MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

People tend to find out from Health Canada - they tell us where we are if you ask the right person.
That said, they might just be telling everyone that.
Why? I'm a licensed Canadian grower that wishes he never told anyone......when you put your fate in any governments will get the shaft. Why tell them exactly where to find our pot plants and operation when the government decides to "Regress" and go back to weed being CRIMINAL....because some rich kids son dies when he jumps off a roof smoking weed and listening to Judas Priest! If I could go back...I would of never applied for my license! Think about it fellas...That's all. :)
Hi - What month did you submit your application and how do you know you are in the security clearance phase?
Application was submitted in January of 2014. Been in the back and forth game with HC ever since. Received notification that we were at security clearance level in May.

Dear Applicant,

We would like to inform you that your application (10-MM03XX) has
completed the screening stage and is now at the personnel security checks
stage. Note that until such a time as we receive the results from your
security checks, there will be no further communications with the

Information submitted to Health Canada is disclosed to the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police for the purpose of conducting a security check. The Royal
Canadian Mounted Police is working with local police detachment to obtain
all relevant information to conduct the required verifications as per
stated in section 91 of the MMPR.

As per section 91 of the MMPR on receipt of a fully completed application
for a security clearance, the Minister must conduct the following checks
for the purpose of assessing whether an applicant poses a risk to the
integrity of the control of the production and distribution of cannabis
under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and its regulations,
including the risk of cannabis being diverted to an illicit market or use:

(a) a criminal record check in respect of the applicant; and

(b) a check of the relevant files of law enforcement agencies,
including intelligence gathered for law enforcement purposes.

The time required to conduct these security checks varies with each
application and you can expect that it will take a few months. Health
Canada and the RCMP will not be able to provide you with updates.

A change in key personnel must be signalled as early as possible to
minimise further delays. A change of site will require that you resubmit a
new application.

Once the security checks are completed, your application will proceed to
the in-depth review verification to ensure compliance with good production
practices, record keeping and security measures. Further clarifications
will be required at that step to ensure compliance with all the provisions
of the MMPR.

Note that a pre-licensing inspection can only be conducted at the proposed
site only once you have obtained all the required security clearances,
that you have demonstrate within your application that you will comply
with all the provisions of the MMPR and that you confirm that all of the
security measures described in your application are installed, functional
and comply with Division 3 of the MMPR.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email
at [email protected].


Licence and Permits Division
Office of Controlled Substances
Health Canada

Why? I'm a licensed Canadian grower that wishes he never told anyone......when you put your fate in any governments will get the shaft. Why tell them exactly where to find our pot plants and operation when the government decides to "Regress" and go back to weed being CRIMINAL....because some rich kids son dies when he jumps off a roof smoking weed and listening to Judas Priest! If I could go back...I would of never applied for my license! Think about it fellas...That's all. :)

When you are sick and you have children. There's no choice in that matter.
You're either legal or you risk losing your kids. or you die with out meds.
Awesome choices.
When you are sick and you have children. There's no choice in that matter.
You're either legal or you risk losing your kids. or you die with out meds.
Awesome choices.

Ya...cause there's no way I have children...your the only one in the world that has kids and is sick.....come on, open your minds, that's all I'm asking ....even with the jackass comments that don't make sense in between good posts, by mr...:)
Something weird happened here. I told rnr he reminded me of the nerd Sheldon on The Big Bang tv show. I wasn't slurring anyone or calling anyone any duragatory I dunno where the post went.
Being a Sheldon is what he is. I never watch the show either so I don't get it. What is that guy even worse than I thought?
I must-a blinked
Something weird happened here. I told rnr he reminded me of the nerd Sheldon on The Big Bang tv show. I wasn't slurring anyone or calling anyone any duragatory I dunno where the post went.
Being a Sheldon is what he is. I never watch the show either so I don't get it. What is that guy even worse than I thought?
I must-a blinked

RNR directed a homophobic slur your way. I called him on it, and he erased it. When he removed his post, everything after that lost it's context. Carry on :) should watch Big Bang's pretty funny. Sheldon is a brainiac of the highest order but he has almost zero social skills. He's never had sex! should watch Big Bang's pretty funny. Sheldon is a brainiac of the highest order but he has almost zero social skills. He's never had sex!
rnr..................just as I he's was just a joke.