MMPR Grow op: Small Scale should watch Big Bang's pretty funny. Sheldon is a brainiac of the highest order but he has almost zero social skills. He's never had sex!
So I was correct...rnr is description is spot on mate. Well except for the brainiac part lol
Another hurdle put up by HC to trip up the small guys, I hadn't heard of this tactic yet:

"Health Canada has retroactively eliminated security Level 5 and 6 for all MMPR Licensed Producers, and is enforcing a mandatory minimum Level 7 to all licensed production applicants.

Producers and businesses will find it more difficult to enter the MMPR industry because of the significantly higher cost and degree of difficulty to install and adhere to the higher level 7 security.

The Harper government does not want a diverse and successful medical cannabis industry.

Here’s who to contact:

George Da Pont – Deputy Minister – Health Canada
Email: [email protected]

Office Phone: 613-957-0212
Fax: 613-952-8422

Hilary Geller – Assistant Deputy Minister – Health Canada
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 613-946-6536
Fax: 613-946-6666

Senator Pierre Claude Nolin - Senate of Canada
Phone: 613-943-1451 or 1-800-267-7362
Email: [email protected] .ca
Fax: 613-943-1792

Contact Your Member of Parliament
Find your MP: http://www.parl.gc.c...ians/en/members

Contact the press, media outlets, Twitter, Facebook, social media.


Posted by another member on another site, just sharing it here as it is very relevant to this thread.
Well more fun for the LP's...what a shame lol. And they thought they would be mr Harptler's little sweet hearts eh. See he's now fuckin them too.....he's one horny bastard
Not surprising at all really. HC loves changing the rules as they see fit. I guess that will help with their 800+ application backlog eh?
HC has no problem throwing tax payer money away...on lawsuits....
just like with the breach of privacy....they could care less....whats another 240 million in the grand scheme of things....
by the time everyone is done with the lawsuits, the selfservatives will be out of office....and will probably try and blame any budget overages
on the newly formed government...if their past track record proves anything....
I would really like to see these politicians own the criminal responsibility for their decisions, especially when those decisions
were intentionally brought to bear on the shoulders of the medical patients...
I would be all for Canada building a prison to house politicians,who cross the line.....(would they have made the same decisions if they knew they would be held criminally responsible?)
My lawyer told me last summer...HC will cull out the undesirables with QA, Security, and Software burdens.
I guess that's why he charges $400/hr.
He also said...
Use your head not your heart.
Have tons of cash.
A lobbyist is more important than a lawyer.
Think like the government thinks.
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Tons of guidelines I"m sure, with NO ONE to follow up on them. Excepted by your words!? That would be how HC does it after all. Make... forward looking statements if they want more. And every time they want more.
Keep jumping through the hoops! :)
Maybe it'll work.
My lawyer told me last summer...HC will cull out the undesirables with QA, Security, and Software burdens.
I guess that's why he charges $400/hr.
He also said...
Use your head not your heart.
Have tons of cash.
A lobbyist is more important than a lawyer.
Think like the government thinks.
see this is where it all breaks down,,,,,,,Problem with thinking like the government most of us have a conscience
the government.... none what so ever....
Guys I don't see what the big deal is here, for all the small LP's to meet the level 7 will cost around $12,000.00 with a vault door. If you can't come up with that you don't stand a chance of making it. Yes it's a little more than you were going to spend but that's the price to play. Now if you were buying a TL30 safe it will coast you 5 to 10 grand depending on what size you buy. So the cost is really only another 6 grand. Now if they said everyone had to be over 6'4 than I would be pissed.

A lobbyist is more important than a lawyer. Hahahahahaha Health Canada hates Lawyers but they hate Lobbyist even more. So three of my clients have hired lobbyist and all three got calls from Health Canada, their still waiting just like everyone else. I have arranged a couple calls for my clients but nothing ever comes of it. If it was that easy another 37 LP's would be licensed today. They will get you a call, then their job is done and for how many thousands?

Use this time to make your application stronger, review and improve sections, get your SOP's done or get your wallet out to buy them from me. The more complete your app the better chance you have of making it to the top of the pile. Every week requirements go up and up, I know because that's what we do we change the rules by working with HC to define requirements, than we craft the reply to what we have come up with between HC and us. By doing this we create required content that most people will never hear about, and HC will use it to stall you if you don't have.

Helping HC to mold and shape the requirements is a competitive edge we give our clients. They don't pay us to report the news they pay us to make the news.

I know some of you will be pissed about this, but it's a race to the finish and first one there gets the prize.

I do wish everyone well, but the next 5 to 7 weeks will be very slow at HC so take advantage of it.