MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

It was the 4k ...
I'm very aware of current regional prices. The majority of clients are located in SW Ont, and you won't see 1k here.
Hey woods...
I think you are also an applicant, correct me if I'm wrong.
Just wondering if you disclose that to your QA customers.
Seems like it has the potential for lots of conflict of interest.
Interesting to see you think the price of BM will dictate LP selling price.
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That's not that far from the truth in parts of the country Leaf. $1000-1200 per pound has been the norm in BC for quite some time now.
sure, but like leaf says not any were else in canada. in t.o it still will go for 2000 and across the boarder to other places 3400. you wont see those 1200 bc prices for long either, once all the swag and mmar grown backdoor weed is gone it will go back up. look at the usa, the street prices are the same as legal shops.
and if we go legal, it will take 4 yrs to actually start selling the product due to gov red tape. over a yr for Washington to start selling.........
come on feb :lol:

.4 k oh my

...... you seriously cant figure out another way besides using a vault? :bigjoint:

What type of security you offering again?? :lol:
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sure, but like leaf says not any were else in canada. in t.o it still will go for 2000 and across the boarder to other places 3400. you wont see those 1200 bc prices for long either, once all the swag and mmar grown backdoor weed is gone it will go back up. look at the usa, the street prices are the same as legal shops.
and if we go legal, it will take 4 yrs to actually start selling the product due to gov red tape. over a yr for Washington to start selling.........
I'm not so sure. My understanding is prices here on the Island went from $1500 to1200 and now some are charging $1000. I know that doesn't hold true for the rest of the country (why is that,exactly?) but that's what's happening here. The mmar growers are still growing and some presumably still selling and there is an abundance on the bm. We traditionally have a lean period in july/august when weed is a little harder to find on the bm...not this year.
Not unless they were scrubbing in and wearing full surgical garb every time they entered their garden. If you are growing with organic living soil, you would almost definitely fail the current LP testing standards with flying colors. Hopefully you didn't have a cold during those 8 weeks of flower and sneeze on a bud......

I think we can all agree that it is much easier to produce high quality medicine when growing in smaller batches. QA is also much easier to deal with when producing small manageable batches. That said, claiming that every basement grower can easily pass the same QA specs that the current LP's have to could not be farther from the truth. The medicine that LP's grow is being held to ridiculously strict standards, and you need to ensure a sterile environment to meet the criteria.


What I wouldn't have in my tent is one media group after the other, dressed up like clean room clowns, only to shove their filthy fucking noses into my flowers, let alone in the middle of the off period.

Then you have them in the trimming room with big fat bellies and bare sleeves all over the buds, while the other more subservient ones are more stringent per the regulations and common sense that privilege seems to lack. A clean room standard doesn't mean applicable to all but the privileged or some of the time.

This is what we see of them in the 20 seconds of video they elected to use as their best and it's a fucking disgrace. Anyone with just half a clue about growing can look at their operation in that span of time and pick it apart completely as amateur hour.

Despite that the argument isn't "every basement grower can" straw man. It's that "any basement grower could". The discerning difference is whether or not the tools required of them doing so are kept from them or not.

Otherwise it's not my prerogative whether or not my neighbor has a batch that goes sour, and if it weren't prohibited in the first place he could have it tested himself affordably too, which would at least quantify the risk associated with it. Prohibition doesn't work and it's apparently more testing that makes us safe so.. Now it's such a mystery that they're not even putting a face on the numbers that the LP's are failing at, and I mean rate of failed tests, and everything. Frankly, we're all owed all of that information, and it should be available in a public database in an easy to track format, because it's not a free market.

The home grower shouldn't' be held to the same standard as LP's. If the standard that the LP's are being held to is unreasonable, then they can lobby for that as they have whined about everything else. But apparently they felt it of greater urgency to get that nasty marketing thing out of the way first. They also authored their own procedures. So it's not even possible to argue that mean ol' health canada is being unfair to them, when they're not even abiding by a bare minimal level of common sense in practice.

Where they actually are in practice is on the far end of stupidity, but you're diminishing that in saying "you better not sneeze as if the situations are comparable". Even the notion that utilizing living organics would fail the imposed standard is absurd. As if the beneficial micro fauna would somehow transmigrate into the bud and turn bad. Everyone but health canada have evolved to understand that sterility and growing are oxymorons. If they in fact and in practice imposed such unreasonable tolerances on them, then they'd have a case to make them change it, like they do for pesticides in tea, where they even outright ignore it.

But the question of whether or not your typical "basement grower" could be fairly subjected to those same levels of expectation is absurd in itself. Firstly "basement" seems to take that "back yard" denigration, which is worth objecting to since it isn't' at all correlated to quality or especially a lack of it, in a perfect parallel to how LP's have yet to be associated with quality either, and are unlikely to be.

But it's interesting that they have QA criteria at odds with one another. Whole plant cannabis was a term used in the wording of the regulations previously, if I'm not mistaken. That's because it's obvious that they'd eventually attempt to chip away access through narrowing definitions and refocusing attention etc. The MMPR fails in delivering on the "whole plant cannabis" front because whole plant cannabis has to include the medicative and synergistic terpenes, for it to really even quality as medicine in the first place, which they're having to evacuate in order to meet "QA" criteria which doesn't, and shouldn't, apply to a home grower, and for whom the QA criteria would be radically different, including the medicative terpenes. It's hard to argue that what the LP's produce, evacuated of terpenes via irradiation, is anything but recreational weed.

What I wouldn't have in my tent is one media group after the other, dressed up like clean room clowns, only to shove their filthy fucking noses into my flowers, let alone in the middle of the off period.

Then you have them in the trimming room with big fat bellies and bare sleeves all over the buds, while the other more subservient ones are more stringent per the regulations and common sense that privilege seems to lack. A clean room standard doesn't mean applicable to all but the privileged or some of the time.

This is what we see of them in the 20 seconds of video they elected to use as their best and it's a fucking disgrace. Anyone with just half a clue about growing can look at their operation in that span of time and pick it apart completely as amateur hour.

Despite that the argument isn't "every basement grower can" straw man. It's that "any basement grower could". The discerning difference is whether or not the tools required of them doing so are kept from them or not.

Otherwise it's not my prerogative whether or not my neighbor has a batch that goes sour, and if it weren't prohibited in the first place he could have it tested himself affordably too, which would at least quantify the risk associated with it. Prohibition doesn't work and it's apparently more testing that makes us safe so.. Now it's such a mystery that they're not even putting a face on the numbers that the LP's are failing at, and I mean rate of failed tests, and everything. Frankly, we're all owed all of that information, and it should be available in a public database in an easy to track format, because it's not a free market.

The home grower shouldn't' be held to the same standard as LP's. If the standard that the LP's are being held to is unreasonable, then they can lobby for that as they have whined about everything else. But apparently they felt it of greater urgency to get that nasty marketing thing out of the way first. They also authored their own procedures. So it's not even possible to argue that mean ol' health canada is being unfair to them, when they're not even abiding by a bare minimal level of common sense in practice.

Where they actually are in practice is on the far end of stupidity, but you're diminishing that in saying "you better not sneeze as if the situations are comparable". Even the notion that utilizing living organics would fail the imposed standard is absurd. As if the beneficial micro fauna would somehow transmigrate into the bud and turn bad. Everyone but health canada have evolved to understand that sterility and growing are oxymorons. If they in fact and in practice imposed such unreasonable tolerances on them, then they'd have a case to make them change it, like they do for pesticides in tea, where they even outright ignore it.

But the question of whether or not your typical "basement grower" could be fairly subjected to those same levels of expectation is absurd in itself. Firstly "basement" seems to take that "back yard" denigration, which is worth objecting to since it isn't' at all correlated to quality or especially a lack of it, in a perfect parallel to how LP's have yet to be associated with quality either, and are unlikely to be.

But it's interesting that they have QA criteria at odds with one another. Whole plant cannabis was a term used in the wording of the regulations previously, if I'm not mistaken. That's because it's obvious that they'd eventually attempt to chip away access through narrowing definitions and refocusing attention etc. The MMPR fails in delivering on the "whole plant cannabis" front because whole plant cannabis has to include the medicative and synergistic terpenes, for it to really even quality as medicine in the first place, which they're having to evacuate in order to meet "QA" criteria which doesn't, and shouldn't, apply to a home grower, and for whom the QA criteria would be radically different, including the medicative terpenes. It's hard to argue that what the LP's produce, evacuated of terpenes via irradiation, is anything but recreational weed.
Thanks for putting that so succinctly.
I'm not so sure. My understanding is prices here on the Island went from $1500 to1200 and now some are charging $1000. I know that doesn't hold true for the rest of the country (why is that,exactly?) but that's what's happening here. The mmar growers are still growing and some presumably still selling and there is an abundance on the bm. We traditionally have a lean period in july/august when weed is a little harder to find on the bm...not this year.

Hey Chris, the primary factor in determining price is supply and demand.
The bulk of the supply is in BC, and the bulk of the demand is in SW Ont.
When it was 1500 on the Island it was 3000 in Toronto.
Now that it's 1000 on the island it's 2000 in Toronto.
I don't think it's going to go lower than 1000 on the Island, I think we have reached the low point.

Think of lobsters. Cheapest place to buy lobster is off a boat at the pier in a fishing village in Nova Scotia. If you ship the lobster to Toronto ( huge transportation cost, plus another layer of profit ) it costs a lot more. Then the Toronto importer sends it out via a distribution network (more profit taken) the time the consumer gets that lobster in Toronto the price has skyrocketed from that initial pier price.

So when you look at that 1000 Island price and you consider the transportation cost, risk, and all the hands it passes through that require profit it ends up being 2000 in Toronto.
That's what I've seen over the years. The only way that we will see 1000 in Toronto is if it is being grown in Toronto. SW Ont doesn't grow nearly enough to supply it's market and has relied on Que and BC to satisfy the demand.
Over the passed two summers Leafan and a result of the MMPR the way I see it.
The prices have never been seen like this and there's a flood of mediocre meds from what I hear.
Me thinks the MMPR is selling off shwag it knows it cannot sell to the "new market" for next to nothing. Or do they want to hold onto it.
or store it in Vaults :lol:
No use siting on shit if you don't have to. ;)
No one is watching.
They can do what ever the fuck they feel like, with their shwag.
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The Toronto market has become more sophisticated over the last two years. There's no doubt Toronto is still way behind BC when it comes to variety of strains and concentrates. One thing has changed though, Toronto has seen better product from it's local growers and from BC. The market is developing a palate for better product.
Toronto used to be happy to get anything, we couldn't afford to be fussy.
Times are changing.
Hell you even have people asking for something other than PK now!
or store it in Vaults :lol:
No use siting on shit if you don't have to. ;)
No one is watching.

Oh. So this is your solution to the vault predicament. Just break the law and sell it out the back door so you can become like the 2-3 LPs under investigation right now and potentially lose a license you spent tens of thousands of dollars getting.

I can't imagine why that wouldn't be a great idea!
We looked at a JIT (just in time) model and ruled it out very quickly. We figured to maintain a customer base and not run out of product we would need a minimum of 3 months in storage, preferably 6 months. We figured the worst thing to do would be to accept new patients and run out of product. HAHAHHAHA....
Hey Chris, the primary factor in determining price is supply and demand.
The bulk of the supply is in BC, and the bulk of the demand is in SW Ont.
When it was 1500 on the Island it was 3000 in Toronto.
Now that it's 1000 on the island it's 2000 in Toronto.
I don't think it's going to go lower than 1000 on the Island, I think we have reached the low point.

Think of lobsters. Cheapest place to buy lobster is off a boat at the pier in a fishing village in Nova Scotia. If you ship the lobster to Toronto ( huge transportation cost, plus another layer of profit ) it costs a lot more. Then the Toronto importer sends it out via a distribution network (more profit taken) the time the consumer gets that lobster in Toronto the price has skyrocketed from that initial pier price.

So when you look at that 1000 Island price and you consider the transportation cost, risk, and all the hands it passes through that require profit it ends up being 2000 in Toronto.
That's what I've seen over the years. The only way that we will see 1000 in Toronto is if it is being grown in Toronto. SW Ont doesn't grow nearly enough to supply it's market and has relied on Que and BC to satisfy the demand.
I guess what I meant is I don't know why people in other provinces can't produce enough product without having to rely on shipping from BC. An indoor garden grows as well in Guelph,Ontario as it does in Nanaimo,BC and production cost would be the same...
It's not my area of expertise...I've just wondered why things are so much different in BC?