuation, spelling, and no capitol letters? I have brain damage from trying to read this post!

lazzy ness and realy just lazzy i realy dont know how to spell all the time it could be done it just takes for ever thats all and yes if the mind is domesticated it could do you some damage one guy sead one time he felt like runing out and socking or punching a teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lazzy ness and realy just lazzy i realy dont know how to spell all the time it could be done it just takes for ever thats all and yes if the mind is domesticated it could do you some damage one guy sead one time he felt like runing out and socking or punching a teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've learned to read ThumpEasy :) It takes a bit but you get there :) Dude knows how to grow, and that's all that matters anyways :)

I haven't seen no one want to throw down with him yet lol