Guys I don't see what the big deal is here, for all the small LP's to meet the level 7 will cost around $12,000.00 with a vault door. If you can't come up with that you don't stand a chance of making it. Yes it's a little more than you were going to spend but that's the price to play. Now if you were buying a TL30 safe it will coast you 5 to 10 grand depending on what size you buy. So the cost is really only another 6 grand. Now if they said everyone had to be over 6'4 than I would be pissed.
A lobbyist is more important than a lawyer. Hahahahahaha Health Canada hates Lawyers but they hate Lobbyist even more. So three of my clients have hired lobbyist and all three got calls from Health Canada, their still waiting just like everyone else. I have arranged a couple calls for my clients but nothing ever comes of it. If it was that easy another 37 LP's would be licensed today. They will get you a call, then their job is done and for how many thousands?
Use this time to make your application stronger, review and improve sections, get your SOP's done or get your wallet out to buy them from me. The more complete your app the better chance you have of making it to the top of the pile. Every week requirements go up and up, I know because that's what we do we change the rules by working with HC to define requirements, than we craft the reply to what we have come up with between HC and us. By doing this we create required content that most people will never hear about, and HC will use it to stall you if you don't have.
Helping HC to mold and shape the requirements is a competitive edge we give our clients. They don't pay us to report the news they pay us to make the news.
I know some of you will be pissed about this, but it's a race to the finish and first one there gets the prize.
I do wish everyone well, but the next 5 to 7 weeks will be very slow at HC so take advantage of it.
Guys I don't see what the big deal is here, for all the small LP's to meet the level 7 will cost around $12,000.00 with a vault door. If you can't come up with that you don't stand a chance of making it. Yes it's a little more than you were going to spend but that's the price to play. Now if you were buying a TL30 safe it will coast you 5 to 10 grand depending on what size you buy. So the cost is really only another 6 grand. Now if they said everyone had to be over 6'4 than I would be pissed.
A lobbyist is more important than a lawyer. Hahahahahaha Health Canada hates Lawyers but they hate Lobbyist even more. So three of my clients have hired lobbyist and all three got calls from Health Canada, their still waiting just like everyone else. I have arranged a couple calls for my clients but nothing ever comes of it. If it was that easy another 37 LP's would be licensed today. They will get you a call, then their job is done and for how many thousands?
Use this time to make your application stronger, review and improve sections, get your SOP's done or get your wallet out to buy them from me. The more complete your app the better chance you have of making it to the top of the pile. Every week requirements go up and up, I know because that's what we do we change the rules by working with HC to define requirements, than we craft the reply to what we have come up with between HC and us. By doing this we create required content that most people will never hear about, and HC will use it to stall you if you don't have.
Helping HC to mold and shape the requirements is a competitive edge we give our clients. They don't pay us to report the news they pay us to make the news.
I know some of you will be pissed about this, but it's a race to the finish and first one there gets the prize.
I do wish everyone well, but the next 5 to 7 weeks will be very slow at HC so take advantage of it.
So your helping to shape this fucked up program?
Yes we are, we talk to Health Canada and have regular correspondence with them on lots of issues. This gives us insight to what the short falls are is the regulations. We than help flesh out what HC should be asking for, and the reply they should get. As an example over the last couple months we have been defining what "too many houses means" for HC. Our security team went to work and came up with a risk and threat assessment that exceeds HC requirements by working with HC and showing them how to define the issues. Our security team has 120 years of LEO experience and they got the job done by helping to define the requirement. I have a number of other examples but they are a competitive advantage in this market so will keep them to myself. We don't have an ax to grind and all our people are experts so HC loves us and what we do. Just a little peek under the covers for everyone.
We love it when HC say's no or changes something that's a challenge we live for that.
Good luck all.
No one is going to like my ^^^ but people this is big business and it gets harder to get into as every day passes, the harder it gets the better for the industry as it makes it safer for everyone. HC did not do a good job on the regulations rushing them into law, this made lots of people think they can be LP's. The truth is you can't under today requirements and you don't have to believe me just look at the screw ups from those licensed!!
Tweed OMG don't get me started, they are an easy target but, the recalls in our industry shows most are not ready for this and they have all the money in the world WTF are you going to do when shit hits the fan, do you have enough money to buy an irradiation system? It's $500,000.00 for a used one and Tweed had to use one or burn their product. Turns out they should have burned it as they refunded everyone who called and complained about the shawg the sell.
Yes Health Canada does not love you and will do as little as possible to help you, that's not going to change, get over it!
Do something about it, form a small LP user group and bring your weight to bear on the issues at HC. Have a bull session and see what you can do better. Have some one do a GAP analysis of your proposal, but just don't sit there improve your at one section at a time.
I guess I have gone over to the dark side a bit over the year but stop bitching and do something. I get it HC stop changing the rules, I could not agree more. Till they do that we will be here to help as little or as much as clients want.
My first boos gave me some good advice
"If it's to be, it's up to ME"
Not surprising at all really. HC loves changing the rules as they see fit. I guess that will help with their 800+ application backlog eh?
We spoke with a security company about jumping from Security level 5/6 to 7 - not a big deal at all.
5-10k, pain in the ass for the ones that have already built though
10 bucks a gram....seriously...what a laugh.....and this will solve the accessibility issues will it? Those high prices will bury that industry unless they get legalization. Who can pay those prices??? So if you use 5g a day you should cough up $1500 a month.
WTF is wrong with you guys that keeps you ignoring that little fact. The greed has your eye blurred I'm afraid. I would NEVER pay that...who else here would? What spend 18k a year on meds....Your just a bunch of greedy Jackels if you think that will work.
Licencee Holdings 6 $50,001 to $250,000
Licencee Holdings 5 $10,001 to $50,000
Licencee Holdings 4 $0.00 to $10,000