Should women be required to...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
hmm you address two issues here, abortion rights , i have no opinion on this sorry

the other issue is an important one

you say a woman wearing combat boots dressed militant style (tank girl) should be regarded as still feminine
can we compromise here, what if the combat boots are pink ?
Doesn't matter- I'm not really sure why pink is supposed to be the girl color anyway.

when this lady is on TV i would like to look at her tits but i do not allow myself out of respect
she has a mathematics degree from oxford (Upper second-class honours)

she could teach me some shit i dropped out of my maths degree because i had to go to prison ..shame
There's nothing wrong with you looking at her tits- because you realize she is more than just a pair of tits, if you'll forgive me for sounding cliche.

On First point: YES! Until women stop being enslaved by ridiculous requirements, we have only ourselves to blame when men want them…


Shaving armpits ONCE a WEEK? (please tell me you have excruciatingly slow growing hair)

LEGS?? How can you not shave your legs for more than a day or 2?

And the chin hair: this is where I may contradict my first point: A girl with any kind of hair protruding anywhere on the face… hmm… I think that just falls under proper grooming don't you?

I shave my legs daily, year round. I HATE stubble, the way it feels. And all my friends let theirs grow in the winter months… I just can't. It makes me feel most UN-sexy. To each their own I guess, yes, but I DO think there are basic grooming musts: armpits, legs, and ANY facial hair for women, and for men, ears, nose, face (if no beard) must be clean and hair free...
Armpits I'll say twice a week maybe. They really don't grow that fast. Yes, I pluck the chin hairs religiously. As for the legs, the hair is pretty much worn off because of my pants wearing anyway, so I only have to shave parts of the legs. I don't wear dresses though, because I'm not into girly clothes, so nobody sees the legs but me anyway. I have kids and a ton of pets, so that's usually what I'm doing. Silky legs aren't always a priority, especially when I can't even take a crap without somebody barging in and asking me where something is, etc.
Holy shit. Some bitches are boring as fuck, I'm gonna be honest I think that's why I find myself getting drunk and high most of the time.
But most people are boring as fuck too. Retarded even.

I'm not sure if everyone is smoking something making them retarded or that's just how the world is, I'm not being negative there's just nothing to say positive about the retardation out there.
One thing to be stoned an other thing is being 99.9999999999999999999999 percent of people out there.
Usually when you meet someone and you think their a fucktard your usually right. But if ur having fun and their not too fucking retarded be a retard right?
Nope I seem to be pretty good at staying away from fucktards.

I'm telling you tho, seems like everyone is Semi brainwashed even. Maybe just retarded tho.

And on that note that they have no personality, just plain and stoned.

You've got a point- it seems like young girls especially try to seem vapid because they think that's what's attractive to men. There are plenty of ignorant guys out there, too. I've dealt with the school system around here because I have children, and I really believe that's one of our big problems. They squash individuality, punish thoughts before actions, teach subjects counter-intuitively (try math), encourage mediocrity and try to avoid controversy. Kids aren't challenged to really think for themselves anymore, just to pattern themselves after some generic approved "role model" and are taught to buy into the good old "American Dream" of corporate slavery and absolute conformity. I'm sorry for hijacking the thread, Bushy.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter- I'm not really sure why pink is supposed to be the girl color anyway.

There's nothing wrong with you looking at her tits- because you realize she is more than just a pair of tits, if you'll forgive me for sounding cliche.

i like ladies in pink
some ladies refuse to wear pink on principle, they have issues

when you say more than a pair of tits what does that really mean ?


Well-Known Member
i like ladies in pink
some ladies refuse to wear pink on principle, they have issues

when you say more than a pair of tits what does that really mean ?
I wore pink once. At a "dress like your ex party"

I found out after, that everyone was dressing like REAL ex's and what they would wear.


My ex....hahahahahahahaha

He wasn't thrilled when he heard about the party. I told him if HE went to a party such as this, and dressed like an unbearable slutbag/ twat face - I would DIE laughing.

There is a reason we broke up. hahahahahahaha